
Sanqi Learn more about Sanqi

  • What are the differences between the effects of Sanqi flower and Sanqi powder

    What are the differences between the effects of Sanqi flower and Sanqi powder

    Sanqi flower and Sanqi powder are very common traditional Chinese medicine, Sanqi flower is more than two years of growth of Sanqi not yet open flower buds, and Sanqi powder is a certain difference, then Sanqi flower and Sanqi powder effect what difference? 1. The difference in efficacy 1. Seven flowers:

    2020-11-08 panax notoginseng flower and powder effect have which difference
  • What does the latest number of Panax notoginseng mean?

    What does the latest number of Panax notoginseng mean?

    Panax notoginseng is a perennial erect herb belonging to Acanthopanax senticosus, which is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other places. It is used in medicine with its roots, warm in nature and pungent in taste. It has remarkable effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and has the reputation of Jinbu and Southern Shencao.

    2020-11-10 The latest Panax notoginseng head count what is it meaning for Araliaceae
  • How much is Panax notoginseng per jin?

    How much is Panax notoginseng per jin?

    How much is Panax notoginseng per jin?

  • The latest number of Panax notoginseng is better or less?

    The latest number of Panax notoginseng is better or less?

    The classification or grade of Panax notoginseng is divided according to the number of heads, and the number of heads is based on 500 grams. Several complete and independent Panax notoginseng means that there are several notoginseng. For example, 10 Panax notoginseng refers to 10 Panax notoginseng with 1 jin, and 20 Panax notoginseng refers to 20 Panax notoginseng with 1 jin.

    2020-11-10 The latest Panax notoginseng head count how good or less good classification
  • The hard work of planting, Sanqi planting (1)

    The hard work of planting, Sanqi planting (1)

    Sanqi is a perennial herb with an annual growth cycle. Its growth environment requirements are: low latitude, high altitude, small temperature difference between day and night, soil relative humidity...

  • Four strokes teach you to easily distinguish between Sanqi and Danshen!

    Four strokes teach you to easily distinguish between Sanqi and Danshen!

    The video content is as follows: When it comes to pseudo-ginseng, I think everyone knows that it can not only promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, delay aging, but also enhance immunity, so it is favored by people, but its shape is similar to Salvia miltiorrhiza, so many people are stupid and unclear.

    2020-11-09 four strokes teach you easy distinguish sanqi and salvia miltiorrhiza video content
  • Panax notoginseng-- Ju Sanqi

    Panax notoginseng-- Ju Sanqi

    Alias red back Panax notoginseng, earth Panax notoginseng, broken blood Dan. The source is Gynurasegetum (Lour.) Merr. The root. Plant morphology perennial herbs, 1-1.5 m high. Stem erect, fleshy, finely angled. Basal leaves fascicled, spatulate, entire or serrate or pinnately divided, purplish green below; cauline leaves alternate, long elliptic, long 10~25cm, wide 5~10cm, pinnatifid, lobes ovate to lanceolate, margin shallow

  • Teng Sanqi

    Teng Sanqi

    1. How to identify Panax notoginseng? Panax notoginseng is also known as sunflower, sunflower potato, rattan panax notoginseng, Sichuan ginseng and so on. It is a perennial vine plant of the genus Abelmoschus, which is cultivated in Yunnan, Sichuan, Hubei, Taiwan and other provinces of China, and feeds on buds and leaves. Panax notoginseng is a fleshy vine with round stems and green stems. It becomes brown after growing up, and adventitious roots are easy to occur in internodes. Leaves alternate, fleshy, heart-shaped, smooth and glabrous, with short stalks, similar to white sunflower (that is, Auricularia auricula) in appearance, and different from sunflower in

  • How to plant Panax notoginseng seeds?

    How to plant Panax notoginseng seeds?

    How to plant Panax notoginseng seeds?

  • The difference between panax notoginseng flower and panax notoginseng powder

    The difference between panax notoginseng flower and panax notoginseng powder

    37 is a treasure, many people choose to use 37 health! But whether to use Sanqi powder or Sanqi flower, many people have made difficulties. What is the difference between 37 flowers and 37 powder? Sanqi flower is mainly used for clearing heat, detoxification, cooling blood, lowering blood pressure and blood lipids

    2020-11-08 the difference between panax notoginseng flower and powder panax notoginseng whole body is treasure.
  • How many heads of the latest three or seven?

