
Inquire Learn more about Inquire

  • What is the difference between European meatiness?

    What is the difference between European meatiness?

    Thanks to Bobluo's material, I went to the AP greenhouse, which has long been famous, and took a lot of pictures and sent them to everyone to enjoy. GoogleSearch Take the train from Augsburg to Worth Town Station, less than 2 km from AP shed, walk...

  • How to inquire about the balance of Agricultural Bank of China?

    How to inquire about the balance of Agricultural Bank of China?

    How to inquire about the balance of Agricultural Bank of China?

  • Inside dental implants! Why is the price of implant teeth so high? how much is a dental implant? Baidu experience

    Inside dental implants! Why is the price of implant teeth so high? how much is a dental implant? Baidu experience

    Generally speaking, the cost of a medical institution that carries out oral implants is very well controlled, and the normal price of a dental implant is at least 6000 yuan. Dental hospital in the city, the use of implant teeth is very large, but due to the introduction of., how much a dental implant costs, now many people are on the Internet to inquire about the price of implant teeth, but there is no actual and accurate price. Implant teeth have Korean system and European and American system. Korean system simple implants are generally about 7000, Europe and the United States.

  • Nine points for attention for American Farmers to grow Cherry

    Nine points for attention for American Farmers to grow Cherry

    1. Not all places are suitable for growing cherries, so if American farmers want to grow cherries, they will inquire about the conditions suitable for growing cherries. 2. American farmers.

  • Skillful management after cherry blossom

    Skillful management after cherry blossom

    Big cherry spring blossom and summer fruit. Recently, many cherry growers called to inquire about cherry post-blossom management technology. in this regard, the reporter visited Zhang Zhicheng, an expert on miscellaneous fruits at Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry Science and Technology. Zhang Zhicheng reminded farmers that big cherries mature more than 30 days after blossom and are now in the critical period of technical management from post-flowering to fruit ripening.

  • Paspalum grass in rice fields is hard to get rid of because you don't use these measures.

    Paspalum grass in rice fields is hard to get rid of because you don't use these measures.

    Five or six years ago, barnyardgrass could be well controlled with 10% cyhalofluoxate EC, but now it has almost run out of herbicides in rice fields or has no effect. Why? Go to the agricultural materials sales office to inquire, get the answer most is "this."

  • The latest Research Progress of Porcine High Fever Syndrome

    The latest Research Progress of Porcine High Fever Syndrome

    The "high fever syndrome" that first broke out in the south in the summer of 2006 has not yet subsided. This is what we pig farmers are most concerned about at present, and some readers have called our editorial department to inquire about the research progress of the disease! At the Annual meeting of Pig Industry of Beijing Animal Husbandry Association, Academician Chen Huanchun of Huazhong Agricultural University and Professor Yang Hanchun of China Agricultural University were invited to express their personal views on the current epidemic of "high fever syndrome". 1 the epidemic situation, first of all, geographically

  • Control of withering and yellowing of winter onions in spring

    Control of withering and yellowing of winter onions in spring

    Recently, the author has been receiving letters or calls from the masses to inquire about the management of winter onions in spring. Some people talk about winter onions that grow well under low temperature conditions. After the temperature rises in the beginning of spring, there appears the phenomenon of yellowing leaves, aging roots and even withering. Cold-tolerant winter onions seedlings are not as good as local winter onions. Why? Through field observation, the author learned that a similar situation occurred in winter onions in most parts of the country in the spring of 2005. In Jiaodong Peninsula, which has the largest planting area in China, there are many

  • The agricultural department proposes to set up a minimum price protection fund for vegetables to deal with cheap vegetables.

    The agricultural department proposes to set up a minimum price protection fund for vegetables to deal with cheap vegetables.

    On August 3, this newspaper reported the news of low price and unsalable ten thousand mu cauliflower in Xinying Township, Yuzhong County, under the theme of "selling only 5 cents per jin for ten thousand mu of cauliflower in Yuzhong", which aroused concern from all walks of life. These days, some citizens have called to inquire about the matter. It is understood that at present

    2016-03-20 Agricultural sector proposal setting vegetable lowest price protection fund
  • Chinese e-commerce is stepping up efforts to "infiltrate" the rural market

    Chinese e-commerce is stepping up efforts to

    "I bought a desktop computer online, which is not very easy to use, but I don't know who to return it to for repair. now if there is a problem, I can find a physical store, and I feel much more at ease." In the " gang service store", Yang Dong, a 26-year-old resident of Qingzhen, said while using a computer to inquire about goods.

