
What does the latest number of Panax notoginseng mean?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panax notoginseng is a perennial erect herb belonging to Acanthopanax senticosus, which is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other places. It is used in medicine with its roots, warm in nature and pungent in taste. It has remarkable effects of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and has the reputation of Jinbu and Southern Shencao.

Sanqi is a perennial upright herb belonging to the genus Ginseng of Araliaceae. It is mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Sichuan and other places. It is used as medicine by its roots. It is warm and pungent in nature. It has significant effects of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis. It has the reputation of "Golden Buhuan" and "Southern God Grass". Let's take a look at what the number of Sanqi heads means!

What do you mean by 37?

Sanqi is divided according to the number of heads. For example, 10 Sanqi refers to 10 Sanqi with 1 catty, 13 Sanqi refers to 13 Sanqi with 1 catty, 15 Sanqi refers to 15 Sanqi with 1 catty, 18 Sanqi refers to 18 Sanqi with 1 catty, 20 Sanqi refers to 20~29 Sanqi with 1 catty, 30 Sanqi refers to 30~39 Sanqi with 1 catty, 40 Sanqi refers to 40~49 Sanqi with 1 catty, 60 panax notoginseng refers to 60~69 panax notoginseng with 1 jin, and so on.

Is it good or bad to have 37 heads?

The fewer the 37, the better. The less the number of Panax notoginseng, the bigger each Panax notoginseng, the bigger the size, the higher the medicinal content, the better the effect. Because pseudo-ginseng has 3 layers, the innermost layer is pseudo-ginseng heart, also called tree heart, and the second layer is wrapped in the heart of the membrane is usually yellow or red and white, and the outermost layer is skin, medicinal value is lower. The medicinal content of Panax notoginseng is in the heart of Panax notoginseng. The thicker the heart, the richer the medicinal content is. Therefore, the bigger the size of Panax notoginseng, the better the Panax notoginseng is.

Is it better to be bigger than 37?

1, the bigger the medicinal ingredients: the grade of pseudo-ginseng is divided by the size of pseudo-ginseng, the same is planted for three years, the same growth environment, some pseudo-ginseng is big, some pseudo-ginseng is small, this is normal, the bigger the pseudo-ginseng, the higher the medicinal content, the more effective ingredients. The smaller the size, the smaller the medicinal ingredients of Panax notoginseng and the less medicinal value.

2. The bigger the panax notoginseng is, the longer the planting year is: the size of panax notoginseng has a great relationship with the planting year. The longer the planting year is, the bigger the panax notoginseng is. The size of Panax notoginseng is a main standard to measure the grade of Panax notoginseng. The bigger the size of Panax notoginseng, the higher the grade, and the higher the price.