
Lishui Learn more about Lishui

  • The Edible Mushroom exported to South Korea from Lishui, Zhejiang has encountered a "cold winter"

    The Edible Mushroom exported to South Korea from Lishui, Zhejiang has encountered a

    It is reported that in 2015, edible fungi and vegetables in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, were exported to South Korea through inspection and quarantine, with a value of 14.4 million US dollars, a decrease of 56 percent over the same period last year, and more than half of the export value of 32.78 million US dollars in the same period last year. At present, the export of edible fungi from South Korea to China has been realized.

    2016-01-09 Zhejiang Lishui Export Korea Edible Fungi encounter " Cold Winter
  • Zhejiang Lishui took pictures of Sibuxiang for the first time! Four doesn't look like what? What level of animal protection is it?

    Zhejiang Lishui took pictures of Sibuxiang for the first time! Four doesn't look like what? What level of animal protection is it?

    In recent years, with the national protection of wildlife and natural environment, more and more nature reserves have photographed precious wild animals. Recently, Lishui in Zhejiang Province took pictures of Sibuxiang for the first time! What don't those four look like? What level of animal protection is it? Then we will come together.

    2020-11-11 Zhejiang Lishui for the first time shoot to Sibuxiang what is it yes what level
  • Beneficial Exploration of E-commerce promoting supply-side Reform

    Beneficial Exploration of E-commerce promoting supply-side Reform

    After something has been done, you will gradually see its value. While the reform is still feeling the stones to cross the river, rural e-commerce, as a new thing, is also faced with an unprecedented situation, so it can only rush into the water and find the stone to move forward. And can be on such a back

    2016-03-20 E-commerce promotion supply side reform beneficial exploration some
  • Zhejiang: the qualified rate of fresh edible fungi in Lishui in the fourth quarter is 100%.

    Zhejiang: the qualified rate of fresh edible fungi in Lishui in the fourth quarter is 100%.

    Now is the time for a large number of edible fungi on the market, in order to let consumers eat safe and reliable mushroom products and protect the safety of consumers' tongue, a few days ago, the Agriculture Bureau of Lishui City, Zhejiang Province carried out a special spot check on the quality and safety of fresh edible fungi in the city. The testing work is a total of

    2015-12-27 Zhejiang Lishui fourth quarter fresh Edible Fungi sampling qualified rate 100%
  • Developing she Family accommodation in Lishui City to promote she people's income and Wealth

    Developing she Family accommodation in Lishui City to promote she people's income and Wealth

    Developing she Family accommodation in Lishui City to promote she people's income and Wealth

  • Junzi Chunlan

    Junzi Chunlan

    Junzi, Zhejiang Lishui downhill, was found by Lan Huiming on the mountain of Lishui. Junzi was dug down the mountain by Lan Huiming, a friend of Lishui Orchid, in 2002, and there were 2 seedlings when he went down the hill. The flower is a lotus-shaped multi-color daffodil, and the flower is very stable several times. Petal-shaped flowers down the mountain in Zhejiang are really very rare, the number of this variety is rare, very valuable!

  • March 19, 2016 the latest trend of pig prices in Zhejiang, live pigs today

    March 19, 2016 the latest trend of pig prices in Zhejiang, live pigs today

    Unit: yuan / kg Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, March 19, Xiaoshan City, Zhejiang Province, March 19 Pig Price within three yuan 20.40, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, March 19, Xiaoshan City, Zhejiang Province, March 19 Pig Price outside 3.70 yuan 20.70 Yuhang City, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province March 19 Pig Price Today

    2016-03-20 2016 March 19 Zhejiang live pigs price latest market
  • "Seafood Talent" returned to his hometown to become "Commander of Peach".

    "Seafood Talent" returned to his hometown to become "Commander of Peach".

  • Cause Analysis and Preventive measures of burning rotten Lentinus edodes sticks

    Cause Analysis and Preventive measures of burning rotten Lentinus edodes sticks

    From the end of June to the first ten days of August 2003, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province had a rare weather with high temperature and little rain lasting more than 40 days. The temperature above 40 ℃ reached 14 days, among which the urban area of Lishui reached 43.2 ℃, breaking through the historical extreme value and ranking first in the country. It has had a serious impact on people's production and life, especially on the production of Lentinus edodes. The mycelium of Lentinus edodes was harmed by high temperature, such as black water, rotten loose tube and so on. Of the 350 million bags of mushroom sticks in the city, 150 million bags were rotten by burning bacteria at high temperature, accounting for

  • How do lilies reproduce? the mode of reproduction of lilies is / mainly by sowing.

