
swollen section Learn more about swollen section

  • Propagation techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Propagation techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Robinia pseudoacacia is a good green tree species. Let's take a look at the breeding techniques of Robinia pseudoacacia.

  • The latest course of planting techniques and methods of swollen wind

    The latest course of planting techniques and methods of swollen wind

    Rhizoma Scutellariae is a rare traditional Chinese medicine. It is the dried whole plant of Chloropodiaceae, alias Jiujie flower, bamboo tea, elderberry and elderberry. It has the effects of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, heat-clearing and detoxification, and is often used in the treatment of rheumatic joint pain.

    2020-11-10 Latest swollen section wind of planting technology method tutorial swollen joint
  • Treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Porcine toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is most common in pigs and can be caused by traumatic contact or eating raw meat infected with the disease. therefore, it is of great significance to ensure the development of aquaculture and human health to do a good job in pre-slaughter quarantine and post-mortem inspection of Toxoplasma gondii in designated slaughterhouses. 1 pigs with porcine toxoplasmosis were quarantined before slaughter, with a temperature rise of 41 to 42 ℃, loss of appetite or loss of appetite, runny nose, cough or dyspnea, poverty

  • Quarantine and treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Quarantine and treatment of Porcine Toxoplasma gondii

    Porcine toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic infectious disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii. It is most common in pigs and can be caused by traumatic contact or eating raw meat infected with the disease. therefore, it is of great significance to ensure the development of aquaculture and human health to do a good job in pre-slaughter quarantine and post-mortem inspection of Toxoplasma gondii in designated slaughterhouses. 1 Pigs with toxoplasmosis were quarantined before slaughter, with a temperature rise of 41 to 42 ℃, loss of appetite or loss of appetite, runny nose, cough or dyspnea, anemia, conjunctival congestion

  • Prevention and treatment of emphysema gangrene in farmed dairy cows

    Prevention and treatment of emphysema gangrene in farmed dairy cows

    Emphysema gangrene, commonly known as black leg disease, is an acute septic infectious disease of cattle, characterized by black gas swelling in the plump part of the muscle (especially in the thigh). It is also called black leg disease and gangrene. The pathogen is Rhizoctonia emphysematosus.

    2020-11-08 Breeding dairy cows emphysema gangrene disease prevention commonly known as
  • Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

    Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

    Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

  • How to prevent and treat recurrent fever in pigs?

    How to prevent and treat recurrent fever in pigs?

    Pigs with "high fever sign" generally show persistent high fever (about 41.5 ℃), red skin and bleeding spots, cyanosis on ear tips, conjunctival flush, shortness of breath or cough, loss of appetite, abortion in some sows, autopsy shows brown lesions of different sizes in the lungs, in severe cases, the lesions spread to the whole lung, showing khaki (color like swine fever kidney), lymph nodes swollen, bleeding, and section succulent. The key to the prevention and treatment of this disease is to take the policy of prevention first, first, to do a good job of isolation, disinfection,

  • How to control Monochamus alternatus?

    How to control Monochamus alternatus?

    How to control Monochamus alternatus?

  • Rabbit spirochete disease

    Rabbit spirochete disease

    The pathogenic Treponema burgdorferi is a slender spiral microorganism, gram-negative, but chromatic aberration. The exudate or lymph smear was fixed and Giemsa staining had a good effect. Tissue sections can be stained by Warthin method. The shape and movement of the spirochete can be clearly observed with a dark field microscope, so the disease can be diagnosed. The epidemic characteristics of the disease only occurred in rabbits and rabbits, and the pathogen mainly existed in the tissue of the disease. Contaminated bedding grass, utensils and feed are the medium of transmission. Mainly in matching

  • Diagnosis of multicentric lymphosarcoma in dogs

    Diagnosis of multicentric lymphosarcoma in dogs

    1 morbidity and clinical symptoms A pug, female, more than six years old, was raised by a dog household in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province. In late January 2004, it was found that food intake decreased gradually, mental depression and weight loss; after the addition of cardiolysis, multi-vitamins, multi-enzyme tablets, lactobacillus treatment, there was no obvious effect, and then treated with ribavirin, ceftazole and roxithromycin. About 3 months after the onset of the disease, the dog's weight decreased from 6kg to 4.3kg, physical weakness, dyspnea, increased pulse count, polyuria and sometimes vomiting.

  • Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

    Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

    Piglet paratyphoid fever and its treatment

  • Control of vine cutting disease of seed sweet potato

    Control of vine cutting disease of seed sweet potato

    Sweet potato vine cutting disease, also known as sweet potato wilt, wilt disease, vine blight and so on. (pathogen) Fusarium bulbigenum Cke. Et Mass. Var. Botatas Wollenw. (host crop) sweet potato and other plants of the family Convolvulaceae. (disease diagnosis) the roots of diseased seedlings are blue and swollen.

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato vine cutting disease control also known as
  • How to cultivate dwarf bonsai? The answer is-- high-altitude pressure strip.

    How to cultivate dwarf bonsai? The answer is-- high-altitude pressure strip.

    Nowadays, dwarf bonsai is very popular with bonsai lovers. Although he is short, he does not lose the domineering power of the king. Exaggerated transition and domineering root disk are its focus, in which a stable root disk is particularly important. Today we will talk about such as.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine Taylor Disease

    Diagnosis and treatment of Bovine Taylor Disease

    Bovine Taylor disease is a kind of bovine hematozoonosis caused mainly by the parasitism of Tyleria annulata in cattle. The disease is mainly transmitted by intermediate host ticks and occurs more frequently in spring. 1 the body temperature of cattle with clinical symptoms increased to 40 ℃ ~ 41.8 ℃, which was missed fever and maintained at about 41 ℃ in 4 to 10 days. A small number of diseased cattle showed relaxation fever or intermittent fever. with the increase of body temperature, diseased cattle showed depression, inability to walk and lagging behind, while some diseased cattle showed coma, lying on the ground, weak and fast pulse and increased respiration. Ocular conjunctiva

  • The efficacy and function of grass coral

    The efficacy and function of grass coral

    The efficacy and function of grass coral

  • The efficacy and function of Equisetum

    The efficacy and function of Equisetum

    The efficacy and function of Equisetum

  • Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

    Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

    Prevention and treatment of black dolphin pasteurellosis

  • Scientific planting techniques of Yangjiao Crispy Melon

    Scientific planting techniques of Yangjiao Crispy Melon

    Sheep's horn crispy melon is similar to a swollen cucumber in appearance, and its shape is like the two horns of a sheep, hence its name. Yangjiao Crispy Melon is light green with a little white after ripening, with thick flesh, rich taste and high sugar content. Although

    2020-11-08 Sheep horn crisp melon science planting technology sheep horn
  • Diagnosis and treatment of selenium deficiency in breeding Dairy cows

    Diagnosis and treatment of selenium deficiency in breeding Dairy cows

    1 symptoms: depressed spirit, loss of appetite, weight loss, curled hair, standing alone, unstable standing, lying, dyskinesia, muscle tremor, limb numbness, waist and back arching, sharp decline in milk production, severe cases, loss of appetite and cessation of milk production.

    2020-11-08 Breeding dairy cows selenium deficiency disease diagnosis and treatment symptoms affected animals performance
  • Is the golden ring snake toxic?

    Is the golden ring snake toxic?

    Is the golden ring snake toxic?
