
How do lilies reproduce? the mode of reproduction of lilies is / mainly by sowing.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lilium lily is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many parts of our country. With more and more people raising it, people are concerned about its reproduction. How to reproduce lily? What are the breeding methods of Lilium lilies

Lilium lily is a kind of flower plant with high ornamental value, which can be seen in many parts of our country. With more and more people raising it, people are concerned about its reproduction. How to reproduce lily? What are the breeding methods of lilies? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

1. How to propagate, sow / cuttage / ramet / bulb

When it comes to how to reproduce lilies, it is mainly divided into four methods: sowing reproduction, scale cutting, ramet propagation and bulb propagation. as long as they are operated properly, the survival rates of the four methods are very high. Details are described in detail below. Interested friends can learn about it.

Second, the reproduction mode of Lilium lilium.

1. Sowing and reproduction

The sowing and reproduction of lily is usually carried out every spring, when we sow, we should first apply an appropriate amount of base fertilizer to the substrate, then sow the seeds evenly on the soil surface, and then cover them with 1-2cm substrate for watering. When watering, we can use the soaking method, because the seeds of lily are relatively small, and it is easy to wash them away if they are irrigated directly.

two。 Cuttage propagation

Cutting propagation can also be called scale cutting. in autumn, we dig out the bulbs of lilies, and then break off the thick scales one by one, and the base of the scales should have a small part of the stem disc. after that, we can use the way of cutting, insert the scales into the matrix about 2/3, and then maintain a certain humidity of the substrate, generally about one and a half months or so it can take root.

3. Ramet propagation

In the mode of reproduction of Lilium lily, ramet propagation is a less used method, which is only suitable for a few species, but as long as it is operated properly, the survival rate is also very high. This method is to take down and culture the bulbs formed in the axils of aboveground stems and leaves. It usually takes 2-4 years from growing into a large bulb to flowering.

4. Bulb propagation

Bulb propagation is a more suitable propagation method for potted lilies. There are usually some small bulbs growing around the stem disk of the old bulb. We can separate these bulbs in autumn and store them in indoor sand for the winter. Wait until the next spring in the middle, usually about 2-3 years can grow into large bulbs and grow into large plants.

5. Subsequent management

After we have successfully propagated in accordance with the above methods, we need to maintain the lilies on a daily basis. During the maintenance, we need to pay attention to the regular application of water and fertilizer, pay attention to light management, and so on. For specific details, you can refer to the culture methods of lilies, in which there is detailed teaching, and here the editor will not introduce them one by one.

Can Lishui grow curly Dan? High-quality and High-yield cultivation techniques of Lilium lily in Lishui area

Lilium lilium is a kind of medicinal plant with high ornamental value, which is often called Lilium officinalis. The following editor will tell you about the high-quality and high-yield cultivation techniques of Lilium lily in Lishui area.

Lishui City is located in the southwest mountain area of Zhejiang Province, with nine mountains and half water and half divided fields. The topography is dominated by Zhongshan and hilly landforms, with obvious vertical difference in climate. The land area is 14,000 hm2 above 500 m above sea level. Because the trees around these lands are shaded, the middle streams pass through, the summer is cool, the temperature difference between day and night is large, and the content of soil organic matter is high, which is conducive to the accumulation of crop organic matter, and the incidence of diseases and insect pests is low. In order to give full play to the advantages of rich geographical resources and diverse climatic conditions in Lishui mountain area, increase the economic income of mountain farmers, and speed up the pace of mountain farmers to shake off poverty and become well-off, lily varieties with good yield, strong disease resistance, good commodity, high nutrition and medicinal value, broad market development prospect and suitable for planting in Lishui mountain area were selected. After trial planting and popularization in recent years, the planting area of the whole city has reached 378.7 hm2, the yield can reach 22.5 t/hm2, and the economic benefit has reached 120000 ~ 150,000 yuan / hm2. It is mainly distributed in Qingtian, Suichang, Jingning, Songxian and other counties. In this paper, the high-yield cultivation techniques of Lilium lily in mountainous areas are summarized as follows.

