
rotary Learn more about rotary

  • How to use the rotary tiller correctly? Knowledge of safe operation of rotary tiller

    How to use the rotary tiller correctly? Knowledge of safe operation of rotary tiller

    The rotary tiller is a kind of agricultural machinery matching with the tractor to complete the ploughing and harrowing operation, which is very commonly used in agricultural production. The safe operation of the rotary tiller is very important. The correct use of the rotary tiller can make the operation more efficient and avoid safety accidents at the same time.

    2020-11-09 How to correctly use rotary tiller safety operation knowledge Daquan
  • Use a rotary tiller to spin the land year after year so that crops can grow well.

    Use a rotary tiller to spin the land year after year so that crops can grow well.

    Rotary tiller is also a new operation mode with the popularization of agricultural production mechanization in our country in recent years. It is certain whether rotary tiller operation is helpful to agricultural production, but rotary tiller operation also brings a lot of problems. Spin.

  • Refitting course of ordinary rotary tiller

    Refitting course of ordinary rotary tiller

    Rotary tiller is a kind of ploughing machine matched with tractor to complete ploughing and raking operation. it has been widely used because of its strong ability to crush soil and flat surface after ploughing. At the same time, it can chop up the stubble buried below the surface, which is convenient for the operation of the seeder.

    2020-11-09 Ordinary rotary tiller modification tutorials is a and
  • The 2016 Rotary quality Enterprise Expo will be unveiled at Zhengyan Hall of Flower Expo in February.

    The 2016 Rotary quality Enterprise Expo will be unveiled at Zhengyan Hall of Flower Expo in February.

    In order to show Taiwan's economic upward energy and open a friendly door for young entrepreneurs, representatives of Rotary International districts 3520, 3490 and 3510 gathered to announce that they would be held at the Taipei Flower Expo Zhengyan Hall from February 3 to 6, 2016. District 11, District 3520.

  • What are the new and advanced rotary tiller manufacturers?

    What are the new and advanced rotary tiller manufacturers?

    Rotary tiller is a kind of tillage machine with active rotation of working parts and processing soil with milling principle, which has the characteristics of good soil cutting effect, strong soil crushing ability and leveling of tillage surface. it can achieve soil crushing and leveling in one operation, and has been widely used in agricultural production. Near

    2020-11-09 New advanced rotary tiller production plant home which spin
  • How much is an imported rotary tiller?

    How much is an imported rotary tiller?

    Nowadays, the state has issued a lot of principles and policies to benefit the people and benefit the people for the development of agriculture, rural areas and the increase of farmers' income, especially the implementation of the subsidy policy for the purchase of agricultural machinery, which has greatly enhanced the enthusiasm of farmers to buy all kinds of advanced agricultural machinery and tools. Not only reduce

    2020-11-09 Import rotary tiller general more less money one now the country
  • How should the small rotary tiller be maintained? How to troubleshoot common problems?

    How should the small rotary tiller be maintained? How to troubleshoot common problems?

    Small rotary tiller is a kind of agricultural machinery often used in agricultural production, especially in spring ploughing production. Correct maintenance and maintenance of rotary tiller is very important to maintain its good technical condition and ensure farming quality. So, how should the small rotary tiller be maintained? Common

    2020-11-09 Small rotary tiller should how maintenance common failure
  • What is the price of ploughing machinery? What are the common types of tillage machinery?

    What is the price of ploughing machinery? What are the common types of tillage machinery?

    For field crop management, fine tillage is a very important link, combined with tillage machinery to achieve deep ploughing, field leveling and other specific operations. On the other hand, farmers can also choose different varieties of farming machinery according to similar crops and field conditions. that

    2020-11-27 Tillage machinery price how yes what common type for
  • How to weed when growing organic vegetables?

    How to weed when growing organic vegetables?

    How to weed when growing organic vegetables? The biggest headache in organic vegetable production is weed control. " The vegetable farmer of the organic vegetable base said helplessly. Because organic vegetables are not allowed to use synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides and growth regulators in the cultivation process.

  • Measures to promote the development of rice root system

    Measures to promote the development of rice root system

    1. Broadcast early at the right time. When the temperature is stable for 5 ℃, it begins to sow and raise seedlings. When the temperature is stable for 5 months, the seedlings are sterile for 5 months, and when the temperature is stable for 13 ℃, the seedlings are started to transplant. The seedlings are not planted for 6 months, and they are planted in the high yield period to gain accumulated temperature, which is beneficial to the development of roots. 2. Carefully prepare the land and create conditions. To do a good job of ploughing and rotary ploughing, the general ploughing depth is 20 cm, the rotary ploughing depth is 14 cm, and the ploughing or rotary ploughing depth is the same, so that there is no mud in an inch of water, creating conditions for root system development. 3. Strengthen management and promote development. First, seedling field management, good temperature control, reasonable watering, foliar fertilizer spraying, prevention and control.

