
Lice Learn more about Lice

  • How do parasites and lice come into being? What's the quickest way to remove it? How to prevent lice? Detailed treatment method is attached.

    How do parasites and lice come into being? What's the quickest way to remove it? How to prevent lice? Detailed treatment method is attached.

    When it comes to parasites such as lice, everyone probably feels disgusted. In the case of poor hygiene in the past, many people have had head lice, which often occurs in children, especially girls. How did the lice come from?

    2020-11-11 Parasites lice yes how born fastest removed
  • How are lice eggs formed? A few tricks to teach you to get rid of it completely!

    How are lice eggs formed? A few tricks to teach you to get rid of it completely!

    When it comes to lice, many people must know that it is not only difficult to remove, but also often absorbs human blood to grow, making the scalp itching. The most important reason is that the lice have strong fecundity, which will cover the head in almost two or three days, so people hate to itch their teeth. The lice egg is

    2020-11-11 Lice eggs yes how form a few tricks teach you thoroughly one
  • How to get rid of lice quickly and thoroughly? Have you learned these three tricks?

    How to get rid of lice quickly and thoroughly? Have you learned these three tricks?

    In life, there will be a variety of insects harmful to human health, the most common is lice, often parasitic in animal or human hair, or on clothes and sheets, the most common is head lice. So what can we do to get rid of it quickly and thoroughly?

    2020-11-11 Lice how fast thoroughly remove this 3 small tricks in
  • Chicken lice cause hindrance to chicken production how to kill chicken lice in autumn and winter

    Chicken lice cause hindrance to chicken production how to kill chicken lice in autumn and winter

    Chicken lice cause hindrance to chicken production how to kill chicken lice in autumn and winter

  • Control techniques of chicken lice

    Control techniques of chicken lice

    Control techniques of chicken lice

  • What's the difference between lice and fleas? How can it be removed effectively?

    What's the difference between lice and fleas? How can it be removed effectively?

    Lice and fleas are common creatures in life, and they are so small that you may not find them without careful observation. Lice and fleas are also very annoying creatures for human beings. if they are entangled by them, the whole person will be bad. Below

    2020-11-11 The difference between lice and flea where is it how to get rid of it it's effective.
  • How to eliminate dust lice

    How to eliminate dust lice

    Dust lice is a kind of mites, like to crawl in wet places, generally more in summer, crawling around densely, let people panic, how to eliminate dust lice? First, how to eliminate dust lice? Liquid Blue Visa combined with smoke fumigation can be used to kill dust lice.

    2020-11-11 Dust lice how to eliminate dust lice yes mites a kind of like
  • Early prevention and control of lice in pigs

    Early prevention and control of lice in pigs

    Pig lice (blood lice, animal lice) is a kind of wingless insect parasitic on the body surface of pigs, which is mostly parasitic in the skin wrinkles in the armpit, medial thigh, mandible, lower neck and lower side of the body, and there are more behind the auricle. Pig lice suck pig blood, causing pig skin itching, restless mood, serious will also cause pig skin damage, weight loss and anemia, affecting the growth and development of pigs, and can occur all the year round. The contact between healthy pigs and pigs with lice disease can be infected directly or indirectly through utensils, bedding grass and so on. Pig lice reproduce quickly and well.

  • The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

    The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

    The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

  • Early prevention and control of lice in pigs

    Early prevention and control of lice in pigs

    Pig lice (blood lice, animal lice) is a kind of wingless insect parasitic on the body surface of pigs, which is mostly parasitic in the skin wrinkles in the armpit, medial thigh, mandible, lower neck and lower side of the body, and there are more behind the auricle. Pig lice suck pig blood, causing pig skin itching, restless mood, serious will also cause pig skin damage, weight loss and anemia, affecting the growth and development of pigs, and can occur all the year round. The contact between healthy pigs and pigs with lice disease can be infected directly or indirectly through utensils, bedding grass and so on. Pig lice reproduce quickly and are good at crawling, once pigs are infected

