
Is It Average Learn more about Is It Average

  • How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

    How big is the pig to raise the most benefit?

  • Hunan this week vegetable prices rebound pork batch zero average price increase expanded

    Hunan this week vegetable prices rebound pork batch zero average price increase expanded

    Changsha, August 27 (Reporter Liu Yibin) According to the Department of Commerce of Hunan Province on August 20 - 26 monitoring of 86 kinds of major edible agricultural products in the province, compared with the previous week, prices rose 54 kinds, accounting for 62.79%; decreased 22 kinds, accounting for 25.58%; flat 10 kinds, accounting for 11.63%. monitoring

    2016-03-20 Hunan this week vegetable prices stop falling rebound pork zero average
  • First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    First-class improved varieties of kernel apricot

    1. At present, among the main varieties of kernel apricot produced in China, there is only one variety of Dragon King Hat, which is called "Dragon Emperor Big Almond" in the world. The fruit is flat and round, with an average weight of 18 grams and a maximum of 24 grams, with orange peel and thin pulp. The nucleation rate is 17.5%, and the dry nuclear weight is 2.3 grams. The kernel rate is 37.6%, the average weight of dried kernel is 0.8-0.84 grams, the kernel is flat and hypertrophic, the base is conical, the kernel skin is brown, the kernel meat is milky white, fragrant and crisp, and slightly bitter. 5-6-year-old average plant

  • In 2006, the National quality Review Committee approved the rice varieties.

    In 2006, the National quality Review Committee approved the rice varieties.

    Approval No.: national examination and approval Rice 2006013 Variety name: Luliangyou 996 breeding Unit: Hunan Agricultural University, South Asia Chinese Academy of seed Industry Academy of Sciences Variety Source: Lu 18s × 996 Provincial examination and approval: characteristics approved by Hunan crop Variety approval Committee in 2005: this variety belongs to indica two-line hybrid rice. The average growth period of early rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River was 109.7 days, which was 1.7 days earlier than that of Jinyou 402. Moderate plant type, stem

  • The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

  • Which breeds can be selected for pheasant breeding? What are the characteristics of its variety?

    Which breeds can be selected for pheasant breeding? What are the characteristics of its variety?

    Generally speaking, different areas can choose to breed different kinds of poultry. If you want to raise chickens in hilly and mountainous areas, you should choose pheasant breeds with strong disease resistance and adaptability. Such as Jianghan Chicken, Shuanglian Chicken, Jingyang Chicken, Yunyang Chicken, Gushi Chicken

    2020-11-27 Pheasant breeding can choose which breed its characteristics
  • Occurrence and control forecast of diseases and insect pests in Flos Lonicerae

    Occurrence and control forecast of diseases and insect pests in Flos Lonicerae

    First, the current occurrence of diseases and pests of honeysuckle according to the systematic survey of our station on May 29: honeysuckle aphids were not found. The average plant rate of red spiders is 53.3%, the highest is 60.0%, the average rate of leaves is 15.7%, the highest is 31.3%, the highest is 38.0; the average mite index is 4.08, the most.

  • The per capita milk consumption in China is the world average level 1 / 3.

    The per capita milk consumption in China is the world average level 1 / 3.

    Gu Cheng, secretary general of the China Dairy Association, said recently that China is already a big country in milk production, processing and consumption in the world, but the level of per capita milk consumption is still low, which is about 1 shock 2 of the Asian average and 1 shock 3 of the world average. On the same day, Gu inherited the fourth cow.

    2016-03-20 China per capita milk consumption for the world average
  • Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    Selection of artificial breeding King transfer worms in Bee Culture Technology

    In addition to the close relationship between queen bee weight and egg weight and queen bee quality, all factors in the process of artificial rearing have a great influence on queen bee quality.

  • Monthly affairs of orchid cultivation and management

    Monthly affairs of orchid cultivation and management

    In January, the final frost and the first snow Greater Cold is in season. Except for the rare 0 ℃ in Jiangnan, the monthly average temperature is about 5-10 ℃. In order to ensure the orchids to survive the winter healthily and safely, they generally hang curtains and close windows to prevent cold invasion. ...

  • The latest hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The latest hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    Hazelnut is a shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus in the birch family. It is born in the shrub on the shady slope of the mountain at an altitude of 200 to 1000 meters. It has strong cold resistance and likes a humid climate. It is naturally produced in clusters, with a height of 7 to 8 meters, a height of 3 to 5 meters, a florescence of 4 to 5 months and a fruiting period of 9 to 1.

