
The latest course on planting techniques and methods of soybeans

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Soybean is an annual herb of the genus Leguminosae, which is native to China. It is cultivated all over China and widely cultivated all over the world. It is one of the most important food crops in China. It has been cultivated for 5,000 years. It is most commonly used to make all kinds of soybean products, extract soybean oil and brew.

Soybean is an annual herb of leguminous soybean, which is native to China. It is cultivated all over China and widely cultivated all over the world. It is one of the most important food crops in China. It has been cultivated for 5000 years. It is most commonly used to make all kinds of soybean products, extract soybean oil, brew soy sauce and extract protein. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of soybean.

Growth habit

Soybeans like to be warm, the seeds begin to germinate at 10: 12 ℃, the optimum temperature for growth is 20: 25 ℃, the optimum temperature for flowering and podding is 20: 28 ℃, the pod setting is delayed at low temperature, and the plants with high temperature can not bloom below 14 ℃, and the plants with high temperature end ahead of time. Seed germination requires more moisture, and the flowering stage requires soil water content of 70% to 80%, otherwise the bud shedding rate will increase. Soybean absorbs less than 15% of the total fertilizer before flowering, while the flowering and podding stage accounts for more than 80% of the total fertilizer absorption.

Soil preparation and fertilization

Under normal circumstances, when planting soybeans, the fertilizer species are separated and applied to the lower side of the seed. The amount of chemical fertilizer can be adjusted. When the application of diammonium phosphate is more than 20 kg per mu, it can be applied layer by layer, the depth of seed fertilizer in the upper layer is 50.7 cm, the amount of fertilizer application accounts for 1 cm, the depth of base fertilizer is 10 cm, and the amount of fertilizer application is 2 cm. Or after the previous crop harvest, spread the fermented organic fertilizer evenly on the surface, and then rake the fertilizer into the soil, dung and soil are fully mixed and turned deeply. After turning, rake the bottle to form a fine ridge, and soybeans can also be planted flat.

Summer sowing technology

1. Irrigation before sowing: for plots with poor soil moisture, irrigation conditions can be applied once before sowing to facilitate seed germination after sowing. Field closed weeding was carried out combined with irrigation.

2. Sowing at the right time: sowing soybeans in summer is very important because of the short growing season. Sowing at the right time, the seedling preservation rate is high, the seedling emergence is neat, robust, the growth and development is good, the stem is sturdy.

Autumn sowing technology

1. Soil preparation: after ploughing in the paddy field, the compartment is 2-3 meters wide, the row spacing is 3 meters, and the hole spacing is 0.33 meters. There are 2 to 3 seeds per hole, and the density is about 30,000 plants per mu.

2. Fertilization and sowing: generally sowing before August 10, the sowing amount per mu is 810kg. 25kg calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer was mixed with 500kg soil fertilizer per mu as cover fertilizer.

Field management

1. Ploughing and hoeing: hoes are everywhere before the first compound leaf of soybeans, so as to clean the seedling grass, do not hurt the seedlings, and loosen the topsoil. When the seedling height is about 10 cm, the second intertillage should be carried out so that the seedlings will not be hurt, the seedlings will not be pressed, and the grass will not leak. About 10 days after the second ploughing, the third time should be carried out to achieve deep loosening and more soil application.

2. Weeding before seedling: Pusht and Guangmieling are effective on a variety of grasses and broad-leaved weeds in soybean fields. 5% of the water agent is 1.5 kilograms per hectare, and 48 percent of the EC is 2.5 kilograms per hectare. Pustilon, sulfuron-methyl and trimethoprim can all be retained in the soil for a long time, so we should pay special attention to the drug damage to the following crops.

3. Weeding after seedling: when weeds are first unearthed, it is generally no later than the stage of 2 compound leaves of soybeans. In the years with good soil moisture in spring, the pesticide can be applied earlier, and the lower limit is generally adopted. When it is dry in spring, the application can be appropriate and late, and the upper limit of the dosage is generally used.

① 5% Pushter water agent is 1kg to 1.5kg per hectare, which should not exceed 1.5kg.

The dosage of 12% ② emulsion is 1-1.5 kg per hectare.

③ 15% fine grass grass gram, the dosage is 0.751kg per hectare.

④ 5% refined grass EC, 24% kekuole EC, the dosage is 0.33-0.75 kg per hectare.