
How to grow oil, wheat and vegetables

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Oatmeal, also known as naked oats, also known as bitter lettuce and lettuce, belongs to the Compositae and lettuce genera. It is a pointed leaf lettuce with tender shoots and leaves as its products. The leaves are long lanceolate, light green in color, crisp and tender in texture, and have a very fresh, fragrant taste and unique flavor.

Youmai Cai, alias naked oats, also known as bitter vegetables, lettuce, Compositae, lettuce plants, is tender shoots, tender leaves for the product of pointed leaf lettuce, leaves were long lanceolate, light green color, crisp texture, taste extremely fresh, fragrance, with unique flavor, containing a lot of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and a lot of calcium, iron, and other nutrients, is the top grade of raw vegetables, there is "Phoenix tail" said.

1, land preparation: select the previous crop has not been hit with long residual herbicides such as prostat, bean sulfuron planting, deep ploughing before planting, every 667m2 farm manure 3000kg, urea 10 - 15kg, diammonium phosphate 15 kg-20 kg, potassium sulfate 5 - 10 kg, or compound fertilizer 50 - 60 kg, spread the ground ploughing. The fertilizer and soil will be fully mixed evenly, made of flat or high ridge, ridge width 1.5 - 2 meters, ridge length 10 - 20 meters.

2. Seeding seedlings:

① Sowing time: sowing can be arranged, listed in stages and batches, and listed in succession to supply the market. Spring protected cultivation can generally be sown in the greenhouse in late March; or sown in hotbeds and transplanted in large and medium-sized sheds in mid-late April; spring open field cultivation can be sown in mid-May and listed in mid-July; summer and autumn cultivation can be sown in late July and early August.

② Sowing and seedling raising: proper amount of decomposed organic fertilizer shall be applied to seedling beds, and water shall be poured thoroughly. Because the seeds are brown and small, they must be mixed with fine soil before sowing, broadcast, cover with fine soil after sowing, cover with a layer of plastic film, remove the plastic film after emergence, and emerge after 5 - 7 days. When the seedlings grow to 3-4 true leaves, they can be transplanted.

(3) Planting density: high yield can be obtained by proper density planting. The plant spacing is 15×15cm, and 25 - 30 thousand plants can be transplanted per 667m2.

3, field management: generally 3-4 days after the seedling can be slow, during the growth period need to be combined with spraying foliar fertilizer 2-3 times, generally with 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate or other foliar fertilizer foliar spray.

4. Pest control: downy mildew is easy to occur in wheat and oil vegetables. At the initial stage of disease, spray 72% metalaxyl manganese zinc wettable powder 400-500 times or 72% Prik 1000 times. When there is leaf miner damage, spray 1% fly mite ec 1500 times solution to control.