
sulfuron Learn more about sulfuron

  • What are the effects of thiophenesulfuron? How to use

    What are the effects of thiophenesulfuron? How to use

    What are the effects of thiophenesulfuron? How to use it? Please also ask the netizens who know to help introduce that there are 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 75% thiophenesulfuron wettable powder herbicides and 75% thiophene sulfuron water repellent herbicides in the market. For thiophene sulfuron herbicides, there are many netizens who are not very interested in this herbicide.

  • Rescue measures for drug damage caused by meosulfuron

    Rescue measures for drug damage caused by meosulfuron

    Methosulfuron is a chemically synthesized organic substance, which is highly toxic. If it is accidentally caused by drug damage, what are the ways to save the drug damage? Let's find out together. I. if the rescue method of drug damage caused by meosulfuron is mistakenly applied to crops

    2020-11-08 Methyl methyl sulfuron drug harm rescue method methyl methyl yes a kind of
  • The long period of drug damage of meosulfuron

    The long period of drug damage of meosulfuron

    Methosulfuron herbicide is a kind of herbicide used in all kinds of wasteland, woodland, forest fire belt, airport, highway and so on. So how long is the drug damage period of meosulfuron? I. the long harmful period of meosulfuron-methyl can last for 3-6 months.

    2020-11-08 Methyl methyl sulfuron many long drug damage phase methyl methyl herbicide
  • A specific medicine for treating aconite

    A specific medicine for treating aconite

    Rhizoma Cyperi is a kind of malignant weed, which grows in corn, sugarcane and other crops, but it is difficult to control. So what are the specific drugs for aconite? Monosodium tetrachloride has a certain effect on corn, wheat and so on, and it is best to treat it in Cyperus officinalis.

    2020-11-08 Anti-incense aconite of specific medicine incense is a malignant
  • How to apply herbicides before soybean seedlings?

    How to apply herbicides before soybean seedlings?

    How do bananas use growth regulators? Please guide banana growth and development, flowering and fruiting are affected by nutrients and endogenous hormones in the plant, as well as external environmental conditions (climate, soil, management level), and are often restricted by some aspects in the process of growth and development. and affect the yield and quality of banana fruit. Plant.

  • Matching techniques of close planting in three rows of narrow trenches on ridges of soybean

    Matching techniques of close planting in three rows of narrow trenches on ridges of soybean

    The matching technology of close planting of three rows of narrow furrows on soybean ridges is a set of new soybean cultivation model independently developed by agricultural scientists and technicians in the reclamation area, and passed the appraisal of scientific research achievements of Inner Mongolia Science and Technology Department in December 2005. This technology has reached the advanced level of soybean cultivation technology in similar areas in China as a whole, and it is reasonable and close planting in mechanization.

  • How to grow oil, wheat and vegetables

    How to grow oil, wheat and vegetables

    Oatmeal, also known as naked oats, also known as bitter lettuce and lettuce, belongs to the Compositae and lettuce genera. It is a pointed leaf lettuce with tender shoots and leaves as its products. The leaves are long lanceolate, light green in color, crisp and tender in texture, and have a very fresh, fragrant taste and unique flavor.

    2020-11-08 How to grow oil wheat vegetables oil wheat vegetables aliases naked oats also known as sowthistle
  • What are the herbicides in paddy fields

    What are the herbicides in paddy fields

    In the process of rice planting and growth, it is inevitable to be disturbed by all kinds of weeds, so it is necessary to eat and spray related herbicides. What kind of herbicides are there in the rice field? How do I use it? Introduction of herbicides and application methods in paddy fields: 1. Pyrimidine sulfuron and pyrimidine

    2020-11-08 Water rice fields herbicides which are in rice planting growth
  • What should I do if there is drug damage to wheat?

    What should I do if there is drug damage to wheat?

    Wheat is a widely cultivated cereal crop, and drugs will inevitably be used to control diseases in the planting process. What if the improper use of wheat causes drug damage? First, how to do when there is drug damage to wheat? 1. Fluazol (ketosulfuron) is harmful to drugs produced before winter.

    2020-11-08 Wheat occurrence drug damage how to do wheat is a extensive
  • What medicine should be used in front of the soybean seedlings and when to play?

    What medicine should be used in front of the soybean seedlings and when to play?

    Acetochlor: 3-5 days before emergence. Chlorosulfuron: 3-5 days before emergence. Azinone: do soil treatment 3-5 days before emergence. Clenbuterol: closed weeding before seedling after sowing. Glyphosate: 2-3 days before emergence. First, B grass

    2020-11-08 Soybean seedling yellow bean seedling front seal use what medicine time hit
  • It is not good to farm and hit pesticides, and it is not good not to hit pesticides. What should we do?

