
third stage Learn more about third stage

  • Integrated Control of Diseases and insect pests in the "third stage" of Chinese Cabbage

    Integrated Control of Diseases and insect pests in the

    Integrated Control of Diseases and insect pests in the "third stage" of Chinese Cabbage

  • Wind power manufacturers such as pirates enclosed land, the ocean will become the warring States era! Huantuan calls for suspending the opening of the third stage of offshore fan development

    Wind power manufacturers such as pirates enclosed land, the ocean will become the warring States era! Huantuan calls for suspending the opening of the third stage of offshore fan development

    Wind power manufacturers such as pirates enclosed land, the ocean will become the warring States era! Huantuan calls for suspending the opening of the third stage of offshore fan development

  • Bombyx mori rearing and Disease Control

    Bombyx mori rearing and Disease Control

    1. What problems should be paid attention to in the rearing of the third instar silkworm? The age of the third instar silkworm goes through about 96 hours, of which eating mulberry is about 72 hours and sleeping about 24 hours. The third instar silkworm is still in the young stage in physiology, its growth rate is slower than that of the first and second instar, and its body weight is 5 to 6 times higher than that of the second instar, and its adaptability to high temperature is different from that of the first and second instar. Attention should be paid to: (1) the rearing temperature of the third instar is 25.5 ℃ ~ 26 ℃, and the difference between dry and wet is 2 ℃ ~ 3 ℃. (2) mature leaves should be used for three-year-old mulberry, no

  • The third stage pruning of planting jujube is beneficial to increase yield.

    The third stage pruning of planting jujube is beneficial to increase yield.

    First, the early fruiting tree. The crown of jujube tree has not yet been formed, and it is still dominated by vegetative growth, but the yield is increasing year by year. This period of pruning should be based on thinning, retraction, truncation and training, and should be pruned in accordance with the principle of "four retention and five no retention". The fourth retention means that the peripheral jujube heads should be kept; the backbone

    2020-11-08 Planting jujube third stage pruning favorable increasing yield one fruit
  • China's agriculture still has a bright future.

    China's agriculture still has a bright future.

    At the Dameisha Innovation Forum in Shenzhen on November 13, economist Li Yining said that what is noteworthy about the figures released by the Bureau of Statistics in the third quarter of this year is that the output value of the tertiary industry already accounts for 51% of China's GDP, which means that China has entered industry.

    2016-01-10 China agriculture also big promising in November 13th Shenzhen
  • Detailed explanation of planting methods of daisies

    Detailed explanation of planting methods of daisies

    Daisies are annual herbs with cold-tolerant ecological habits and like sunny and cool climates. The planting method of daisies is more complicated. Today we will introduce in detail the planting methods of daisies. Planting method: stage -, pot seedling stage-- the radicle germination stage begins with the radicle piercing the seed coat, and the young root touches the soil

  • Comprehensive adjustment techniques for high density cultivation of cotton 81y3

    Comprehensive adjustment techniques for high density cultivation of cotton 81y3

    Variety 81y3 has the characteristics of high boll formation rate per plant, strong boll setting, disease resistance, high yield and high quality. At the same time, 81y3 also has the characteristics of weak growth in seedling stage, stronger growth potential in bud stage, strong growth potential in flowering stage, no premature senescence in later stage and long growth period. In order to obtain high yield and high yield in a large area under the condition of high density cultivation, we must coordinate the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth of cotton under the premise of scientific and rational operation of water and fertilizer, and master the comprehensive regulation techniques of 81-3 high-density and high-yield cultivation.

  • How to manage planting sesame seeds in summer?

    How to manage planting sesame seeds in summer?

    How to manage planting sesame seeds in summer? Please introduce the method of planting sesame in summer can be managed with reference to the following methods: first, three to five days after the emergence of sesame seedlings, the first pair of true leaves (called "cross" by farmers) are planted for the first time. When the second and third pairs of true leaves appear in sesame.

  • Rice "three rows and three irrigation" pipe water method


    Rice "three rows and three irrigation" pipe water method

  • Strengthen the Management of Seedling Field and cultivate strong Rice seedlings

    Strengthen the Management of Seedling Field and cultivate strong Rice seedlings

    1. The seedling bed tube for raising seedlings with flood and drought does not need to replenish water at the seedling stage, so as to improve the drought tolerance of the seedlings. At the same time, attention should be paid to watering the seedlings three times, that is, pouring enough "soil moisture" before sowing, pouring "uncovering film water" when the film is uncovered, and "rolling leaf water" during drought. We should properly control water in the first and second leaf stage to promote seed root rooting, pay attention to replenishing water to prevent dead seedlings in the second and third leaf stage, strictly control water after the third leaf stage, and cultivate physiologically strong seedlings by dry cultivation. In order to prevent too many Rain Water, dry farming and drought management can not be carried out, small arch shed or greenhouse can be strictly controlled.