    How do lilies reproduce? the mode of reproduction of lilies is / mainly by sowing.

    Lilium lily is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many parts of our country. With more and more people raising it, people are concerned about its reproduction. How to reproduce lily? What are the breeding methods of Lilium lilies

  • Lu Xiaohua: start his own business and let employees be bosses

    Lu Xiaohua: start his own business and let employees be bosses

    Lu Xiaohua: start his own business and let employees be bosses

  • How to grow lilies? High-yielding planting techniques of Lilium

    How to grow lilies? High-yielding planting techniques of Lilium

    Lilies can be used for flower, medicine and food, and have high appreciation value because of their bright colors, so lilies are also widely planted.

  • Eighty Mei Chunlan

    Eighty Mei Chunlan

    Eighty plum 2000 or so down the mountain in Lishui, flowers guard well, the palace is beautiful, is a rare good plum, shortcomings of small flowers! It is said that the florist bought 80 yuan from the orchid farmer, so he took 80 plums.

  • Wu Yue Su Jianlan

    Wu Yue Su Jianlan

    It was found somewhere near Lishui in Fujian in 1999. Lanyou Wu Yue planted Jianlan Su. The leaves are erect. The flower guard is very good, because it is a standing leaf, it is slightly out of the shelf at most. This flower is not stable enough. When it is hot, it is good and the flower guard is excellent. When it is cool, it will be worse or even roll its tongue.

  • Yuding Mei Chunlan

    Yuding Mei Chunlan

    Zhejiang Lishui down the mountain owner net name dragon butterfly flower, very classic new plum. Flowers bloom for nearly 20 days.

  • Emerald Cat (Western painting) Chunlan

    Emerald Cat (Western painting) Chunlan

    The emerald cat, also known as Western painting, is another sky-high price butterfly species in 2006, with three lotus-shaped outer petals, plump and large central palace, emerald green flowers, symmetrical and gorgeous color blocks, and obvious features, which is a rare new butterfly flower. This flower is produced in the three-petal lotus shape outside Lishui, Zhejiang Province. The middle palace is plump and large, with emerald green and symmetrical color blocks.

  • Green Valley Mingyue Chunlan

    Green Valley Mingyue Chunlan

    Cangnan's first Spring Orchid Exhibition Special Gold Award Green Valley Mingyue-chimera grass vegetarian heart. Green Valley Mingyue descended from the mountain in Lishui, Zhejiang Province in 2004. The leaf posture is oblique, chimera art is changeable, until transparent; the flower art walks with the leaf art, the petal is broad, the side lobe is rectangular, the main lobe is nearly lotus-shaped, and the end pocket is collected quickly; two handfuls of upper lid column, arch hug and hug do not disassemble, the flower guard is very good.

  • Shuichang he Jianlan: brief introduction of orchid Shuichang lotus, what are the characteristics of the origin of orchid Shuichang lotus

    Shuichang he Jianlan: brief introduction of orchid Shuichang lotus, what are the characteristics of the origin of orchid Shuichang lotus

    Sijilan Zhengge lotus valve, Lishuiyun and Jinshuitan downhill in 2000. "Shuichang Lotus" was excavated by Master he Shuichang in 1998 in Yunhe Jinshuitan Mountain, Lishui City. The flowers are the positive lotus petals of Sijilan. Four seasons orchid lotus petal in Jiangsu and Zhejiang is indeed very rare, is a valuable collection of varieties.

  • Suichang Suichun orchid

    Suichang Suichun orchid

    Suichang Su is a traditional vegetarian product in Suichang County, Lishui, Zhejiang Province. it has been spread locally for decades. The flowers are thick, fragrant and tender, the flowers can reach 8CM, and the strong grass can bloom with double flowers.

  • Cuiyu Chunlan

    Cuiyu Chunlan

    In the spring of 2005, Lishui, Zhejiang Province went down the mountain. The leaf is obliquely unripe, it is 35 cm long and 1 cm wide, and the color of the leaf is light. The flower stem is 15 cm high, the flower is tender green, the outer three petals hold open and hold tight for a long time, and the tongue begins to roll after four days.