    It is not good to farm and hit pesticides, and it is not good not to hit pesticides. What should we do?

    A few days ago, I went back to my hometown and went for a walk by the river outside the town. As a result, I found a pile of empty agricultural medicine bottles and bags by the field. Specially looked it up on the Internet, Pi.

  • How to do drug damage when planting potatoes?

    How to do drug damage when planting potatoes?

    The planting area of potatoes is increasing year by year. If the selection of rotation plots is unreasonable, the drug residues of previous crops will cause drug damage to potatoes. So, what about the drug damage to potatoes? First, how to do the drug damage to potatoes? 1. Wash it with clean water or weak alkaline water.

    2020-11-08 Planting potatoes occurrence drug damage what to do planting area
  • When is the right time for wheat herbicide?

    When is the right time for wheat herbicide?

    Wheat herbicides are generally best sprayed when the soil moisture reaches 40%-60%. When spraying, be sure to control the amount and if there is a cooling within 3 days before the use of the drug, do not spray to avoid failure. The available agents are dimethyl disulfuron, fluazosulfuron and oxazole grass.

    2020-11-09 Wheat herbicide when hit fit wheat
  • Planting techniques of soybeans

    Planting techniques of soybeans

    Planting techniques of soybeans

  • This kind of dish also has the effect of losing weight. Friends who lose weight eat it.

    This kind of dish also has the effect of losing weight. Friends who lose weight eat it.

    Oatmeal, alias naked oats, belongs to Compositae and lettuce. It is a pointed leaf lettuce with young shoots and leaves as its products. The leaves are long lanceolate, light green in color, crisp and tender in texture, and taste very fresh, fragrant and unique.

  • How to cultivate Rice well

    How to cultivate Rice well

    How to cultivate rice? Please guide if you want to grow rice well, you can refer to the following methods: first, field selection. Choose a blank field with unobstructed drainage and no leakage. Second, broadcast at the right time. The sowing date is late April, and the hybrid rice is sown 1 kg per mu. 80% of the seeds are sown when their breasts are broken and white, which is required to be evenly sown. The valley collapsed after sowing.

  • Three High Soybean Variety Liaodou 22

    Three High Soybean Variety Liaodou 22

    Liaodou 22 was bred by the crop Research Institute of Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences as early as 1995, using Liao 8878-13-9-9 as female parent and 93010-9 as male parent by means of sexual hybridization and pedigree selection. the new soybean variety "three high" (high yield, high oil and high protein), which has been bred for 11 years, has been approved by the National crop Variety approval Committee in 2006. 1. Characteristic characteristics: developed root system, strong stem, dark green leaves, oval leaves, 17.7 nodes of the main stem.

  • The latest course on planting techniques and methods of soybeans

    The latest course on planting techniques and methods of soybeans

    Soybean is an annual herb of the genus Leguminosae, which is native to China. It is cultivated all over China and widely cultivated all over the world. It is one of the most important food crops in China. It has been cultivated for 5,000 years. It is most commonly used to make all kinds of soybean products, extract soybean oil and brew.

    2020-11-10 The latest soybeans planting techniques methods tutorials yes
  • Technical advice on rice field chemical elimination

    Technical advice on rice field chemical elimination

    Rice field chemical elimination is the key link to achieve high and stable yield of rice. There are mainly three kinds of weeds in rice fields in our county: grass weeds such as barnyardgrass, Euphorbia chinensis and crabgrass, broad-leaved weeds such as clematis, Potamogeton rotundus and Aegilops tauschii, as well as Cyperaceae weeds. In recent years, due to the variety of rice planting methods in our county, great changes have taken place in the grass phase of paddy fields: firstly, some malignant weeds in paddy fields have an upward trend, except for barnyardgrass, which still occurs widely and in large quantities, and there are obvious upward trends in sphagnum chinense and cyperus seu.

  • The latest gourd melon how to grow the best?

    The latest gourd melon how to grow the best?

    Gourd melon, also known as kettle gourd, gourd, ladymelon, etc., is an annual climbing herb of the genus Cucurbitaceae. It is widely cultivated all over China and widely cultivated in tropical to temperate regions of the world. It can be harvested and eaten as vegetables when it is not ripe. The old gourd is dried and plucked.

    2020-11-10 The latest gourd melon how planting the best nicknamed