
The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The efficacy and function of southern crane lice

Nanhe lice, also known as lice grass, wild carrot, etc., is the dry and mature fruit of wild carrots of the genus Carrot of Umbelliferae. It can be used as medicine and can extract essential oils. It has the effect of killing insects and eliminating accumulation. It has a therapeutic effect on ascariasis, pinworms, tapeworms, abdominal pain and infantile accumulation. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of Nanhe lice.

The medicinal effect of southern crane lice

The taste is bitter, pungent and flat.

The spleen and stomach meridians.

[efficacy] killing insects and eliminating accumulation, mainly treating ascariasis, pinworm, tapeworm, abdominal pain and infantile accumulation.

Pharmacological effects of South Crane lice

1. The effect of cardiovascular system: the alcohol extract of southern crane lice can dilate the coronary artery of isolated cat heart. The glycosides in the seeds have a temporary antihypertensive effect on anesthetized dogs.

2. effect on smooth muscle: the alcohol extract of Nanhe lice showed relaxing effect on isolated guinea pig and rat small intestine, rat uterus, cat bronchus and other smooth muscle. The glycosides in the seeds can relax the small intestine and non-pregnant uterus of rats and rabbits, and the leaf extract has a contractile effect on the uterus of pregnant or non-pregnant cats and guinea pigs.

3. Other effects: the glycosides of southern crane lice can inhibit the respiration of anesthetized dogs and have slight protective effect on frog convulsions caused by strychnine and pentylenetetrazol.

Compatible application of southern crane lice

1. "Qian Jin Fang": only use ten taels of this product, tamping and sieving for honey pills, Wutong seed is big, swallowing 40 pills with honey soup on an empty stomach, increasing to 50 pills a day to treat ascaris abdominal pain.

2. "straight formula for children's medicine syndrome" Anchong San: sometimes for the treatment of insect pain, clear water from the mouth can be used with neem, alum, betel nut and so on.

3. "Harmony Bureau" insect pill: it can be used together with betel nut and bitter neem skin because of the difficulty of limbs, bluish complexion, progressive diet and no skin.

Medicinal taboos of southern crane lice

1. Pregnant women should use it with caution.

2. There is generally no serious toxic reaction in clinical application. A few patients have mild dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and abdominal pain a few hours or the next day after oral administration of crane lice decoction, which can disappear by themselves.

3. The symptoms of southern crane lice poisoning are nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, dizziness, headache, weakness of limbs, inability to walk, difficulty in speaking, paroxysmal spasms and convulsions in severe cases.

Poisoning treatment of southern crane lice

1. Vomiting and gastric lavage in the early stage, taking 20-30 grams of activated carbon powder.

2. Intramuscular injection of nikethamide 0.25g 0.5 g, or strychnine nitrate 1mg to fight against toxins.

3. Fluid replacement as appropriate, intravenous drip of normal saline 2000-3000 ml to dilute the toxin and make it excreted from the body as soon as possible.

4. Licorice 30 grams, mung beans 30 grams, fried soup as tea. Or Gastrodia elata, Tiannanxing 9 grams each, licorice 6 grams, fried in water.

Selection of medicinal prescription for southern crane lice

1. To treat children's diseases, there are many kinds of drag, abdominal pain, swelling and accumulation, going back and forth, endless pain, heartache, vomiting saliva, or spitting clear water, the limbs win difficulties, the complexion is blue and yellow, although the diet is advanced, it does not produce skin, or cold or hot. Hey: cosmetics (stir-fry), crane lice (soil), nut, bitter plant root (floating skin) 52 each, alum (withered) 12 and a half. The top is not, and the batter is the pill, such as pockmarked seeds. One-year-old children take five pills, warm water, life sesame oil at one or two points, mix well, and drink warm rice. At any time.

2. Treat Ascaris lumbricoides heartache: 0.6 grams of crane lice. In the end, warm water, and serve it. In the square, the crane louse is an insecticidal medicine.

3, treat children vomiting Ascaris lumbricoides: crane lice, rhubarb 0.3 grams each, Park nitrate 15 grams. Water frying, one dose a day, take it twice a day. In the square, the crane louse is an insecticidal medicine.

4, the treatment of hemorrhoids and fistulas, pus and blood, not bad over the years: crane lice, thunder pills, alum ash each 30 grams, acacia thorn, sulfur each 15 grams. For the end, vinegar boiled batter for pills, such as Wutong seed big, realgar for clothing, each take 20 pills, musk warm wine sent, take before eating. In the square, the crane lice is used to stop bleeding, restrain sores, kill insects, and is the king's medicine.

5. The coliform worms continue to come out and come back to life, and they are unable to sit: the crane lice is not yet, and the water is half taken.

6. Cure toothache: a crane louse is placed in the tooth.

7. Treat Ascaris bites: ten taels of crane lice, sieve, honey and pills such as Wuzi. Swallow 40 pills with honey soup on an empty stomach, increasing to 50 pills a day. Beware of wine and meat.