
Baiyao Learn more about Baiyao

  • Planting method of Baiyao in Yunnan

    Planting method of Baiyao in Yunnan

    The main ingredient of Yunnan Baiyao is Panax notoginseng, which needs to be planted with seeds full of particles and free of diseases and insect pests, which can be planted in mountainous areas with high terrain and certain slope, and the width of the bed is about 1.5m. Potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer and farm fertilizer can be applied as base fertilizer.

    2020-11-08 Yunnan Baiyao planting method abstract main
  • The difference between newest Panax notoginseng and cooked Panax notoginseng

    The difference between newest Panax notoginseng and cooked Panax notoginseng

    Panax notoginseng is a perennial erect herb of Araliaceae. Yunnan Baiyao is the main component of Yunnan Baiyao, which is mainly produced in the mountains of Yunnan and Guangxi. Its efficacy can be summarized by the words of hemostasis, removing blood stasis and relieving pain. It has always been an important medicine for gold sore in the department of traumatology, but rarely as a tonic.

    2020-11-10 Most freshmen Panax notoginseng and ripe the difference yes Araliaceae
  • Health vegetable-- Panax notoginseng

    Health vegetable-- Panax notoginseng

    Anrederacordifolia (Tenore.) Steen, formerly known as heart-shaped sunflower potato, also known as sunflower potato, sunflower potato, etc., has similar medicinal effects as Panax notoginseng, and is an important component of Yunnan Baiyao, so some people directly call it "Yunnan Baiyao". It is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Sichuan, Taiwan and other provinces of China, among which there is a large area of artificial cultivation in Taiwan. 1 medicinal and health care value of Panax notoginseng is warm in nature, slightly bitter in taste, and has the effects of nourishing yin, strengthening waist, strengthening knee, reducing swelling and dispersing stasis, etc.

  • Talented women in eastern Guangxi: rare traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases and become rich

    Talented women in eastern Guangxi: rare traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases and become rich

    Talented women in eastern Guangxi: rare traditional Chinese medicine to cure diseases and become rich

  • Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    Prevention and treatment of trauma in ornamental turtles

    [etiology] in the process of capture and feeding, the carapace, skin, limbs, mouth and other parts of the tortoise were bruised, injured and crushed. [symptoms] Local redness and swelling, tissue necrosis, pus. [prevention and treatment] for fresh wounds, stop bleeding first, oppress with gauze, apply Yunnan Baiyao in severe cases, then clean the wound, then scrub with disinfectant (93% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5% potassium permanganate) to prevent infection, and large wounds should be sutured and bandaged. For the old and suppurative trauma, enlarge the wound and remove the pus and necrotic material from the wound.

  • Breeding of medicinal resources and improved varieties of Rhizoma thunbergii

    Breeding of medicinal resources and improved varieties of Rhizoma thunbergii

    The time of artificial domestication of medicinal resources and improved varieties is not long. at present, artificial cultivation mainly depends on the excavation of wild resources as provenance and breeding materials, due to different provenance origin and growth years, mixed provenances and lack of.

  • The difference between raw Panax notoginseng and cooked Panax notoginseng

    The difference between raw Panax notoginseng and cooked Panax notoginseng

    The difference between raw Panax notoginseng and cooked Panax notoginseng

  • The latest course of pest control techniques and methods for heavy buildings

    The latest course of pest control techniques and methods for heavy buildings

    Zhonglou, also known as seven-leaf flower, flea Xiu, Chixiu, Chongtai root, etc., is a perennial herb with a long growth cycle. It takes 8 to 10 years from sowing to harvest. It is one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine protected by Yunnan Baiyao, Gongxuening and other countries. with high planting

    2020-11-10 The latest heavy building pest control technology methods tutorials
  • Sharing: planting techniques of heavy buildings

    Sharing: planting techniques of heavy buildings

    Chong Lou is a perennial herb with a long growth cycle. It takes 8 to 10 years from sowing to harvest. It is one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine protected by Yunnan Baiyao and Gongxuening. In recent years, with the continuous increase in demand, the rate of mining far exceeds the speed of natural growth, resulting in rare resources.

  • What problems should be paid attention to in the latest cultivation of Angelica dahurica?

    What problems should be paid attention to in the latest cultivation of Angelica dahurica?

    Radix angelicae dahuricae dahurica da In our daily fever, some toothpastes contain Angelica dahurica, such as Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste, and white

    2020-11-10 The latest Angelica dahurica planting need pay attention to which problem is
  • What's the use of building a new building? How to grow and manage?

