
Pregnancy Learn more about Pregnancy

  • How to correctly use B-ultrasound for pregnancy examination

    How to correctly use B-ultrasound for pregnancy examination

    How to correctly use B-ultrasound for pregnancy examination

  • How long can a dog be pregnant to have a puppy?

    How long can a dog be pregnant to have a puppy?

    There are many methods to diagnose pregnancy in bitches. At present, the commonly used methods are external observation, rash examination, ultrasonic detection, hematological examination, urine examination and so on. About a week after mating, the vulva began to contract and shriveled, and a small amount of dark brown liquid was discharged and loss of appetite could be seen. At 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, the breasts begin to increase gradually, the appetite increases greatly, the coat is bright, the temperament is docile, slow, steady, and careful. A few bitches are pregnant for about 25 days.

  • Prevention of false pregnancy in sows

    Prevention of false pregnancy in sows

    What is a fake pregnancy? Sows do not get pregnant after breeding, but their bellies get bigger day by day, and their breasts gradually expand. In the end, they can even squeeze out some clear milk, but they do not give birth, and their bellies and breasts gradually retract. This phenomenon is called false pregnancy. Causes of false pregnancy: first, due to early embryonic death and absorption, and the corpus luteum of pregnancy does not disappear, resulting in progesterone secretion, as if pregnancy is still continuing. Second, due to malnutrition, the endocrine disorder of sows is caused, and the estrous cycle of sows is delayed.

  • A 21-year-old girl is pregnant with a liver doctor: it's my first time, too.

    A 21-year-old girl is pregnant with a liver doctor: it's my first time, too.

    "have you ever heard of ectopic pregnancy moving to the liver? Today is the first time I have met! " Not long ago, chief physician Wang Yuedong, director of laparoscopic surgery in a hospital in Zhejiang, posted such a Wechat message in moments: a 21-year-old girl because of extrauterine.

  • Prevention and treatment of recessive abortion in breeding Dairy cows within two months of pregnancy

    Prevention and treatment of recessive abortion in breeding Dairy cows within two months of pregnancy

    The phenomenon of recessive abortion in dairy cows within 2 months of pregnancy often occurs, which is a loss to the cattle industry, which should be paid great attention to by the majority of cattle farmers. 1-2 months after mating, the pregnancy was confirmed by examination, followed by estrus, and then eliminated by examination of the original pregnancy symptoms.

    2020-11-08 Breeding dairy cows pregnancy within two months recessive miscarriage prevention and treatment
  • The method of judging the pregnancy of a pug

    The method of judging the pregnancy of a pug

    It is understood that the signs of pregnancy in bitches appear about a week after mating. The specific manifestations are as follows: the vagina of the pregnant female will contract rapidly, and pregnancy reactions such as vomiting and loss of appetite may occur in three or four weeks of pregnancy. on the 30th day of pregnancy, the breast is prominent, the breast is dilated, and the nipple is pink. By touching the position of the womb in the belly of the bitch in the fourth week after breeding, the pregnant bitch can feel an embryo the size of an egg. The management of a pregnant bitch is mainly to prevent her from being infected with the disease and to avoid

  • Causes and preventive measures of false pregnancy in sows

    Causes and preventive measures of false pregnancy in sows

    Causes and preventive measures of false pregnancy in sows

  • Feeding and management techniques of cows during pregnancy

    Feeding and management techniques of cows during pregnancy

    Feeding and management techniques of cows during pregnancy

  • How to raise and manage the female fox during pregnancy?

    How to raise and manage the female fox during pregnancy?

    Fox breeding is difficult, it is a new breeding industry, and they are very smart, and their value in the market is also very expensive. In addition to the usual daily management work, the feeding and management of female foxes during pregnancy is particularly important.

    2020-11-11 Pregnancy period mother fox how breeding management
  • Feeding and management of pregnant cows

    Feeding and management of pregnant cows

    Early pregnancy: because the growth of the embryo is relatively slow, it is not suitable to be overfed, but only needs to be raised according to the standard of empty period. The second and third trimester of pregnancy: due to the accelerated growth and development of the embryo, especially in the last 2-3 months, it is necessary to increase the amount of feeding.

    2020-11-08 Pregnancy cow sex feeding management summary pregnancy early pregnancy due to
  • How to improve the reproduction rate of ewes? How to manage early pregnancy?

    How to improve the reproduction rate of ewes? How to manage early pregnancy?

    Reproduction refers to the physiological process by which organisms produce offspring for the continuation of the race, that is, the process by which organisms produce new individuals. So how do you increase the ewes 'reproduction rate? How to manage early pregnancy? How to improve the reproduction rate of ewes? Raising the reproduction rate of ewes is breeding

    2020-11-11 how to improve ewes fertility rate pregnancy early to how
  • pig pregnancy detector

    pig pregnancy detector

    The reproductive performance of sows affects the economic benefit of pig farms to a great extent. The oestrus diagnosis of weaned sows, timely and effective breeding and return to estrus examination 21 days after breeding are the only ways to improve sow fertility. But pregnancy is only a physiological symptom, and there are always many natural causes that affect the continuation of pregnancy. Ultrasonic pregnancy diagnostic instrument can diagnose sows with early pregnancy failure as soon as possible, and make them rebred as soon as possible to improve the production level of breeding pigs.

  • Feeding and management of winter sows during pregnancy

    Feeding and management of winter sows during pregnancy

    Feeding and management of winter sows during pregnancy

  • How to manage the pregnancy period of cattle

    How to manage the pregnancy period of cattle

    How to manage the pregnancy period of cattle

  • Identification method of pregnancy in female rabbits

    Identification method of pregnancy in female rabbits

    Identification method of pregnancy in female rabbits

  • Feeding and management of pregnant sows

    Feeding and management of pregnant sows

    The weight gain of sows in the early stage of pregnancy was faster than that in the later stage, accounting for most of the weight gain in the whole period, and most of the fat deposition was in this period. This shows that sows are mainly "re-fat" in the early stage of pregnancy, and the fetus in this period develops slowly, so a suitable low feeding standard should be adopted. but at this point,

    2020-11-27 Pregnancy sow gilt feeding and management pregnancy Prophase
  • Mineral requirement of high-yield sows

    Mineral requirement of high-yield sows

    Mineral requirement of high-yield sows

  • Application of B-ultrasound in the diagnosis of pregnancy in dogs

    Application of B-ultrasound in the diagnosis of pregnancy in dogs

    The application of ultrasonic diagnostic technology in the veterinary field began in the mid-1960s, and the A-type and D-type ultrasound began to be used. With the development of electronic technology and electronic industry, it developed to M type and B type in the mid-1970s. B-mode ultrasonic diagnostic instrument, also known as B-ultrasound, uses photometric modulation, which reflects the strength of the signal by the light and dark of the light spot. Because the application of B-ultrasound can make timely imaging of the body, show the two-dimensional image of the part being examined, and clearly show the dynamic changes of the internal organs and tissues, the shape and adjacent relationship, as well as the internal echoes and knots of the soft tissue.

  • Women can no longer eat these six kinds of vegetables during pregnancy!

    Women can no longer eat these six kinds of vegetables during pregnancy!

    During pregnancy, you must have comprehensive nutrition, including whole grains, meat, eggs, fish, beans, milk, vegetables, fruits and so on. Pay attention to folic acid supplement in the early stage of pregnancy.

  • Vegetables that couples should never eat when preparing for pregnancy!

    Vegetables that couples should never eat when preparing for pregnancy!

    Eating more vegetables must have a lot of benefits to the body, can help your body to supplement very rich vitamins and trace elements, but also can improve your body.