  • What should be paid attention to when applying boron to rape?

    What should be paid attention to when applying boron to rape?

    How to fertilize rape scientifically? In rape production in the Yangtze River basin, the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is generally low, the proportion of nutrients is not coordinated, the application of organic fertilizer is insufficient, the rate of straw returning to the field is low, and the lack of trace elements such as boron occurs from time to time. The principle of fertilization: increase the application of organic fertilizer and promote the return of straw to the field; according to soil supplement.

  • The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    The skill of making Phalaenopsis bloom

    There are three reasons that affect the flowering quality of Phalaenopsis. -it is genetic reasons, including flower color, shape, size, number, number of peduncles, pedicel bifurcation, pedicel length, and so on. If we already have this at home, there is no way to change and choose, hehe. He is in a state of health.

  • Expert: the agricultural policy lags behind and the dilemma of increasing farmers' income remains unchanged for 20 years.

    Expert: the agricultural policy lags behind and the dilemma of increasing farmers' income remains unchanged for 20 years.

    Expert: the agricultural policy lags behind and the dilemma of increasing farmers' income remains unchanged for 20 years.

  • Korean vegetables for seedlings to turn on the red light! There are more and more species of alpine cabbage, and the overlap with the flat production period may be the trigger for collapse.

    Korean vegetables for seedlings to turn on the red light! There are more and more species of alpine cabbage, and the overlap with the flat production period may be the trigger for collapse.

    Korean vegetables for seedlings to turn on the red light! There are more and more species of alpine cabbage, and the overlap with the flat production period may be the trigger for collapse.

  • Water Management measures of "three rows and three Irrigation" for Rice

    Water Management measures of

    One, three and one row: from the critical tillering stage to the tip stage of the second leaf (20 days before heading), the field should be drained to control the growth of ineffective tillers. The grass seedlings should grow vigorously, and the fields with dark green leaves, fertile fields and cold-soaked fields should be heavily exposed to promote the fading of their leaves; for the fields with poor growth of grain seedlings and thin fields, the fields with low groundwater level should be exposed to the sun for many times, and the best degree is not to sink the feet in the field. The second row: the second drainage was carried out from 5 to 7 days before heading to the heading stage, so as to improve the root activity and enhance the nutrient absorption capacity of rice roots.

  • How to manage cotton in the later stage?

    How to manage cotton in the later stage?

    How to manage cotton in the later stage? Please introduce the method of cotton planting in the later stage can refer to the following methods for management: first, strengthen field management. One is the cotton field with luxuriant leaves and shade, which can remove the old leaves and empty branches in the lower part of the main stem. The second is to erase the superfluous buds in time. The third is to hit the top of the group, generally beating down, middle and top.

  • How to plant the seeds of Yu beauty?

    How to plant the seeds of Yu beauty?

    How to plant the seeds of Yu beauty?

  • Pot seedling technique of broccoli to understand how to cultivate edible fungi

    Pot seedling technique of broccoli to understand how to cultivate edible fungi

    Seedling raising technique of broccoli with burrow tray

  • Feeding and management of pregnant sows

    Feeding and management of pregnant sows

    The weight gain of sows in the early stage of pregnancy was faster than that in the later stage, accounting for most of the weight gain in the whole period, and most of the fat deposition was in this period. This shows that sows are mainly "re-fat" in the early stage of pregnancy, and the fetus in this period develops slowly, so a suitable low feeding standard should be adopted. but at this point,

    2020-11-27 Pregnancy sow gilt feeding and management pregnancy Prophase
  • Ministry of Agriculture issues Technical guidance on late-stage Management of Cotton production in 2014

    Ministry of Agriculture issues Technical guidance on late-stage Management of Cotton production in 2014

    The National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center of the Cotton expert guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to strengthen the management in the later stage of cotton production, according to the cotton production situation and climatic characteristics in different cotton areas, with the goal of protecting bolls and increasing weight, strengthen fertilizer and water management in the later stage, and do a good job in disaster prevention and disaster reduction.

    2016-03-20 Ministry of Agriculture release 2014 Cotton Peanut Post-production Management