    2016-03-20 China e-commerce step up " infiltration rural areas markets
  • Purple Shou Jin Zhang Chunlan

    Purple Shou Jin Zhang Chunlan

    Chunlan is also recorded in Chunlan. The Chunlan plum petal "Purple Ribbon Golden Chapter" in "Lan Hui Xiao Shi": "three big heads are carefully folded, tight edges, sub-nest semi-hard pocket to hold the heart, small round tongue, flat shoulder, long stem." All the different ones are as golden as cauliflower, while dry ones are as red as lacquer. Inquire about the odd species, also known as Jinlan. You only have it in Jiufeng Pavilion. " No picture. "Lan Hui.

  • The heart leaf of sharp pepper shrinks

    The heart leaf of sharp pepper shrinks

    At present, the temperature is gradually decreasing, and sometimes there is heavy fog, resulting in frequent diseases of sharp pepper planted in the shed. Recently, vegetable farmers often report the problems encountered in planting sharp peppers. Now the problems occurred in the recent period of time are sorted out as follows for vegetable farmers' reference: sharp pepper heart leaves dry shrinking Shouguang City five Taiwan one vegetable farmers called to inquire, the planting of sharp pepper heart leaves dry shrinkage phenomenon, ask whether there is a virus disease? Dry shrinkage occurs in the heart leaves of sharp pepper, which may be the occurrence of virus disease. Spicy

  • Tracing back to the Source of Food Safety Supervision in Guangdong Food and Drug Grid

    Tracing back to the Source of Food Safety Supervision in Guangdong Food and Drug Grid

    Tracing back to the Source of Food Safety Supervision in Guangdong Food and Drug Grid

  • Smart agriculture plays with mobile phones to grow and raise worry-free APP

    Smart agriculture plays with mobile phones to grow and raise worry-free APP

    Smart agriculture plays with mobile phones to grow and raise worry-free APP

  • Grasp the three key points for the high yield of Gastrodia elata

    Grasp the three key points for the high yield of Gastrodia elata

    Due to the sharp decrease in the production area of Gastrodia elata in recent years, the market demand is on the rise, and the price of Gastrodia elata is on the rise. Recently, many growers have called to inquire about the cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata. The reporter interviewed Professor Cao Debin of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, an expert on Gastrodia elata, and now makes an important introduction to the high-yield cultivation techniques of Gastrodia elata, hoping to be helpful to the majority of farmers. First, Armillaria mellea should be "three new" 1. New technology: new methods to obtain new strains. The new method is to use the latest biotechnology to detoxify the bacteria.

  • How to get on the Internet Express for fresh Agricultural and sideline products of small sentient beings

    How to get on the Internet Express for fresh Agricultural and sideline products of small sentient beings

    How to get on the Internet Express for fresh Agricultural and sideline products of small sentient beings

  • Why are organic vegetables so expensive and wayward?

    Why are organic vegetables so expensive and wayward?

    In order to achieve higher food production standards, are you willing to buy organic vegetables that are three or five times more expensive than ordinary vegetables? Due to the frequent emergence of food safety problems, a variety of "organic vegetables", "pollution-free vegetables" and "green vegetables" emerge as the times require. As soon as these vegetables come out

    2016-01-10 Organic vegetables why expensive get " wayward " for more
  • [Peanut planting technology] How to grow peanuts

    [Peanut planting technology] How to grow peanuts

    [Peanut planting technology] How to grow peanuts

  • Seed traceability into the two-way traceability of seed information in big data era

    Seed traceability into the two-way traceability of seed information in big data era

    How can you tell whether the seed is good or bad? Don't look at the ads, look at the output? In the era of big data, farmers can go online to inquire about the variety, packaging information, seed production base, processing site and other information of the seeds purchased by clicking the mouse or turning on the mobile phone. In the past, farmers

    2016-03-20 Seed traceability entry big data era information two-way
  • Informatization is an important support for promoting Agricultural Modernization

    Informatization is an important support for promoting Agricultural Modernization

    China's agricultural development is facing the double constraints of resources and market, and there is an urgent need to change the mode of development. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Correctly understand and scientifically judge the impact of informatization on modern times

    2016-03-20 Informationization yes promote agricultural modernization important support