    2020-11-10 The latest hazelnut tree planting several years fruit for
  • "Tianhe No. 1" early indica rice

    In 2002 and 2003, the average yield per mu of this variety was 425.7 kg, which was 9.94% higher than that of the control "Jiayu 948". The average growth period of the two years was 111.2 days, which was 2.2 days longer than that of the control "Jiayu 948". In the two-year regional test, the average effective panicle per mu was 216000, the number of filled grains per panicle was 91.4, the seed setting rate was 79.4%, and the 1000-grain weight was 25.6g. According to the identification results of the Institute of Plant Protection of the Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2003, the average grade of leaf blast was 0.5, the average grade of ear blast was 1, and the loss rate of ear blast was 0.8%.

  • Fine varieties of jujube

    Fine varieties of jujube

    The fruit of Jing 39 is egg-shaped or oval-shaped, extra-large, with an average vertical and horizontal diameter of 5X4.2CM. The average weight of a single fruit is 31 grams, and the weight of a large fruit is 46 grams. Thin skin, crisp meat, juicy sweet, fragrant, edible rate of 95%, mature in mid-late September. Jing 38 is shaped like a grinding plate, purplish red, crisp and of good quality. it is used for both dry and fresh food, with an average fruit weight of 27 grams and maturing at the end of August. The fruit of Jing 31 is short oval or short cylindrical. The average single fruit weight is 8.3 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 10.1 grams.

  • A New conventional late Japonica Rice Variety Jiahua 1

    A New conventional late Japonica Rice Variety Jiahua 1

    Jiahua No. 1 is a medium-maturing late japonica rice variety newly bred by Jiaxing Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Zhejiang Province. It was approved by Zhejiang crop Variety approval Committee in April 2004 and is suitable for planting late japonica rice in northern Zhejiang and similar ecological areas. Through the regional trials of single-cropping late japonica rice in Jiaxing in 2001 and 2002, the average yield per mu was 582.4 kg and 589.6 kg respectively, and the average growth period was 158d in two years, while in 2003, the average yield per mu was 523.9 kg. Jiahua No. 1 is

  • The average yield of super rice per ten thousand mu in Guangshan County is more than 800kg.

    The average yield of super rice per ten thousand mu in Guangshan County is more than 800kg.

    The average yield of super rice per ten thousand mu in Guangshan County is more than 800kg.

  • The financial cost of citizenization of farmers: an average of 130000 yuan per person

    The financial cost of citizenization of farmers: an average of 130000 yuan per person

    Yangcheng Evening News according to the China Business Daily, on July 30, the State Council issued "opinions on further promoting the Reform of the Household Registration system", and the reform of China's Household Registration system is on its way again. Capital is the key to promote the reform of the household registration system. Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

    2016-03-20 Farmers citizens chemical finance cost average 130000 yuan per person
  • What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    What is the average yield of sweet potato 25 per mu? 6000 jin of spring potato and 3500 jin of summer potato

    The planting of sweet potato 25 is about 3300 plants per mu, the average yield per mu is about 6000 jin, while that of summer potato is about 3500-4000 plants per mu, and the average yield per mu is about 3500 jin. At present, Yanshu 25 has been planted in Shandong, Henan, Hebei and Liaoning and other areas.

    2020-11-08 Sweet potato average yield per mu how much spring potato 6000 jin summer potato abstract
  • Brief introduction of New late glutinous Rice Variety Zhenuo 36

    Brief introduction of New late glutinous Rice Variety Zhenuo 36

    Zhenuo 36 was approved by the 27th Variety approval meeting of Provincial Agricultural articles Review Committee in March 2003. In 2000, the average yield of this variety per mu in Jinhua City Regional Test was 483.1 kg, which was 14.7% higher than that of the control Xiushui 11, and the difference was extremely significant. In 2001, the average yield per mu in Jinhua City Regional Test was 470.5 kg, 5.97% higher than that of the control Xiushui 11, reaching a very significant level, with an average increase of 10.3% over the control in two years. The average growth period of two years is 128 days, which is similar to that of Xiushui 11.

  • Orchid month order

    Orchid month order

    Orchid month order

  • Field management measures of wheat and rape during overwintering period

    Field management measures of wheat and rape during overwintering period

    The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is one of the main pests on rapeseed. Rape can produce 3-4 generations in a lifetime in central Jiangsu, and the generations overlap. The damage peak is when the temperature rises above 12 ℃ (March-April). When rape seedlings have 8 leaves and 10 leaves, field inspection should be paid attention to. When there are more than 20 larvae per square meter, drug control should be used immediately.
