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  • Cultivation techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Cultivation techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Shrinking ridges and increasing rows and narrow rows and close planting are one of the effective ways to increase soybean yield. The cultivation method is divided into three forms: first, large ridge and narrow row dense planting, which is a wide platform narrow row dense planting method which combines the original two ridges into one ridge or one semi-synthetic ridge. Its big ridge width is 97.5~140cm, sowing 4-6 rows on the ridge, and protecting 40-500000 seedlings per hectare. At present, 70cm ridge cultivation can generally increase the yield by about 20%. This cultivation technique is suitable for low waterlogging areas in the south and east of China with high productivity.

  • Cultivation method of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Cultivation method of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Narrow-row and close-planting cultivation of soybean is an advanced cultivation technique with large application area and rapid development in the world. Since the early 1990s, on the basis of digesting and absorbing foreign technology, combined with the natural characteristics and production conditions of our province, we have explored the narrow-row and close-planting cultivation techniques of soybean which are suitable for the production conditions of our province. Soybean narrow row close planting can be divided into two modes: horizontal cropping narrow row close planting and ridge planting narrow row close planting. The former high-yield cultivation technique is flat sowing, flat tube, narrow row and close planting to the end, while the latter is based on ridges.

  • Wendan pomelo pest narrow-breasted longicorn beetles harm, narrow-breasted longicorn beetles call spawning period control measures

    Wendan pomelo pest narrow-breasted longicorn beetles harm, narrow-breasted longicorn beetles call spawning period control measures

    According to the statistics of the Council of Agriculture, by 106, the planting area of Wendan pomelo in Taiwan was about 4272 hectares, and the producing areas were concentrated in Tainan City and Hualien County. In the past, narrow-breasted longicorn beetles, one of the pests of Wendan pomelo found only in the western half of the country, were first found in Hualien County the year before last.

    2019-05-02 Wendan pomelo pests narrow chest longicorn beetles harm call spawning period according to
  • Planting technique of 45 cm narrow row dense planting of soybean

    Planting technique of 45 cm narrow row dense planting of soybean

    The 45 cm narrow row dense planting cultivation technique of soybean is a new technology selected according to the climate, soil and cultivation characteristics of our region on the basis of the narrow row dense planting technology of soybean introduced from Heilongjiang in 2004 in Dunhua City. it is a new breakthrough in the reform of farming system in Dunhua City. Experiments were carried out in Guandi, Heishi and Shaheyan farms in 2005. the average yield of soybean in the experimental area was 202.9 kg per mu, an increase of 24.9% over the control. in 2006, the whole city popularized 1500 mu, with an average yield of 203.52 kg per mu, the highest.

  • Is Camellia oleifera with narrow base lines a tea?

    Is Camellia oleifera with narrow base lines a tea?

    Rabdosia angustifolia is not tea. She is a weak perennial herb with creeping roots at the base and small spherical tuberous roots. Stem 15100 cm tall, erect or ascending, 4-angled, sulcate, pubescent to several long sparsely pilose, often proximally with many leaves. I. narrow baseline

    2020-11-08 Narrow baseline lines fragrant tea vegetables yes tea narrow
  • How do narrow-leaf undead birds reproduce?

    How do narrow-leaf undead birds reproduce?

    Undead succulent birds have strong vitality, basically can not manage to live, belong to which long species, and the breeding ability is super, the immortal name is by no means a false name. So how do undead succulent birds reproduce? How do narrow-leaf undead birds reproduce?

    2020-11-08 Narrow leaves no dead birds how breeding succulent with
  • Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Key techniques of narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Soybean narrow row close planting cultivation is an advanced cultivation technology with large application area and rapid development in the world. Heilongjiang Province began in the early 1990s and was identified as a key research project of the provincial party committee in 1995. First, to select suitable varieties and do a good job in seed treatment, we must choose dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties with lodging resistance and high yield-increasing potential. At present, the more suitable varieties for production are Hefeng 25, Hefeng 35, Suinong 14, Beifeng 14 and Beifeng 1.

  • High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    High-yielding cultivation of soybean with large ridge, narrow row and close planting

    Large ridge and narrow row dense planting of soybean can increase canopy leaf index, make full use of light energy and achieve the purpose of increasing yield. (1) selection and preparation of land. Wheat, corn or potato are the best in the previous crop. Ridges with sowing. The ridge distance is 130 cm, the ridge height is 25 cm, and the width on the ridge is 30 cm. (2) selection of varieties. The selection of soybean varieties with large ridge and narrow row should be 168,9409B, ZOQI, Fengshou 544, Miyuwang, Hefeng 25, he 93-BS and so on.

  • Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

  • What are the technical points of horizontal cropping, narrow row and close planting of soybean?

    What are the technical points of horizontal cropping, narrow row and close planting of soybean?

    Technical points of flat cropping, narrow row and dense planting of soybean: first, seeds and treatment: variety selection according to local ecological types, suitable varieties according to local conditions. Second, seed quality: it is necessary to reach the seed classification standard of more than two improved varieties. Third, seed treatment: seed dressing agent is used to select seeds according to the types of diseases and insect pests and soil conditions. Fourth, rotation and ploughing and land preparation: rotation for more than 3 years, no stubble, no stubble, the first crop is mainly wheat crops. Deep loosening is mainly adopted in farming, with the combination of loosening and harrowing, in order to resist drought and preserve soil moisture. five

  • Xuxu Baby Road is narrow, holding Miss Sister and dishonest Hansi Xi came with a knife.

