
Informatization is an important support for promoting Agricultural Modernization

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, China's agricultural development is facing the double constraints of resources and market, and there is an urgent need to change the mode of development. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Correctly understand and scientifically judge the impact of informatization on modern times

China's agricultural development is facing the double constraints of resources and market, and there is an urgent need to change the mode of development. The report of the 18th CPC National Congress proposed to promote the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Correctly understanding and scientifically judging the impact of informatization on the development of modern agriculture has important theoretical and practical significance to further promote the development of agricultural informatization.

The present situation of Agricultural Informatization in China

First, the infrastructure is constantly improving. 100% of the townships and 87.9% of the administrative villages across the country have broadband access, the total number of rural Internet users has reached 156 million, and the number of mobile phones has maintained a rapid growth trend of 197.80 per 100 households.

Second, agricultural information resources are becoming more and more abundant. The Ministry of Agriculture has formed 40 information collection channels and more than 8000 information collection points, and established a relatively perfect information collection and reporting mechanism. at present, there are more than 40000 agriculture-related websites in China.

Third, the service system is becoming more and more sound. Thirty-one provinces (autonomous regions and cities) across the country have set up departments in charge of agricultural and rural informatization and full-time institutions, 97 percent of prefectural and municipal agricultural departments and more than 80 percent of county-level agricultural departments have information management and service institutions, and more than 70 percent of villages and towns have set up information service stations. there are more than 1 million information service stations at the village level.

Fourth, information technology is advancing step by step. Marked by the intelligent agriculture project of the national Internet of things demonstration project and the regional test project of the Internet of things of the Ministry of Agriculture, the informationization of agricultural production in China began to solve the problem. Field crop drip irrigation, facility horticultural environment monitoring, animal husbandry and aquaculture environmental monitoring technology has been preliminarily applied.

Agricultural informatization and modernization promote and support each other.

The development of agricultural informatization should be based on the development of modern agriculture to a certain extent, and the all-round promotion of modern agriculture will further promote the development of agricultural informatization.

(1) Informatization has a highly positive correlation with the development of modern agriculture, and its contribution to agricultural modernization is close to 10%. The research group calculated the agricultural informatization index and modern agricultural development index from 1996 to 2010, and found that the positive correlation between agricultural informatization index and modern agricultural development index is very obvious, and the correlation coefficient is 0.9945. For every change in the agricultural informatization level index, the agricultural modernization development level index changes by 0.0892 units in the same direction, indicating that the contribution to the development of modern agriculture is very obvious.

(2) Informatization has become an important factor affecting farmers' income. The research group's analysis of the data of 1072 farmers in six provinces shows that informatization has an important impact on farmers' agricultural operating income. E-commerce websites have a significant positive impact on farmers' agricultural operating income. The average agricultural operating income of the groups that have used agricultural e-commerce websites is as high as 29698 yuan, 70% higher than that of unused agricultural operating income. The behavior of farmers querying agricultural information has a significant impact on agricultural production. The average agricultural operating income of farmers who inquire about agricultural information and those who do not query agricultural information are 21106 yuan and 10604 yuan respectively. The agricultural operating income of farmers who inquire about agricultural information is 45.8% higher than that of farmers who do not query information. The agricultural operating income of farmers who have not used and used agricultural information technology is 18145 yuan and 20744 yuan respectively. Information technology has a positive impact on farmers' agricultural income, but the difference is not significant, and the latter is 14.3% higher than the former. It is more obvious for farmers in the eastern and central regions to use agricultural information to increase agricultural income. In the eastern and central regions, the agricultural operating income of farmers who query agricultural information is 45.8% and 29.8% higher than that of farmers who do not query agricultural information, respectively, but this variable is not significant in the western region. The construction of village-level information service stations in the western region is more obvious in improving the agricultural income of peasant households. The agricultural operating income of the villages with information service stations in the western and central regions is 21.9% and 18.3% higher than those without information service stations, respectively, and the role of the information service stations is more significant than that in the eastern region.

(3) the development trend of agricultural informatization. First, the rural information infrastructure is becoming more and more perfect, and the "digital gap" between urban and rural areas will be further narrowed. Second, the further deep integration of information technology and agronomic technology, the combination and integration of a variety of information technologies has obviously become the development direction of intelligent agricultural production, and the development and application of information technology in agriculture will develop in an integrated, professional and all-round direction. Third, agricultural information services are further diversified, the main body of information services will rapidly evolve from government-based to diversified patterns, the government will continue to play a leading role, and all kinds of enterprises will become important construction and promotion subjects of agricultural information services. all kinds of intermediary organizations will become an important supplement to the construction and promotion of agricultural information services. Fourth, the development and utilization of agricultural information resources has evolved to big data and cloud computing, providing omni-directional and three-dimensional data guarantee for modern agriculture.

Policy suggestions on promoting Agricultural Informatization

The construction of agricultural information is a complex system engineering. In order to ensure the smooth development of all kinds of work, it is necessary to improve the top-level design from the aspects of talents, funds, projects, policies and so on.

One is to strengthen the top-level design. Agricultural departments at all levels should, in accordance with the overall requirements of relevant plans and opinions, focus on the outstanding tasks of the current agricultural and rural economic development, and carry out the construction of agricultural informatization in a healthy and orderly manner in the light of local realities.

The second is to pay attention to the cultivation of talents. We will strengthen the construction of the discipline system of agricultural informatization, and make use of special scientific research projects in the agricultural industry to strengthen the building of information innovation capacity. Strengthen the construction of market information system. We will strengthen the construction of information centers in agricultural departments at all levels, strengthen the training of agricultural administrative personnel, agricultural production and operation subjects, rural information personnel and farmers, and constantly improve the information literacy of the application subjects.

The third is to increase investment. Establish and improve the investment guarantee mechanism, and gradually form a stable information investment channel. We will actively strive for the support of development and reform departments and constantly improve the level of investment in agricultural information infrastructure. Actively strive for the support of financial departments and set up special funds for informatization work to ensure the normal development of informatization promotion work. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of social forces, and gradually form a good situation of diversification of investors, marketization of operation and maintenance, and joint efforts to promote agricultural informatization under the guidance of the government.

The fourth is to promote engineering demonstration. It is suggested that the special project of agricultural informatization should be implemented at the national level, and agricultural departments at all levels should take various measures to support the development of modern agriculture, encourage all kinds of agricultural production and operation subjects to actively demonstrate the application of modern information technology, and strive to explore the development model and sustainable development mechanism of agricultural informatization, so as to create a number of typical models for the development of agricultural informatization.

Fifth, apply for information subsidy. Take "farmers, family farms, rural cooperative organizations and rural agricultural information service stations (points)" as the main subsidy targets, take mobile phone messages, farmers' Internet access fees and information service station operation fees, and major agricultural network terminal equipment as the main subsidies, and implement agricultural information subsidies under the guidance of national input and supported by local investment.