
What are the planting prospects of Panax notoginseng in 2018?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panax notoginseng is a traditional Chinese medicine with great demand in the important market. Ten years ago, it was when the demand for Panax notoginseng was the hottest. It is still a small planting area and a large demand, so does Panax notoginseng still have plantability up to now? The pro-agriculture network gives you the following recent data.

Panax notoginseng is an important Chinese herbal medicine with great market demand. Ten years ago, it was the hottest time for Panax notoginseng. That is still a small planting area, demand is large, then up to now, is there still plantability of Sanqi? The pro-agricultural network gives you a simple analysis of some of the following recent data.

1. Do you plant 37 to make money?

At present, the market of pseudo-ginseng is not as hot as it was at the beginning, and the price has dropped from the initial five or six hundred catties to about two or three hundred now. In 16 years, the price has fallen all the way to the bottom, only dozens of catties. At present, the market of pseudo-ginseng is still relatively stable, basically stable at the starting price of 200 yuan, recently pseudo-ginseng has been purchased by pharmaceutical factories, resulting in a rising trend in prices. Therefore, 18 years of planting pseudo-ginseng still belongs to the ranks of relatively profitable.

2. Income from planting Sanqi

Generally, the output of one mu of three-year dried panax notoginseng is about 300 jin, the market purchase price is about 160 yuan, the profit of one mu is about 48,000 yuan, and the cost of seed, fertilizer, management and field picking is generally about 20,000 yuan. In the middle, there will be losses reduced due to weather, pests and other conditions. Generally, the net profit is about 25,000 yuan per mu, with an average annual profit of about 8000 yuan per mu. Generally, the planting size is about 10 mu, and two people can manage it, that is, the income for three years is more than 250,000 yuan.

3. Current market situation

Sanqi first became popular because it caused the market price to soar. When people found out that this was different from what they thought, the price immediately dropped when the market supply was large. Later, with the pharmaceutical industry's processing of Panax notoginseng and its own medicinal tonic effect, it can indeed cause the price to rise twice, but this recovery is not as hot as it was at the beginning, only less than half of the previous one. However, at least to ensure the balance between supply and demand, the current market situation is dominated by large-scale consumption of pharmaceutical industry, supplemented by small-scale consumption of high-quality pseudo-ginseng by residents.

4. Current planting situation

The main producing area of Panax notoginseng belongs to Yunnan region of our country. According to incomplete statistics, the output of Panax notoginseng in Yunnan region accounts for more than 80% of the whole country. Compared with ten years ago, the planting area has more than quadrupled. At present, the planting area of Panax notoginseng in China is about 600,000 mu, and the annual output is about 50,000 tons. The fastest growth in planting area is in recent years, with an annual growth of about 100,000 mu.

At present, the biggest profit of Panax notoginseng is still in the high-quality market, while the low-quality market profit is still there, but it is low and risky. It is suggested that everyone must develop in the direction of high quality when planting. At present, its overall trend or has a better planting prospects.