    Xuxu Baby Road is narrow, holding Miss Sister and dishonest Hansi Xi came with a knife.

    Xuxu baby road "narrow", holding the young lady sister is not honest, Han Xixi brought a knife to come! Xuxu Baby is definitely one of the few anchors without black spots, and after he moved to Douyu, fans are still more worried about him.

  • The wind has been in the sun for three years, only blooming flowers for this moment.

    The wind has been in the sun for three years, only blooming flowers for this moment.

    Thanks to the gamefdd material originating from the narrow area of the Chilean coast, this is the only place on earth, where the environment is very dry, almost no rain, extreme drought, but due to sea fog near the sea, early morning and evening, plants rely on thorns to absorb water vapor.

  • Xiao Hong plane crosses the starry sky

    Xiao Hong plane crosses the starry sky

    Introduction to the author: one-hand brush and one-hand flowers: garden major, love plants and nature since childhood, look forward to always be engaged in plant-related work, only beautiful flowers and delicacies in the world can not be failed, Weibo @ one-hand brush, one-hand flowers narrow leaves different wings vine, red fruit.

  • Early control of soybean diseases

    Early control of soybean diseases

    If soybean wants to get high yield, it is mainly to solve the problems of "seed, water, fertilizer and light". The cultivation technique of "deep, narrow and dense" is a cultivation model with comprehensive high-yield techniques based on this principle. It takes the selection of dwarf varieties as the breakthrough, the air suction seeder and the general machine as the carrier, combined with "deep" (that is, deep loosening, deep fertilization and layered fertilization), "narrow" (that is, narrow row), "dense" (that is, increasing planting density). It is a cultivation technique with large-scale seeder as carrier. "species" means variety.

  • The traditional door of the family should be changed. Now they all like to install this kind of light and beautiful.

    The traditional door of the family should be changed. Now they all like to install this kind of light and beautiful.

    Buying a house is a happy thing, but decoration is really a headache. Nowadays, there are more and more decoration materials and household items on the market, which can make people picky. This is not fancy spending last weekend with friends.

  • Key points of cultivation techniques of small ridge, narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Key points of cultivation techniques of small ridge, narrow row and close planting of soybean

    Soybean small ridge narrow row close planting cultivation techniques: first, rotation: rotation with wheat, corn and other crops in the three areas or with wheat, corn and other crops every other year to avoid repeated cropping. Second, soil tillage: first, flat turning and ridging. Second, rotary ploughing and ridging. The third is ridging with sowing. Third, variety selection: select semi-dwarf sublimited varieties with strong culm strength, disease resistance, high yield and suitable for close planting, and the ripening period is suitable or slightly earlier than that of local varieties. Fourth, seed preparation: first, seed selection. The second is seed treatment. Fifth, fertilization: first, increase application

  • What are the common types of fire? What kind of fruit is the reddest?

    What are the common types of fire? What kind of fruit is the reddest?

    Pyracantha is an evergreen shrub or small tree, with many varieties, beautiful tree shape, flowers in summer, red fruits in autumn, fruit branches for a long time, hedgerows in the courtyard and landscape materials, and hedgerows on the roadside to beautify and green the environment. The fruit of fire contains

    2020-11-27 Fire thorn have what common breed product kind fruit most
  • Cultivation techniques of deep pine and narrow row parallel sowing and dense planting of soybean

    Cultivation techniques of deep pine and narrow row parallel sowing and dense planting of soybean

    Soybean deep loosening and narrow row parallel sowing and dense planting is a new high-yield cultivation model of soybean after & ldquo; & rdquo; and & ldquo; & rdquo;. It synthesizes the advanced technologies such as deep loosening and rotary ploughing, keeps secret with fertilizer, increases yield with density, increases canopy area index, increases light energy interception rate, and realizes cost saving and efficiency increasing in soybean production. In the past two years, Luobei County has popularized and planted 16000 mu in United, Fengxiang, Zhaoxing and Taipinggou, with an average yield of 206kg per mu, an increase of 43% over the control.

  • Are frogs protecting animals?

    Are frogs protecting animals?

    Frog is a kind of animal which is beneficial to agriculture. It takes insects as the main food, and most of the insects are agricultural pests. So, are frogs protecting animals? Now I would like to introduce to you. Is the frog a protected animal? Frogs are protected animals and are countries.

    2020-11-11 Frogs yes protection animals Mo frogs agriculture.
  • Narrow range fluctuation of middle and late indica rice in the late stage of acquisition

    Narrow range fluctuation of middle and late indica rice in the late stage of acquisition

    At present, the acquisition of medium and late indica rice in the main producing areas has come to an end. Under the support of the lowest purchase price policy, the purchase price of middle and late indica rice in the main producing areas is relatively strong. The purchase price of policy-oriented acquisition subjects remains at 1.38 yuan per jin, while the purchase prices of other acquisition entities are slightly lower. Due to

    2016-03-20 Acquisition entry late stage middle and late indica rice narrow range fluctuation