1. Parcel selection

Lilies like drought, afraid of waterlogging, like shade, very hardy, high temperature areas will affect growth. The growth is exuberant, the corm is big, the yield is high. When planting, sandy loam or loam with an altitude of more than 500 m, fertile soil, high topography, good drainage and loose soil should be selected, and the natural conditions of sparse forest and half-shade and half-yang in mountain area should be used. The continuous cropping of lilies should be avoided, and the former plots which have not planted lily, atractylodes macrocephala, potato and other rhizome crops should be selected. legumes, melons or vegetable fields are better in the first crop, and it is more suitable to plant rice, Zizania caduciflora and other crops in the second year after harvest.

2. Apply basic fertilizer for land preparation

2.1 Land preparation and bedding

5-10 days before planting, the previous crop residues and weeds in the field were removed, then ploughed for 30-35 cm, raked fine and leveled. Generally, the width of the border is 80 ~ 100 cm, the height of the border is 20 ~ 30 cm, the shape of the turtle back is made, and the width of the ditch is 30 cm, which is beneficial to agricultural operations such as drainage, ventilation and weeding. At the same time, when ploughing, the soil was disinfected by applying quicklime 900 to 1200 kg/hm2.

2.2 Application of sufficient base fertilizer

The whole growth period of lily is more than 250 days and needs a large amount of fertilizer. Long-term, high-quality and mature organic fertilizer should be the main base fertilizer. Application of rotten organic fertilizer 18.0-22.5 t/hm2 or cake fertilizer 2250 kg/hm2 (tea seed cake for cake fertilizer can kill eggs of underground pests such as ground tiger), calcium superphosphate 375kg/hm2, ammonium bicarbonate 750kg/hm2, ditch strip application, covering soil to prevent volatilization and loss of nutrients. The soils in Lishui mountainous area are generally deficient in potassium, and the pH value is about 5, which is sour. It is necessary to apply potassium sulfate or plant ash, generally 150 kg/hm2 or 1500 kg/hm2, or 3750 kg/hm2 quicklime to disinfect and adjust acid.

3. Sowing at the right time

3.1 selection of species

The bulb of lily with a single head weight of 30 ~ 40 g and 3 ~ 4 heads was selected as the seed bulb, which required that the bulb was flat-headed, spotless, non-invasive, and the scales tightly clasped without division. The amount of seed used is 3 750 to 4 500 kg/hm2.

3.2 Disinfection

Before sowing, the bulbs were disinfected by soaking the seeds with 800-1200-fold solution of carbendazim wettable powder and methyl thiophanate for 15-30 min, and then removed and placed in a cool place to dry.

3.3 selection of sowing date

The seeds of Lilium lily were sown from the first ten days of October to the middle of November. Generally, the high mountain areas above 500 m above sea level should sow seeds in the first and middle ten days of October, and the areas below 500 m should sow seeds in the middle and last ten days of October. The specific time is adjusted according to the altitude, and with the increase of altitude, the sowing time is earlier.

3.4 sowing

When sowing, the soil should be kept moist, and the sowing density should be 3035 cm between rows and 1520 cm between plants. Open the trench, put the bulb top up, sow the seed at the depth of 10-15 cm, and then cover the soil 4-6 cm thick. When the weather is dry, it can be covered with sunshade net or weeds, which is conducive to moisturizing and emergence, and remove the sunshade net after emergence.

4. Field management

4.1 cover grass

Lilies should pay attention to moisturizing, heat preservation and weed control before emergence. In the middle and late November, the weather gradually turns cool and the temperature drops, so it is necessary to cover straw, bean stalk, corn straw and other covering materials for heat preservation, moisturizing, preventing weeds, preventing heavy rain erosion and topsoil hardening. When the straw is returned to the field in Lishui mountainous area, there are many mulches available, and the mulching is beneficial to early emergence and good seedling emergence.

