
How many heads of the latest three or seven?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Panax notoginseng is a perennial erect herb of Araliaceae. The rhizome and fleshy root are valuable traditional Chinese medicine. It has the reputation of golden immutable and southern divine grass, and has the effects of hemostasis, breaking blood stasis, anti-inflammation and tonifying. It is an essential element for the treatment of injury caused by falls.

Sanqi is a perennial upright herb belonging to ginseng of Araliaceae. Its rhizome and fleshy root are precious traditional Chinese medicine. It has the reputation of "Jinbuhuan" and "Nanguo Shencao". It has the effects of stopping bleeding, breaking blood stasis, indomethacin and nourishing. It is an important material for treating traumatic injuries. Flowers and leaves also have the effect of clearing heat. Let's take a look at several heads of Sanqi together.

How many heads are good?

The fewer the 37, the better. The less the number of Panax notoginseng, the bigger each Panax notoginseng, the bigger the size, the higher the medicinal content, the better the effect. Because pseudo-ginseng has 3 layers, the innermost layer is pseudo-ginseng heart, also called tree heart, and the second layer is wrapped in the heart of the membrane is usually yellow or red and white, and the outermost layer is skin, medicinal value is lower. The medicinal content of Panax notoginseng is in the heart of Panax notoginseng. The thicker the heart, the richer the medicinal content is. Therefore, the bigger the size, the better the Panax notoginseng is.

Is 37 the better?

1. The grade of Panax notoginseng is divided according to its size. The larger the size, the higher the medicinal content, the more active ingredients, and the smaller the size, the smaller the medicinal ingredients, and the medicinal value is relatively low.

2. The longer the planting year of Panax notoginseng, the bigger the size, and the size of Panax notoginseng is a main standard to measure its grade. The bigger the size, the higher the grade, and the higher the price.

What are the benefits of 37?

1. Hemostasis: The active ingredients in Panax notoginseng can make platelets produce pseudopodia, aggregation, deformation and other viscous deformation movements, and cause platelet membrane damage, degranulation and other secretion reactions, thus causing platelets to release coagulation active substances and play a hemostatic role.

2. Activating blood circulation: Panax notoginseng can promote the division and growth of various blood cells, increase the number, promote the proliferation and release process of bone marrow cells, increase the number and activity of bone marrow red blood cells, and achieve the function of promoting hematopoiesis.

3. Sedation effect: panax notoginseng flower saponins have an inhibitory effect on the central nervous system, manifested as sedative and sedative effects, and are used for the treatment of hypertension, dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus and acute pharyngitis.

4. Anti-aging: The content of total saponins of Panax notoginseng exceeds that of ginseng. Clinical research explores the feasibility and possible mechanism of total saponins of Panax notoginseng (components of Panax notoginseng) delaying aging from the angles of oxidative damage, mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) of liver cells and cytokines.

5, reduce blood lipids: notoginseng powder 3 times a day, 0.6 grams each time, before meals, 30 days for a course of treatment, can effectively reduce blood lipids and serum cholesterol, especially can significantly reduce triglyceride content.