
rachis Learn more about rachis

  • Specific drug for brown blight of grape ear axis

    Specific drug for brown blight of grape ear axis

    Spray Baume 3-5 degree stone sulfur mixture, or 45% crystal stone sulfur mixture 30 times, 0.3% pentachlorophenol sodium 1-2 times before bud germination; spray 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 600-800 times before flowering, or 70% mancozeb wettable powder 400-600 times, or 40% carbendan wettable powder

    2020-11-09 Grape rachis brown blight disease specific medicine bud sprouting pre-spray
  • Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

    Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

    Brief introduction and cultivation skills of red bananas let delicate red bananas bloom for you

  • Pumpkin planting: what to control pumpkin spot disease?

    Pumpkin planting: what to control pumpkin spot disease?

    What to control pumpkin spot disease? What is pumpkin spot disease? Please introduce pumpkin spot disease is mainly harmful to leaves and rachis. The leaf spot is round to subcircular or irregular. The leaf margin is dark brown, the boundary of the healthy part is obvious, there are small black spots in the center of the disease spot, and when the leaf spot is serious, the leaf spot fuses, resulting in local death of the leaf. A flower axis.

  • Where is the main producing area of Chinese pepper?

    Where is the main producing area of Chinese pepper?

    Where is the main producing area of Chinese pepper?

  • Where are the main producing areas of the latest pepper?

    Where are the main producing areas of the latest pepper?

    The producing area of Zanthoxylum bungeanum starts from the south of northeast China, to the north slope of Wuling in the south, to the coastal zone of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the southeast, and to the southeast of Xizang in the southwest; it is not produced in Taiwan, Hainan and Guangdong. Found in plains to higher mountains, in Qinghai, on slopes of 2500 meters above sea level, also

    2020-11-10 The latest Zanthoxylum bungeanum landlord where origin
  • Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    Introduction of Mexican red scorpion tail banana, Hitt exhaustion tail banana and hard-haired scorpion tail banana

    (1) morphological characteristics: perennial evergreen tufted herbs. The height of the plant is 1.5 to 2.5 meters. Leaf blade divided into lobes along the main vein. Inflorescences terminal, erect, inflorescence rachis red to pink, bracts 5-7, red to pink, proximal bracts distal green, sepals yellow, tip green, pedicels yellowish green, ovary green. Florescence 2

  • Where is the main producing area of pepper in China? Where is the best variety? Gansu or Sichuan?

    Where is the main producing area of pepper in China? Where is the best variety? Gansu or Sichuan?

    Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a common seasoning in daily life, such as putting some pepper when cooking fish will be hemp and fragrant. It is also widely planted in China, so where is the main producing area of Chinese pepper? Where is the best variety? Gansu or Sichuan? I. Chinese

    2020-11-09 China Zanthoxylum bungeanum landlords where
  • High-yielding cultivation techniques of Fructus evodiae

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Fructus evodiae

    High-yielding cultivation techniques of Fructus evodiae

  • Detailed introduction of growth habits and morphological characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Detailed introduction of growth habits and morphological characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Detailed introduction of growth habits and morphological characteristics of Robinia pseudoacacia

  • High-yield fertilization techniques and matters needing attention for malting barley, forage barley and edible barley

    High-yield fertilization techniques and matters needing attention for malting barley, forage barley and edible barley

    Barley is the general term for Palea (read fu) barley and naked barley. Generally speaking, Lemma barley is called barley, which is characterized by the adhesion of Lemma shell and grain; the Lemma shell of naked barley is separated from grain, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is called highland barley, the Yangtze River valley is called barley, and North China is called rice wheat

    2020-11-09 Beer barley forage food high yield fertilization technology and
  • Robinia pseudoacacia (woody vegetable)

    Robinia pseudoacacia (woody vegetable)

    It is a deciduous tree of Leguminosae, up to 10-20m. The bark is brown with longitudinal cracks. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 7-25, elliptic. Racemes axillary, inflorescence rachis and pedicels hairy; calyx tube lobed, with red markings; Corolla white, fragrant. English fruit flattened and long, mature and dehiscent; seeds 3-10. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from August to September. Robinia pseudoacacia is widely distributed in China, especially in Liaoning, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia and the Yangtze River Basin. It is a strong positive tree species with deep roots, strong sprouting ability, barren tolerance, and is characterized by fast growth.

