
The latest course of pest control techniques and methods for heavy buildings

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Zhonglou, also known as seven-leaf flower, flea Xiu, Chixiu, Chongtai root, etc., is a perennial herb with a long growth cycle. It takes 8 to 10 years from sowing to harvest. It is one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine protected by Yunnan Baiyao, Gongxuening and other countries. with high planting

Zhonglou, also known as seven leaves and a flower, flea, Chixiu, Chongtai root, etc., is a perennial herb with a long growth cycle and takes 8 to 10 years from sowing to harvesting. It is one of the main components of traditional Chinese medicine protected by the state, such as "Yunnan Baiyao" and "Gong Xuening". It has high planting prospects, so let's take a look at the pest control technology of the building.

Blight disease

[harm characteristics] Rhizoctonia solani is a seedling disease, which is serious in low temperature and heavy rain from April to May. At the initial stage of the disease, yellowish-brown water-stained disease spots appeared at the base of the seedling stem, and spread around the base, causing the seedlings to wither, and in serious cases, the seedlings withered and fell.

[prevention and treatment methods] ① strengthens the management of seedling bed, ventilates and transmits light appropriately. At the beginning of ② disease, spray 65% chlorothalonil wettable powder 500x diluent, 60% mancozeb wettable powder 500x diluent or 62.2% chloramphenicol water agent 600x diluent, once every 6: 10 days, 2 times for 3 times. ③ removed the diseased plants and adjacent diseased soil in time.

Black spot disease

[damage characteristics] the disease starts from the leaf tip or leaf base and produces round or subcircular disease spots, and sometimes the disease spreads to the flower axis, resulting in leaf withering and stem withering.

[prevention and treatment methods] ① should pay attention to drainage and dehumidification, reduce air humidity and reduce the incidence of the disease. 5% bacteriological detergent or 50% methyl thiophanate suspension was sprayed at the initial stage of the onset of ②.

Stem rot

[damage characteristics] Stem rot mostly occurred in the seedling stage, especially in the high temperature and rainy field stage. First of all, the yellow-brown disease spot is produced at the base of the stem. after the disease spot is enlarged, the leaf tip loses its drooping under water, and when it is serious, the stem base falls down with wet rot.

[control methods] ① rotates with Gramineae crops for more than 3 years. Before ② transplanting, 50% carbendazim wettable powder was sprayed on the seedling bed as a "marriage medicine". Diseased seedlings were removed by ③. In the initial stage of the disease of ④ in the field, 95% dimethazone wettable powder was used to irrigate the pond, once every 10 days, continuously for 2 or 3 times.