4.2 fertilization

Stable application of seedling fertilizer after emergence is generally carried out in the first and middle of January. Because the weather in January is relatively cold and the temperature is relatively low, it is necessary to give priority to organic fertilizer and add an appropriate amount of compound fertilizer. Generally, the rotten organic fertilizer was 7 500 ~ 12 000 kg/hm2, spread evenly on the border, and played the role of heat preservation and frost prevention. 150 kg/hm2 compound fertilizer was used as seedling fertilizer. Lily generally lasts about 100 days from sowing to emergence in Lishui mountain area. After emergence, generally in the middle of March, when the height of lily seedlings is 10 ~ 20 cm, 1500 kg/hm2 of rotten cake fertilizer and 150 kg/hm2 of compound fertilizer are applied to promote seedling growth. It is suitable to apply topping fertilizer. In the middle and last ten days of May, 150 kg/hm2 urea and 150 kg/hm2 potassium sulfate were applied after topping to promote scale hypertrophy. At the same time, 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution was used for foliar fertilization, and the topdressing should be completed 45-55 days before mining.

4.3 cultivate the soil

Combined with ploughing and weeding, shallow soil cultivation requires that the soil should not be too thick, and it is appropriate for the bulb not to expose the mud surface. After the lily grows to be closed, it can no longer plough and hoe the grass. However, it is necessary to clean the ditches in time to ensure the smooth flow of water, so as not to affect the growth and development of plants.

4.4 picking buds

In the middle and last ten days of May, when budding, choose to watch the growth of the plant in sunny day and pick the bud in time. Hit hard if the growth is strong, hit late if the growth is weak, and remove the buds, usually hit the top about 5 cm. Topping is an important technical link for the high yield of Lilium. The yield difference between topping and non-topping is 15% to 20%.

4.5 Water management

Lily is afraid of waterlogging, the rainy season in spring and after heavy rain should timely dredge ditches and drainage, so that the ditches are smooth, clear ditches and drainage in time, so that the rain stops and the water is dry. In summer, the rot caused by high temperature should be prevented; in case of continuous drought, shallow water should be irrigated; and the soil should be drained in time after the soil is moist. 7Mel August bulb enlarged into summer dormancy, but also to keep the soil dry and loose, avoid waterlogging.

5. Control of diseases, insect pests and weeds

The occurrence of diseases and insect pests in mountain areas is relatively light, and the most common diseases and insect pests in the process of growth and development of lilies are blight, virus disease, gray mold, aphids, seed flies and so on.

In the prevention and control of epidemic diseases, agricultural prevention and control measures should be taken, flood-drought rotation should be carried out, and plots with good drainage and loose soil should be selected or cultivated in deep ditches and high borders to facilitate drainage. At the initial stage of the disease, 40% triethyl aluminum phosphate wettable powder 250 times, or 58% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder (or 64% poison alum wettable powder) 500 times, or 72% DuPont Kelu wettable powder 800 times. After the onset of the disease, the diseased plants were removed in time, burned or buried deeply, and 50% lime milk was used around the disease area.

In the prevention and control of virus diseases, we should strengthen field management and appropriately increase the application of phosphate and potassium fertilizer to make the plant grow healthily and enhance disease resistance; during the growing period, we should timely spray 1 500 times of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder or 50% anti-pirimicarb ultra-fine wettable powder 2000 times to control virus-borne aphids and reduce the spread of diseases and pests. At the initial stage of the disease, 20% Dukexin wettable powder was sprayed 500 times 600 times or 0.5% antiviral agent No. 1 500 times, once every 7 days, 3 times in a row.

In the prevention and control of Botrytis cinerea, healthy and disease-free bulbs should be selected for propagation, ventilation and light in the field or greenhouse to avoid planting too dense, promote plant health and increase disease resistance. Remove and burn the diseased plants in time in winter or after harvest, remove diseased leaves and diseased flowers in time, so as to reduce the source of bacteria. The initial stage of the disease began to spray 30% basic copper sulfate suspension 400 times, or 36% thiophanate methyl suspension 500 times, or 50% propofol wettable powder 1 000 times 1 500 times. In order to prevent drug resistance, rational rotation and alternate use should be advocated and drug use should be stopped 3 days before harvest.

In the prevention and control of aphids, clean the countryside, eradicate weeds in the field, and reduce the overwintering insect population. Spray 1 500 times of 10% imidacloprid wettable powder or 2 000 times of 50% aldicarb ultra-fine wettable powder during occurrence. Beetle larvae can be controlled by malathion and zinc parathion. Mites can be controlled with acaricides. In the prevention and control of seed flies, one is to disinfect the soil, and the other is to irrigate the roots with 800 times of 90% trichlorfon, and also control underground pests such as ground tigers.

