
Aifeng Learn more about Aifeng

  • New extra-large yellow meat watermelon varieties: how to sow time for Aifeng / Mofei / Huangfei watermelon varieties

    New extra-large yellow meat watermelon varieties: how to sow time for Aifeng / Mofei / Huangfei watermelon varieties

    Watermelon, we usually eat a kind of fruit, this kind of fruit, we usually see red meat, but do you know? Its flesh is also yellow. let's take a look at three new varieties of watermelons. Aifeng yellow orange meat watermelon

    2019-06-10 Extra large yellow meat watermelon new varieties Aifeng Mofei Huang Fei
  • Planting fruits and vegetables in contracted beach aiming at high-end benefits

    Planting fruits and vegetables in contracted beach aiming at high-end benefits

    Planting fruits and vegetables in contracted beach aiming at high-end benefits

  • Yumai 34

    Yumai 34

    Setting: Institute of Agriculture and Forestry Science, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. Approval: it was approved by Henan crop Variety approval Committee in 1994 and by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 1998. Variety approval number: national examination and approval wheat 980015. Variety source: Aifeng 3 / Meng201ram / Niuzhute / / Yumai 2. Characteristics: weak spring. Plant height about 80 cm, heavy waxy stems and leaves, oblong spike, long awn, oval glume protection, white, hilly shoulder, beak-shaped

  • A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae

    A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae

    A preliminary study on the effects of different cultivation methods on the yield and benefit of Rhizoma Curcumae; Wenli Town, Lingshan County, Guangxi is located in the south subtropics, which has certain advantages in light, temperature, hydrology and other conditions.

  • How to manage Peanut in Summer for vigorous growth in July

    How to manage Peanut in Summer for vigorous growth in July

    How to manage Peanut in Summer for vigorous growth in July

  • What are the matters needing attention for the purpose of peanut control in order to increase production and control prosperity?

    What are the matters needing attention for the purpose of peanut control in order to increase production and control prosperity?

    Why do peanuts control prosperity? There are two reasons, one is to prevent lodging, and the other is to control overgrowth, both of which are aimed at increasing production. When is the right time to control the prosperity of peanuts. There are three references, the first reference is the growth period, the most.

  • Introduction to planting techniques of Sweet Corn

    Introduction to planting techniques of Sweet Corn

    Autumn corn should be no-tillage and direct seeding after the middle of July. After the previous corn harvest, seize the time to clean the countryside, early sowing is the key, generally does not require deep ploughing. 1. The seeds should be dried for 2 to 3 days, and the seeds should be soaked for 4 to 6 hours before sowing, so that the seedlings can emerge evenly and neatly. Arrange the plant spacing according to the density of 3500 to 4000 seedlings of 667 square meters.

  • Technical Measures for Drought Resistance and Disaster Reduction of Rice in Heilongjiang Province

    Technical Measures for Drought Resistance and Disaster Reduction of Rice in Heilongjiang Province

    In view of the actual drought situation, the rice expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture conducted in-depth investigation in the upland rice areas and put forward scientific drought resistance and disaster reduction technical measures to ensure rice yield increase. 1. Strengthen irrigation water management and dispatching. It is necessary to actively open up water sources, organize as much as possible the withdrawal of running water and the use of irrigation machinery to make use of rivers, lakes and groundwater, and alleviate the contradiction of insufficient reservoir storage capacity. For plots far away from water sources, recharge wells shall be drilled in time to prepare for safe water supply in severe drought seasons. it is necessary to strengthen the management of existing water resources and the cleaning and repair of main canals for water conveyance, and to cover them with films to prevent seepage and leakage. Scientific adjustment

  • Eight-character formula for field management of winter wheat in spring

    Eight-character formula for field management of winter wheat in spring

    Spring is the key period to determine the number of spikes per mu, grain number per spike and grain weight of wheat. Strengthening field management in spring according to seedling situation is the key to realize high yield of wheat. In terms of management, we should focus on the key points of pressing, hugging, clearing, chasing, pouring, controlling, preventing and controlling. Press: early

    2020-11-08 Species winter wheat spring field management eight characters formula is