
High-yielding cultivation techniques of Fructus evodiae

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, High-yielding cultivation techniques of Fructus evodiae

Evodia rutaecarpa, alias Evodia, Evodia, Evodia rutaecarpa, Evodia rutaecarpa and so on. Small deciduous trees or shrubs of Rutaceae. The fruit is used as medicine, which has the effect of warming the middle and dispelling cold, dryness and dampness, soothing the liver, relieving vomiting and relieving pain. It mainly treats epigastric cold pain, nausea and vomiting, pantothenic acid belching, diarrhea, dysmenorrhea, hypochondriac pain, hernia pain, foot pain, pinworm pain and so on. External use to treat eczema, oral cavity, hypertension. Mainly produced in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Hunan, Anhui, Guangxi and other provinces and regions.

Morphological characteristics

1. Evodia rutaecarpa is a perennial shrub or small tree, 3-10 meters high. Leaves opposite, odd-pinnate compound leaves, leaflets 5-9, elliptic to ovate, entire or inconspicuously obtusely serrate, both sides yellowish brown villous, especially on veins, with obvious oil spots. Flowers very small, yellow-white, unisexual, dioecious, integrated terminal cymose panicle; rachis stout, densely yellowish brown villous, with 2 leaflet-shaped opposite bracts at the base of rachis; sepals 5, broadly ovate; petals 5; male flowers with 5 stamens; apex of reduced ovary 4-5-lobed. The petals of female flowers are larger than male petals, ovary superior, oblong, carpels usually 5, widened into oblate after anthesis, with thick oil gland spots, style short and thick, stigma apex 4-5-lobed. The capsule is oblate, split into 5 petals at maturity, fruiting, purplish red, with thick greasy spots on the surface, 1 seed per deciduous fruit, black and shiny.

2. Stone tiger is very similar to the orthodox species. But it has a special pungent smell. Leaflets 3-11, leaf blade narrowly, oblong to narrowly lanceolate, apex gradually longer or acuminate, each leaflet more distant, lateral veins more obvious, entire, both sides densely pilose, veins the densest, oil glands thick. Inflorescence rachis often yellowish or colorless villous. The ripe inflorescence is not as dense as the orthodox. The seeds are bluish black.

First, the growth habit of Evodia rutaecarpa prefers warm, humid and sunny environment. The requirement of soil is not strict, but it is better to use loose and fertile sandy soil or oil sand soil which is rich in organic matter. Heavy clay, saline-alkali land, low-lying land, not suitable for planting.

Second, soil preparation and fertilization select fields with high topography and good drainage for intensive cultivation. Combined with soil preparation, apply sufficient basic fertilizer: 3000 kg of soil miscellaneous fertilizer, 20 kg of urea and 50 kg of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer per mu. Then make a high bed 1.5 meters wide and wait for sowing.

Third, to sow Evodia rutaecarpa seedlings by cutting, transplanting propagation, but also can be divided into roots and tillers. The sowing time is spring sowing. One-year-old fully developed, robust and pest-free branches were cut into cuttings of 20 cm to 25 cm, with 3 buds in each segment. The lower end is cut into an ear-shaped bevel. Then soak the bevel with 500 p p m ABT rooting powder for 10 seconds. Cool slightly, and then insert it into the finished border according to the row spacing of 10 x 5 cm. 2/3 buried. Watering to preserve soil moisture, in order to survive. Strengthen the field management, after one year of cultivation, it can be transplanted. The seedlings of Evodia rutaecarpa which will be cultivated for one year will be planted on the whole border surface according to the row spacing of 3 x 2 meters, 111 seedlings per mu. The mother plant which had been propagated for more than 4 years was selected, the soil in the rhizosphere was removed, and the thicker lateral roots were cut with a knife every 7 ~ 9 cm. After 1 ~ 2 months, the roots and seedlings sprouted at the wound. It can be transplanted after one year of cultivation.

4. Field management after emergence of Evodia rutaecarpa, attention should be paid to field management, watering in dry weather and timely drainage in overcast and rainy weather. A layer of soil and dung is applied every winter. In order to ensure stable and high yield of Evodia rutaecarpa, pruning must be carried out. The tree will be trimmed into a high-yielding tree with outer circle and inner cavity, open crown, ventilation and light, low crown and low pole.

Fifth, disease and pest control rust in the initial stage of the disease with 97% Dianrustna 300 times solution or 25% trimethoprim 1500 times solution spray control. Coal fouling disease was controlled with 50% carbendazim, and citrus butterflies were controlled with permethrin pesticides.

6. harvesting and processing Evodia rutaecarpa generally blossoms and bear fruit 2 ~ 3 years after planting, and the fruit is picked after autumn from green to yellow. The picked fruit can be dried or dried before it can be sold as medicine.