  • The white rhododendron

    The white rhododendron

    It belongs to the Yunjin rhododendron subgroup of the evergreen scaleless rhododendron formation. Evergreen shrubs to small trees. Young branches stout, green, initially glaucous. Leaves thickly leathery, clustered branch apex; oblong or oblong-elliptic, 17 cm long and 6 cm wide; apex obtusely rounded, apiculate; leaves green, abaxially light green. Flowering from April to June; terminal raceme corymbose, rachis ca. 3 cm long. Glands; 10 flowers, integrated globose, up to 20 cm in diameter; Corolla funnelform-campanulate, 6-Mel 8-lobed, 3 Mel 5 cm long, petal head subrounded with emarginate, hairy at the base of the tube

  • Gaoliang ginger

    Gaoliang ginger

    Alpinia officinarum is a perennial herb, 40cm to 110cm high: the underground rhizome is long and transverse, cylindrical. Leaves 2-row, leaf blade linear, 20-30 cm long, 1.2-2.5 cm wide, apical tail tip, base attenuate, both surfaces and leaf margin glabrous, sessile; ligule membranous, lanceolate, 2-3 cm long, sometimes up to 5 cm, not 2-lobed. Flowering from April to September; racemes terminal, erect, 6-10 cm long, inflorescence rachis tomentose, bracteoles very small, not more than 1 mm long; small

  • How to treat the rotten grapes?

    How to treat the rotten grapes?

    According to your description, it may be grape white rot, which is one of the most important grape diseases, especially in rainy years, which is often prevalent with anthracnose. Grape white rot can damage ears, branches and leaves. After being invaded, the ear and rachis become light brown, water-immersed rot, the whole ear or part of the spikelet.

  • What kind of fruit is yellow peel?

    What kind of fruit is yellow peel?

    What kind of fruit is yellow peel?

  • How to identify grape white rot? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    How to identify grape white rot? What are the prevention and control techniques?

    Grape white rot, commonly known as water rot or ear rot, is mainly harmful to ears (including rachis, pedicels and grains), as well as branches and leaves. It is a major disease commonly occurred in grape producing areas in China. So how to identify grape white rot? What are the prevention and control techniques? one

    2020-11-09 How identify grape white rot control technology have which
  • How to prevent pumpkin spot disease

    How to prevent pumpkin spot disease

    Cucurbita mottle mainly affects leaves and flower axes. The pathogen overwinters in the soil with the diseased body. In spring, the pathogen spread by rain sputtering, and the leaf spots were round to nearly round or amorphous in the early stage of the disease. The leaf margin is black brown, the junction of disease and health is moist, when the humidity is high, the spot surface is densely populated with small black spots, and the serious leaf spot is fused, causing the leaf bureau to be wet.

  • Is a wild walnut a walnut?

    Is a wild walnut a walnut?

    Is a wild walnut a walnut?

  • Pest control techniques in lemon cultivation

    Pest control techniques in lemon cultivation

    Pineapples are perennial evergreen herbs of the bromeliaceae family, each bearing only one fruit in the center. Its fruit is cylindrical, by many ovaries and rachis polymerization and grow up, is a compound fruit. Pineapple peel has numerous flower organs (commonly known as fruit eyes or pineapple nails), hard thorns

    2020-11-08 lemon cultivation process pest of control tips pineapple yes
  • Introduction to the propagation method of multi-flower fingernail orchid

    Introduction to the propagation method of multi-flower fingernail orchid

    The flowering period of multi-flowered fingernail orchid is long, and it is often potted indoors or on tree trunks and rocks. The difficulty of artificial cultivation of multi-flower nail orchid is not high. If you want to propagate it artificially, you can use the method of ramet and cuttage.