  • Improvement of rape cultivation method-- cultivation with high and stable yield and low cost

    Improvement of rape cultivation method-- cultivation with high and stable yield and low cost

    Improvement of rape cultivation method-- cultivation with high and stable yield and low cost

  • Direct sowing rice has many advantages.

    Direct sowing rice has many advantages.

    Direct seeding rice can be divided into dry direct seeding and water direct seeding according to the difference of soil moisture condition and sowing mode during soil preparation. Dry direct seeding can be divided into first stubble sowing and then shallow rotation, first rotary ploughing and then sowing and so on. The sowing procedure of water direct seeding is generally as follows: after applying basic fertilizer, water rotary ploughing, ditching, water leveling, and then sowing collapsed grain. Compared with dry direct seeding of rice, water direct seeding has the following advantages. First, there are many and even seedlings, which is conducive to the cultivation of strong seedlings. The surface of the water direct seeding field is flat, and there is mud on it, there are no seeds after the valley collapse, and the seedlings emerge quickly.

  • Spring ploughing agricultural machinery market fire "reloading" and new agricultural machinery are popular

    Spring ploughing agricultural machinery market fire

    During the spring ploughing season, when we entered the agricultural machinery market in Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province, rows of shiny agricultural machinery burst into view. In the agricultural machinery sales supermarket, farmers who came from various villages and towns to buy agricultural machinery looked at the agricultural machinery and asked about the price. There is also a subsidy for buying paddy field rotary tillers, right? Soaring agricultural machinery

    2016-03-20 Spring ploughing agricultural machinery market fire " reloading and new type spring ploughing
  • Fertilizer and Water Management Technology of Tomato planting soil

    Fertilizer and Water Management Technology of Tomato planting soil

    Fertilizer and Water Management Technology of Tomato planting soil

  • Technical points of returning full amount of wheat straw to field

    Technical points of returning full amount of wheat straw to field

    Crop straw is an important by-product of crops. At the same time, it is also an important production resource for agricultural and industrial production. Returning crop straw to the field can not only avoid the environmental pollution caused by decay and burning, but also increase the content of soil organic matter in a large area, improve soil structure, improve soil fertility, and strengthen the construction of cultivated land quality. the improvement of crop yield and quality tamped the foundation of soil fertility. All the countries with developed agriculture in the world attach great importance to the scientific rationality of fertilization structure and most of the farmers.

  • How to plant shallot

    How to plant shallot

    Land selection and preparation: spring onion can choose white pulp soil or yellow sand soil with flat, loose soil, strong water and fertility conservation and convenient drainage and irrigation, which is usually carried out by soil preparation and ridging in autumn, or rotary tillage in early March in spring. Seed selection and planting: select uniform size

    2020-11-08 Xiaomao spring onion how planting summary land selection and ground preparation small hair
  • The latest tomato planting soil fertilizer water management technology tutorial

    The latest tomato planting soil fertilizer water management technology tutorial

    Tomato cultivation is very common in our country. When planting tomatoes, yield and quality must be a problem that everyone pays close attention to. If you want to improve tomato yield and quality, then soil, fertilizer and water management is very important and has a direct connection with it.

    2020-11-10 latest tomato seed soil fertilizer management technique method tutorial
  • Mechanized high-yield cultivation techniques of soybean close planting

    Mechanized high-yield cultivation techniques of soybean close planting

    The comprehensive high-yield cultivation technology of soybean close planting mechanization is on the basis of soybean three-ridge cultivation technology, continuing to maintain deep loosening, layered deep fertilization, precision sowing, absorbing foreign experience in increasing production, such as narrow row close planting and semi-dwarf varieties, and combined with supporting machines and tools, a mechanized comprehensive high-yield cultivation technique is assembled, including flat sowing and small ridge dense planting techniques. First, technical advantages. 1. Reasonable close planting to increase output. The technical characteristics are reasonable close planting, uniform distribution of crops and increase of crop photosynthesis. Select semi-dwarf varieties with lodging resistance.

  • Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

    Planting corn with this technology can increase the yield by 200 jin per mu!

  • How to select seeds when sowing winter wheat? What do you need to pay attention to?

    How to select seeds when sowing winter wheat? What do you need to pay attention to?

    Winter wheat is the main wheat planted in our country. Winter wheat is generally sown from mid-late September to early October and matures from the end of May to mid-late June the following year. Due to the abnormal changes in climatic and production conditions in recent years, special attention should be paid to the sowing process of wheat.

    2020-11-09 Winter wheat sowing when should how select seeds need pay attention