In the prevention and control of ground tigers, 90% trichlorfon 800 times liquid is used to irrigate the roots, and to control grubs, mole crickets and other underground pests. After the lily is harvested, the whole field is watered, drowned or forced to leave.

The uncovered field was ploughed once with the application of seedling fertilizer, and artificial weeding was adopted. If it has been covered, it is generally not necessary to weed again.

6. Harvest

In the autumn of the following year after planting, the harvest began after the aboveground part was completely withered and the underground part was fully mature, at this time the harvest was not only high yield, but also resistant to storage. Lilies are generally harvested in late July, and fresh lilies are harvested in batches according to the market situation. Medicinal lilies are harvested once on a sunny day. After the bulb is dug out, the aboveground part, fibrous root and seed root are removed and stored in an indoor ventilated place to avoid drying and discoloration of the scales caused by sunlight.

7. Processing

Lilium lily is a variety of lily which is both fresh and medicinal. In order to increase economic income, drying processing can be carried out when fresh food sales are weak. Clean the fresh lily harvested during processing, then separate the scales, and separate the outer scale, middle scale and chip when peeling, so as to avoid being old and tender when blanching, it is difficult to master the blanching time and affect the quality. When blanching, wait for the water to boil, put the scales into the pot and turn them in time. After 5-10 min, remove quickly when the edges of the scales are soft and there are microcracks on the back, cool them in cold water and rinse to remove mucus. Then pick it up and dry it with a dryer. The temperature should be held between 60 and 70 ℃ when drying, and the drying time is generally about 12 hours. When the water content is less than 12%, take out and dry it to room temperature, then pack it in stages and store it.

The above are the high-quality and high-yield cultivation techniques of Lilium lily in Lishui area. Have you learned all these?

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Curly Dan

Curly Dan, also known as tiger skin lily. The petals of Curly Dan are flattened and rolled outward, so they have the good name of "Curly Dan". If it is planted in the courtyard, it can watch flowers in summer and edible bulbs in autumn, so it has high practical value. It is mainly used to eat lilies in China. Its bulb contains a lot of starch and protein and can be eaten as a vegetable.

Plant name: Curtis chinensis

Scientific name: Tiger Liliy

Alias: Tiger skin lily, inverted lotus, medicinal lily, yellow lily, Yixing lily

Families and genera: Liliaceae, Lilium

Plant uses: ornamental, edible, medicinal, etc.

Plant morphology

Bulb subbroadly globose, about 3.5 cm high, 4-8 cm in diam.; scales broadly ovate, 2.5-3 cm long, 1.4-2.5 cm wide, white. Stem 0.8-1.5 m tall, purplish striped, white woolly. Leaves scattered, rectangular-circular-lanceolate or lanceolate, 6.5-9 cm long and 1-1.8 cm wide, subglabrous on both surfaces, apex with white hairs, margin with papillary protuberances, 5-7 veins, and beads in upper leaf axils. Flowers 3-6 or more; bracts leaflike, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5-2 cm long and 2-5 mm wide, apex obtuse, white woolly; pedicel 6.5-9 cm long, purple, white woolly; flowers pendulous, tepals lanceolate, retrorse, orange-red, with purplish black spots; outer tepals 6-10 cm long and 1-2 cm wide Inner whorl tepals slightly wider, with papillary processes and fimbriate processes on both sides of the nectaries; stamens spreading on all sides; filaments 5-7 cm long, reddish, glabrous, anther moment orbicular, ca. 2 cm long; ovary Terete, 1.5-2 cm long, 2-3 mm wide; style 4.5-6.5 cm long, stigma slightly inflated, 3-lobed. Capsule narrowly long-ovate, 3-4 cm long. The flowering period is from July to August and the fruiting period is from September to October.

The varieties are: Dajiao Dan var. Splendens, large flowers, orange-red; var. Fortuni, stem densely tomentose. Wild triploid plants with large and beautiful flowers were found in Japan. This species is also a breeding material for lilies, which is crossed with L. davidii Dacharte and other related plants to form many horticultural varieties.

