
Technical Measures for Drought Resistance and Disaster Reduction of Rice in Heilongjiang Province

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In view of the actual drought situation, the rice expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture conducted in-depth investigation in the upland rice areas and put forward scientific drought resistance and disaster reduction technical measures to ensure rice yield increase. 1. Strengthen irrigation water management and dispatching. It is necessary to actively open up water sources, organize as much as possible the withdrawal of running water and the use of irrigation machinery to make use of rivers, lakes and groundwater, and alleviate the contradiction of insufficient reservoir storage capacity. For plots far away from water sources, recharge wells shall be drilled in time to prepare for safe water supply in severe drought seasons. it is necessary to strengthen the management of existing water resources and the cleaning and repair of main canals for water conveyance, and to cover them with films to prevent seepage and leakage. Scientific adjustment

In view of the actual drought, the rice expert guidance group of the Ministry of Agriculture went deep into the investigation of drought-affected rice areas and put forward technical measures for drought resistance and disaster reduction to ensure the increase of rice production.

First, strengthen the management and dispatching of irrigation water sources. It is necessary to actively open up water sources and uniformly organize pumping and irrigation machinery to make use of rivers, lakes and groundwater as far as possible, so as to alleviate the contradiction of insufficient water storage in reservoirs. For the land far away from the source of water, make up wells in time to provide safe water supply in severe drought season. It is necessary to strengthen the clean-up and repair of existing water resources management and main water conveyance canals and to prevent seepage and leakage by film mulching. It is necessary to scientifically allocate water sources and have a planned water supply, especially for fields that have been planted and turned green before May 15, and the limited water sources should be tilted to water for land preparation and transplanting fields.

Second, popularize water-saving cultivation techniques and measures. It is necessary to vigorously popularize water-saving techniques and measures to effectively reduce the effects of drought on the growth and development of rice. One is to carry out mulch cultivation. The fields that have been prepared for transplanting but are green and lack of water can be covered with 250kg crushed straw per mu, and the field with plastic film mulching can be adopted for the fields that have been prepared but not transplanted, which can not only reduce the loss of water in the field, but also prevent the occurrence of weeds, but also realize wet irrigation during the whole growth period. The second is to implement the measure of sending rice seedlings. That is to say, the method of sending seedlings in seedling field and Honda is adopted for the land with late transplanting, which can increase the elasticity of leaf age and delay the aging of seedling age, so as to achieve the purpose of transplanting seedlings with equal water. Sending seedlings in the seedling field means that for the seedling bed with less than 3 leaves and 1 heart, the greenhouse film should be removed as soon as possible, the irrigation should be mainly controlled by dry pipe, combined with spraying paclobutrazol and rooting powder to promote the development of root system. 15 grams of ammonium sulfate per square meter seedling bed is topdressing and watering once for the seedling bed which is short of fertilizer and yellowing, this method can maintain no great change in seedling quality within a week. Honda sent seedlings, mainly refers to the occurrence of bacterial wilt, bacterial wilt serious seedlings, select fields with water to send seedlings, to alleviate the disease further aggravated. The third is to carry out moist irrigation. For the field that has been planted and turned green, the water layer can not be established on the field surface, water-saving and moist irrigation should be carried out during the whole growth period, and the shallow water layer should be irrigated when the water source is sufficient. However, a water layer must be established at booting stage to prevent a large number of spikelet abortion caused by drought and water shortage, affecting yield and quality.

Third, scientific prevention and control of diseases, pests and weeds in dry paddy fields. Drought in paddy field is easy to aggravate the occurrence and harm of disease and caterpillar fungus, so prediction and forecast should be strengthened and technical measures should be taken. The first is to prevent and control weeds. After transplanting, the chemical sealing effect of anhydrous land is poor in the early stage, and the weeds will be aggravated in the later stage. Barnyardgrass should be sprayed with 15kg per hectare at the heart stage of 3 leaves and 1 hectare; paspalum grass above 4 leaf stage should be sprayed with 50% paspalum 300-400 g with water; for trigonous grass and broad-leaved grass, 48% bentazon 2kg plus dimethyltetrachloro 0.75 kg spray treatment can be used. The second is to prevent and control insect pests. Insect pests often occur with drought. For leaf miners, a little dimethoate spray should be used in the seedling bed before transplanting. Honda should be evenly sprayed with 18% Shachongshuang 3-3.5 liters per hectare, or 10% imidacloprid 300-400g water spray. For adults with negative mud worms, spray 45 kg 2.5% trichlorfon powder per hectare when 80% adults mate, spray 22.5-30 kg 5% trichlorfon powder per hectare or spray water with 225-495ml EC when the eggs have hatched. For Chilo suppressalis, when the withered sheath rate in the field reaches 1%, that is, in the first ten days of July, water is sprayed with Shachongshuang 750-900g per hectare, or 375-525g of insecticidal amine, or 600-900g of shimidan. The third is to prevent and control diseases. Pay attention to observe the occurrence and development trend of rice blast, sheath blight and false smut, adhere to the principle of giving priority to control and the combination of control, and control the disease to a minimum.

Fourth, rational operation of fertilizers to ensure safety and maturity. According to the actual irrigation water sources and the growth of the population, fertilizers should be applied reasonably to promote and control the growth of the population, so as to ensure the safe maturity of rice. For fields with normal growth, it is necessary to properly control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, pay attention to the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, especially the middle and late maturity varieties, control the amount of nitrogen, and skillfully apply regulating fertilizer according to variety types, weather changes, soil fertility, field growth, etc., and implement the method of "eating less and eating more" to improve the stress resistance of rice and ensure safe maturity. For the plots where transplanting seedlings turn green later, the growth period is delayed and it is easy to senescence prematurely, so it is necessary to adhere to the rational application of fertilizers to promote early maturity, such as spraying growth promoters such as rooting powder, or spraying foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate and Aifeng organic liquid fertilizer to improve stress resistance, promote rice growth and ensure rice safe maturity.