  • How to raise dragon lice

    How to raise dragon lice

    How to raise dragon lice

  • How to prevent and treat pig lice

    How to prevent and treat pig lice

    Pig pediculosis, also known as pig pediculosis, is an ectoparasitic disease caused by pig liver lice parasitizing on the surface of pigs. Although it can not cause pain and death, it still has a considerable impact on the growth and development of pigs, especially piglets. The development cycle of pig lice is short and spreads rapidly. After the female and male lice mingle, the female lice lay 3- 4 eggs every day after sucking blood. The young lice are hatched on the fur by secreting mucus, and become adult lice on 1014 days. The development cycle is 2332 days. due to

  • How to control chicken lice

    How to control chicken lice

    Chicken lice is a common external parasite in chickens, mainly on the feathers and skin of chickens, about the size of sesame seeds. Chicken lice are transmitted mainly through direct contact and indirectly through public appliances. Clinical symptoms of chickens due to lice bite stimulation, skin itching, and pecking restless, there are broken feathers, skin damage, long-term lack of good rest, loss of appetite, resulting in anemia and emaciation. Seriously, it can make the chicks die, hinder the development of chickens during the growing period, and decrease the egg production of laying hens. The resistance of chickens to disease

  • The decoction of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    The decoction of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    In summer and autumn, pigs are prone to pig lice, which not only affects the quiet and hygiene of pigs, but also hinders the growth and development of pigs. The method to control pig lice is to take 1000 grams of fresh peach leaves, add 2000 milliliters of water to boil, take the cooled filtrate, wash the place where the pig has lice, and wash it twice in a row, you can kill all the pig lice and destroy the lice eggs. If cattle lice are born on cattle, they can also be killed in this way.

  • The fried water of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    The fried water of peach leaves is effective in the treatment of pig lice.

    In summer and autumn, pigs are prone to pig lice, which not only affects the quiet and hygiene of pigs, but also hinders the growth and development of pigs. The method to control pig lice is to take 1000 grams of fresh peach leaves, add 2000 milliliters of water to boil, take the cooled filtrate, wash the place where the pig has lice, and wash it twice in a row, you can kill all the pig lice and destroy the lice eggs. If cattle lice are born on cattle, they can also be killed in this way.

  • Control measures and precautions of chicken lice

    Control measures and precautions of chicken lice

    Prevention and control measures 1, body surface lice eradication. 1. Spray lice. At noon in spring, autumn and winter, nontoxic deltamethrin (mixed with 5 ml nontoxic deltamethrin and 2.5 liters of water) or Houning insecticide aerosol, nontoxic multi-merex, deltamethrin (medecine), etc., can be selected to prepare diluent according to product instructions and sprayed (reverse feather spray of chicken). 2. Sand bath to kill lice. the adult chicken can select sulfur sand (10 part of yellow sand and 0.5 - 1 part of sulfur powder are mix evenly) or nontoxic deloucide, ivermectin and abamectin

  • Control method of cattle lice

    Control method of cattle lice

    Control method of cattle lice

  • Fish body ulcer how to prevent and cure fish lice disease in winter

    Fish body ulcer how to prevent and cure fish lice disease in winter

    Fish body ulcer how to prevent and cure fish lice disease in winter

  • Prevention and control of swine lice disease

    Prevention and control of swine lice disease

    Porcine lice disease is an in vitro parasitic disease caused by pig liver lice parasitic in the coat of the body surface. Although it can not cause pig death, it has a considerable impact on the growth and development of pigs, especially on sub-pigs. The development cycle of pig lice is short and spreads rapidly. after mating between male and female lice, the female louse absorbs enough blood and ovulates, laying 3-4 eggs a day. The eggs adhere to the pig coat and hatch for 12-15 days. The young lice become adult after 10-14 days, and the development cycle is 23-32 days. Poor hygiene, narrow site, dense and crowded piggery, poor management

  • Report on diagnosis and treatment of chicken feather lice disease

    Report on diagnosis and treatment of chicken feather lice disease

    Feather lice is a common ectoparasitic disease in chickens. Due to the outbreak of feather lice disease in a chicken farm in Taobei District, the egg production decreased significantly and the economic benefit of breeding decreased. The diagnosis and treatment results are reported as follows: 1 the incidence of the chicken farm has five years of chicken-raising experience, every year in the spring of the previous year, after a laying period, the next autumn off the shelves, using full-in and full-out system. In early December 2003, the egg production of 20,000 young laying hens in four chicken houses in the farm decreased significantly, and there was a phenomenon of shedding.