Habitat distribution

Under shrubs, grasslands, roadsides or watersides on raw slopes, 400 m above sea level. Distributed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guangxi, Sichuan, Qinghai, Xizang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Shandong and Jilin provinces. There are cultivation all over the country. It is also distributed in Japan and North Korea.

Ramet propagation

Ramet time and method

It is best after the soil is thawed in early spring (February and March). Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, each with a considerable root system. and its leaves are properly trimmed to facilitate survival.

Disinfection in pots

Soak the split plant in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for five minutes, then take out the cold dry, and then serve. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting.

Management after ramet

Put the ramet into the basin and irrigate the root or water once. Because its root system is greatly damaged and its water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover new roots. Therefore, it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaf surface one or three times a day (more spraying at high temperature, less spraying at low temperature or no spraying at low temperature). Don't fertilize it these days. After the split, also pay attention to the sun is too strong, can be placed in the shade shed for maintenance.

Pot or transplant

When the seedlings are installed in the basin, first put a coarse-grained matrix or ceramsite 2cm thick at the bottom of the basin as a filter layer, sprinkle a layer of fully mature organic fertilizer as base fertilizer with a thickness of about 1cm to 2cm, and then cover it with a layer of matrix, which is about 1cm thick, and then put in the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid burning roots. You can choose one of the following substrates for potting. Vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil. Or peat perlite ceramsite = 2 / 2 / 1; vegetable garden soil slag = 3 / 1 / 1; peat slag ceramsite = 2 / 2 / 1; coarse river sand in sawdust vermiculite = 2 / 2 / 1 / 1. Pour water once after putting on the basin and keep it in a shady environment for a week.

When transplanting the seedlings, first dig the planting hole, sprinkle a layer of organic fertilizer at the bottom of the planting hole as the base fertilizer (base fertilizer), the thickness is about 46.6 cm, and then cover a layer of soil and put it into the seedlings to separate the fertilizer from the roots and avoid burning roots. After putting it into the seedling, backfill the soil, cover the root system, and trample the soil with your feet and water it once.

Planting management

Humidity management

Like the drier air environment, overcast and rainy days are too long, easy to be infected by bacteria. For fear of rain, keep the leaves dry at night. The optimum relative humidity of the air is 40-60%.

Temperature management

Like cold climate, avoid extreme heat, summer growth is very slow; not resistant to frost, when the temperature drops below 10 ℃ will enter dormancy. The most suitable growth temperature is 15-28 ℃.

Light management

In late autumn, winter and early spring, because the temperature is not very high, it is necessary to give it direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds, flowering and fruiting. If you encounter hot weather or in summer, you need to shield it from about 30% of the sun. For indoor maintenance and viewing after flowering, it should be placed near the southeast doors and windows in order to prolong the flowering period and increase the number of flowers as much as possible.

Fertilizer and water management

There is not much demand for fertilizer and water, and they are afraid of applying fertilizer indiscriminately, applying concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash, and are required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, and complete nutrition":

Biological characteristics

Like warm slightly cool and dry climate, strong shade tolerance. It is cold-resistant and the suitable temperature for growth and development is 15-25 degrees. Can withstand drought. The most avoid too much heat and Rain Water. It is a long-day plant, which likes light in the early and middle stages of growth. It is suitable to choose sandy soil with sunny, deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil and good drainage, while low wetland is not suitable for cultivation. Avoid continuous cropping, better rotation with legumes and Gramineae crops.

Cultivation techniques

Both asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction are acceptable. At present, it is mainly propagated by scales, bulbs and bulbs. Scale propagation: in autumn, the bulbs were dug up, the inner scales were stripped, and the fat ones were soaked in 30min in the aqueous solution of carbendazim or carbendazim, which were taken out and dried, and the base was inserted into the seedbed. In September of the second year, they were dug out and transplanted according to 15cm × 6cm. After 2-3 years of cultivation, they could be harvested. Nursery box breeding can also be used. Bulblet propagation: when harvested, the bulbs were sown according to the row spacing 15cm × 6cm, and could be harvested after 2 years of cultivation. Bulblet propagation: the bulbs were harvested in summer, stored in a cool and ventilated place with wet sand, and sowed on the seedling bed from August to September of that year. After the shoot withered in the autumn of the second year, the bulbs were dug and sown according to 20cm × 10cm, and harvested in the autumn of the third year, and the younger ones were cultivated for another year. [2] Field management

After the emergence of the seedlings and in May, the weeds were ploughed and weeded once, and the mixed application of topdressing, soil cultivation, human and animal manure water, cruller, plant ash and calcium superphosphate were applied at the same time. 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can also be used for foliar topdressing. Go to the top in late May and shoot the beads. During the bud period from June to July, the flower stem should be removed at the right time. Pay attention to drainage in summer when it is hot and rainy.