    What's the use of building a new building? How to grow and manage?

    What's the use of building a new building? How to grow and manage? It belongs to Liliaceae, perennial herb, and is one of the main ingredients of traditional Chinese medicine protected by the state, such as "Yunnan Baiyao" and "Gongxuening". The medicinal part is the dry tuber of Zhonglou. The smell of the building is heavy.

  • When will the dragon blood tree blossom and bear fruit? What are the methods of reproduction? When will the cuttings be ready?

    When will the dragon blood tree blossom and bear fruit? What are the methods of reproduction? When will the cuttings be ready?

    Dragon blood tree, also known as the tree of blood, blood-activating holy medicine, plant birthday. It is the precious Yunnan red medicine Draconis Draconis, also known as Qilin Draconis, which is as famous as Yunnan Baiyao. So when will the dragon blood tree blossom and bear fruit? What are the methods of reproduction? When should I cut it? Dragon blood trees usually blossom and bear fruit in February.

  • Is the dragon blood tree poisonous? Is it suitable to grow at home?

    Is the dragon blood tree poisonous? Is it suitable to grow at home?

    Dragon Blood Tree, also known as Kirin Draconis, is a tree and shrub of the genus Swordleaf Dragon Blood Tree, which is as famous as Yunnan Baiyao and has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Dragon blood tree, which is mainly distributed in southern Africa and Asia, is a second-class rare and endangered plant, so it is called dragon blood, which is called the holy medicine of promoting blood circulation.

    2020-11-09 "Huoxue holy medicine " Dragon's blood tree poisonous suitable at home
  • The curing method of Mentha rotundifolia L.

    The curing method of Mentha rotundifolia L.

    Mentharotundifolia (linn.) huds alias: Mentha rotundifolia L.: Labiatae, Mentha. Morphological features: perennial herbs, stems 4-angled, densely white tomentose. Leaves opposite, oblong-ovate to rounded

  • How to plant gold without changing it?

    How to plant gold without changing it?

    Jinbu, also known as Panax notoginseng, is a famous proprietary Chinese medicine Yunnan Baiyao and Pian Zihuang, that is, it is made with Jinbuxin as the main raw material. So how do you grow it without changing it? 1. It is appropriate to choose a gentle slope with a slope of 515 degrees with good drainage and humus rich in organic matter.

    2020-11-08 Gold does not change how kind gold does not change also called Sanqi famous
  • Technology of making Liquor from Sweet Potato

    Technology of making Liquor from Sweet Potato

    Wine making is a process of using starch as raw material to convert starch and sugar into alcohol through the role of fermentation microorganisms. In China, in addition to grains (rice, sorghum), sweet potatoes are mainly used as raw materials. Using sweet potato as raw material to make wine, its starch utilization rate and liquor yield are higher than other grains, but the cost of wine is low. 1. Technological process: wine medicine-raw material treatment-fermentation-distillation-alcohol adjustment-storage 2. Key points of process operation: ① wine medicine: wine medicine can be divided into black and white.

  • Planting and Management of Panax Notoginseng

    Planting and Management of Panax Notoginseng

    (1) to summarize the aliases Tian Qi and Jinbu. Panax notoginseng (Panaxpseudo-ginsengWall.), a plant of Araliaceae, is used as medicine with root and rhizome. Is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine, raw use can stop blood stasis, swelling and pain, Yunnan Baiyao is the main ingredient, the flowers and leaves of the same plant can also be used as tea. It is also cultivated in Yunnan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Hubei, Jiangxi and other provinces. It was successfully introduced to the south of Qinling Mountains in Shaanxi Province. (2) Plant characteristics perennial herbs. The stem is erect, 30 to 100 in height.

  • What is the best prospect for planting?

    What is the best prospect for planting?

    Planting Chinese herbal medicine: planting those who usually use a large amount, especially those with fewer and fewer wild resources, have a broad prospect. Planting flowers: research and develop new varieties of succulent plants and develop new demand markets. Planting organic vegetables: pollution-free organic vegetables now have many sales channels and broad prospects.

  • Breeding and nursing of bamboo rodents

    Breeding and nursing of bamboo rodents

    Due to the postpartum mother rat nursing psychology, will become extremely vigilant and irritable, cleaning the rat nest crazy bite broom, in order to avoid disturbing the mother rat and affect the baby, build.

  • The efficacy and function of seven leaves and one flower

    The efficacy and function of seven leaves and one flower

    This is a species of Liliaceae. Because it has seven leaflets on its single stem, it is named after it. Because it has a lot of effects, so there are a lot of people growing it. So, what is its value?