    How many heads of the latest three or seven?

    Panax notoginseng is a perennial erect herb of Araliaceae. The rhizome and fleshy root are valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It has the reputation of golden immutable and southern divine grass, and has the effects of hemostasis, breaking blood stasis, anti-inflammation and tonifying. It is an essential element for the treatment of injury caused by falls.

    2020-11-10 The latest Panax notoginseng a few size of good Sanqi yes Araliaceae
  • What are the planting prospects of Panax notoginseng in 2018?

    What are the planting prospects of Panax notoginseng in 2018?

    Panax notoginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine with great demand in the important market. Ten years ago, it was when the demand for Panax notoginseng was the hottest. It is still a small planting area and a large demand, so does Panax notoginseng still have plantability up to now? The pro-agriculture network gives you the following recent data.

    2020-11-10 Latest 2018 Panax notoginseng planting prospect how yes important
  • What does the number of Panax notoginseng perennial herbs mean? How do you calculate it? How many sizes are the best? How to identify the purchase?

    What does the number of Panax notoginseng perennial herbs mean? How do you calculate it? How many sizes are the best? How to identify the purchase?

    Panax notoginseng is a famous perennial herbal medicine in Wenshan, Yunnan Province. it is widely used as medicine because of its effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, anti-fatigue, lowering blood pressure, etc., but if you want to buy high-quality Panax notoginseng, you must know the number of notoginseng. What's the plan?

    2020-11-09 Perennial herb Panax notoginseng head count what does it mean?
  • When will Panax notoginseng harvest

    When will Panax notoginseng harvest

    Panax notoginseng is usually harvested in the third year after planting. The time of harvest is mostly concentrated before autumn flowering, and the end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the time of harvest. 1. When to harvest Panax notoginseng can be divided into spring Panax notoginseng and winter Panax notoginseng. Spring Panax notoginseng refers to Panax notoginseng with no seed

    2020-11-09 Sanqi when harvest Panax notoginseng general in planting
  • Wang he Chunlan

    Wang he Chunlan

    Chunlan Wang Shihe, Yuyao Sanqi City down the mountain, a Ningbo orchid friend collection, has always wanted to see her real face. With the introduction of the flower master, the proportion of the three identification pockets is coordinated, and the red tendons are clear. Double hugging big round tongue, flower correction, sometimes double flowers, flower stalk high, up to more than 15 centimeters (not much different from grass), florescence 15 to 20.

  • Linglong fairy Chunlan

    Linglong fairy Chunlan

    This flower was discovered by Mr. Wang from the downhill currency of Yuyao Zhangting "Yongshun Orchid Garden" in 2006, and the grass came out of the mountains around Yuyao Zhangting-Sanqi City. About because Zhang Pavilion Ying Wang Village has a domain name "Ling long", the excavator insists on taking "Ling Longmei", which is actually a taste of daffodils and foolishly thinks that he takes "Ling long fairy".

  • "five-feeding" method to promote lactation of sows

    ① fed sows with yeast fermented feed has a good lactation effect. ② is fed with green fodder to stimulate lactation, such as sugar beet root and its leaves, raw potatoes and so on. ③ washed the placenta of the sow and fed the soup to the sow. The ④ king does not leave 40 grams, Aristolochia mandshurica, du safflower, Jing Sanqi each 30 grams, Liushenqu 50 grams, Radix Paeoniae Rubra 20 grams, mixed with water decoction, 1 dose a day, twice a day for 2 days. In the early stage of ⑤ lactation, boiling soup with small fish and shrimp, mixed with feed, could significantly increase the milk yield, and it was effective on the second day.

  • Planting conditions of Panax Notoginseng

    Planting conditions of Panax Notoginseng

    Planting conditions of Panax Notoginseng

  • What does the number of Panax notoginseng mean?

    What does the number of Panax notoginseng mean?

    What does the number of Panax notoginseng mean?

  • How many heads are good?

    How many heads are good?

    How many heads are good?