Pest control

The disease has virus disease, so choose disease-free bulb to propagate and eliminate the aphids that spread the disease. To avoid continuous cropping, pay attention to drainage, find diseased plants, pull out immediately, and sprinkle lime to disinfect. Insect pests include aphids, which can be sprayed with 1000 times of 50% malathion.

Main components

Stems and leaves contain lily glycoside (lilioside) C. Pollen contains hexokinase (hexokinase), protein 21.29%, fat 12.43%, starch 3.61%, vitamin B1443 μ m%, B21829 μ m%, pantothenic acid 306 μ m%, vitamin C21.2 mg%, and β-carotene.

Pre-harvest management and harvest

The planting density is 912 plants per square meter. Curly Dan likes the soil environment of slight tide and is slightly resistant to drought. Appropriate amount of rotten leaves can be used as base fertilizer when planting, and rarefied liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10 days in the stage of vigorous growth. Curly Danxi has plenty of light and should receive direct sunlight for no less than 4 hours a day. Keeping the environment ventilated is helpful for the postharvest storage of bulbs. Curly Dan likes to be warm, the suitable temperature for its growth is 16-28 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be low.


For medicinal and edible harvesting in autumn and winter, remove the ground, wash the soil, peel off the scales, scald or steam with boiling water, bake or dry. Fresh scales can be processed and eaten directly. When the buds of cut flowers are enlarged and the leaves are tangerine, it is the right time to harvest, usually 1-2 days before flowering. One bunch for every 10 branches, wrap the buds up with wrapping paper, and then box them on the market.

Application value

Ornamental, edible, medicinal

Garden ornamental

Curly Dan has the good name of "Curly Dan" because its petals are turned outward and the color is fiery red. If you plant the land in the courtyard, you can enjoy the flowers in summer. Foreign countries have become important ornamental flowers. Its flower shape is strange and shaky. it is not only suitable for flower beds, flower borders and courtyard planting in the garden, but also a good material for cut flowers and potted plants.

Edible value

The bulb is rich in starch and can be eaten. [1] it is the main species of edible lily in China. Medicinal value

Key points of cultivation

Planting site and soil: the sunny place with good drainage should be selected, and the sloping land is the best; the soil should be clay loam with thick soil layer, followed by sandy loam. In order to avoid diseases and insect pests, avoid continuous cropping.

Planting: when the plant withered in early September, it is appropriate to dig out and plant, early planting is conducive to basal root growth, be careful not to make the scales dry or injured; if you can not plant in time, the bulbs should be stored in wet sand or peat moss. Make a high bed before planting. The planting depth is 10-12 cm.

Fertilization: mainly organic fertilizer, combined with a small amount of chemical fertilizer (cake fertilizer, plant ash, calcium superphosphate and so on. Apply sufficient base fertilizer before planting. After the new buds were unearthed in spring, topdressing twice at the bud stage, be careful not to touch the bulb when applying fertilizer.

Intermediate ploughing weeding: intermediate ploughing and weeding in spring. In the rainy season, weeds should be removed in time to keep the soil loose. But at this time, we should be careful not to step into the garden, otherwise the bulbs are prone to infection and decay.

Sunshine: Solanum lanceolata is a light-loving plant, but its bulb development is easily inhibited by strong light. Therefore, those who are cultivated for the purpose of harvesting bulbs should be planted in semi-shade or densely planted to shade themselves.

Diseases and insect pests: the main diseases are Botrytis cinerea, blight and rust. During the onset of the disease, 65% Dyson zinc was sprayed with Bordeaux solution. The rust was sprayed with 15% trimethoprim 800 times solution to control rust.