
Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

Selection skills of Bamboo Rat Culture

1. Head type: the requirement is large, and the snout is short. The face of the nose and mouth is flat. The jaw is full and feels strong. The head is not leaning to either side.

2. Mouth: no new wound, no redness and swelling in the lip. Quarrel hair is clean, no saliva. No red and swollen ulcers in the mouth, no peculiar smell.

3. Eyes: round, bright and vivid. There are no tear traces, white exudates, redness and swelling, no feces in the corners of the eyes, or scabs. The eyes are not sunken as a whole. The eyes are not protruding.

4. Nose: nasal mirror skin moist red, no nasal juice. The nostril circle is black. No cyanosis, whitening. No damage or smell.

5. Ears: the auricle is intact and there is no trauma. The auricle is clean, free of odor and scab abscess.

6. Teeth: the normal color is yellow agate with uniform color. No yellow and white cross spots, no black teeth, cracked teeth, lime-white teeth. Broken teeth are allowed, but check that the section cannot be empty. There are no red, swollen and ulcerated gums. The tooth profile is symmetrical and neat.

7. Limbs: finger scratches are allowed to have defects. But it depends on whether the cross-section is cured or not. There are no massive redness and swelling caused by abscesses and fungi on the back of the claws, or silver-white wounds caused by scabies mites. The ankle should not be swollen. When walking, the joints do not turn out. The thighs are plump and the muscles are strong and not dry.

8. Back: straight, standing psoas muscle is obvious, skin is tight. The skin cannot be seen by the moving eye. The neck is stout, the buttocks are round, and the waist is not obviously sunken. I can't bow on my back.

9. Abdomen: the sternum is not protruding, there is no wrinkle skin under both armpits, and the skin is full and warm. No, no. Except for pregnant rats, the belly should not bulge obviously to both sides, and the hands should be filled with gas. The abdominal hair is sparse, the abdominal midline hair is clear in the direction, and there is no multi-channel transverse hair area. The mother rat nipple is clear and obvious, there is no shortage. The vagina is clean and has no peculiar smell. The testicles of male rats are obviously full. There was no cryptorchidism or single testis. The mouth of the penis is clean. The testicles of mice are not obvious, but they can be seen slightly.

10. Tail: thick and short is the best choice. Lifting the tail feels hard. There is no sense of loosening of the tail epidermis and tail body. There was no obvious abscess on the surface. Walk with a straight tail without touching the ground. No abscess, trauma, not cold.

11. Buttocks: the buttocks are perfectly firm, and the anus is clean and odorless.

12. Feces: lifting the tail, you can usually see that there is half of the feces that you want to discharge from the anus of bamboo rats. Due to the different feed structure between wild rats and domestic rats, the color of feces can not be seen as yellow or gray as usual. The fecal color of wild rats varies mainly according to the kind of food they eat. But all require capsule shape, no mucus on the surface, no blood, no dilute feces and atherosclerotic feces. There is no stench in feces.

13. Hair: the hair is shiny and smooth without reverse hair. You can't have hair on the nose; you can't have a bump in the hair. The buttocks and back hairs do not cross, and the hair tips point to the same point. More than half a jin of mice have more villi than gun hairs. The body hair is messy, the head hair is messy and erect, you can't get it. No lump hair loss.

14. Skin: moist, tight, wrinkle-free. There is no fold skin from the axil of two forelimbs to the side of abdomen, and there are no blue-purple plaques, protruding erythema, leukoplakia with silver gray dandruff. There was no abscess, scabs and internal suppuration. The skin is pale, light gray, yellow and purplish red. The nipples of female rats are not blackened or yellowed.

15. Spirit: bright eyes, sensitive response to external stimuli, quick action. Bend up quickly and forcefully when holding your tail by hand. Even if the mother rat does not bend over quickly, she also requires that the two forelegs should be grasped quickly and forcefully when lifting the tail. The sound of the threat needs to be strong and loud, without breaking sound or gong sound.

16. Body shape: male rats require big head, thick neck, long waist and straight back, strong psoas muscles, strong buttocks, tight abdomen, stout limbs and a stiff tail. The female mouse has a relatively small but elegant head, full jawbone, moderate neck, straight waist and back, round abdomen, full buttocks, strong limbs and a stiff tail.

Combined with the above choice of bamboo mouse common sense, choose carefully, you will pick the mouse seedlings you want.