
raccoon Learn more about raccoon

  • White Raccoon Dog and Breeding of White Raccoon Dog

    White Raccoon Dog and Breeding of White Raccoon Dog

    White raccoon dogs and their characteristics Raccoon dogs in nature have always been blue-brown, this common color type is genetically called wild type. In 1974, Harbin Zoo in Heilongjiang Province acquired a rare male raccoon dog (eyes and snout are light pink). In 1980, white raccoon dog or white raccoon dog with yellow brown or light blue eyes and black snout was successively found in the domestic raccoon dog population in three provinces of Northeast China. These special color types different from wild type fur color were called mutant types. Institute of Specialty of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  • Causes of formation of raccoon dogs and its prevention and treatment

    Causes of formation of raccoon dogs and its prevention and treatment

    Raccoon dogs refer to those who cannot be bred into commercial raccoon dogs during the breeding period after litter weaning. The performance is not long, small, bony, dishevelled coat, to the breeding period can only grow to 2.5~3.5kg, out of the hurdle can only take the residual skin. 1 the reason for the formation of stiff raccoon dogs 1.1 unreasonable feed collocation and incomplete nutrition. Breeders want to save by feeding only corn or with very little other feed. Due to the serious lack of nutrition in the feed, it can not meet the growth needs of raccoon dogs, resulting in the lack of growth of raccoon dogs, which is the most important reason for the formation of stiff raccoon dogs.

  • How to use the male raccoon dog during the mating period

    How to use the male raccoon dog during the mating period

    How to use the male raccoon dog during the mating period

  • Breeding of white raccoon dog

    Breeding of white raccoon dog

    White raccoon dogs and their characteristics raccoon dogs in nature have always been bluish brown, this common color type is genetically called the wild type. In 1974, Harbin Zoo in Heilongjiang Province acquired a rare male white raccoon dog (eyes and kisses are light pink). In 1980, yellowish brown or light blue eyes were found in the raccoon dog population of three northeastern provinces, kissing black white raccoon dog or white raccoon dog. These special color types, which are different from the wild type, are called mutants. The Special products Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences uses these precious white raccoon dog mutation genes.

  • Breeding of white raccoon dog

    Breeding of white raccoon dog

    White raccoon dogs and their characteristics raccoon dogs in nature have always been bluish brown, this common color type is genetically called the wild type. In 1974, Harbin Zoo in Heilongjiang Province acquired a rare male white raccoon dog (eyes and kisses are light pink). In 1980, yellowish brown or light blue eyes were found in the raccoon dog population of three northeastern provinces, kissing black white raccoon dog or white raccoon dog. These special color types, which are different from the wild type, are called mutants. The Special products Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences makes use of these precious white raccoon dog mutations.

  • A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    A brief discussion on the artificial midwifery technique of raccoon dog delivery

    The pregnancy and delivery of raccoon dogs has a certain seasonality, which is generally delivered from March to May. The artificial midwifery technology can be used to solve the general dystocia in the process of delivery and ensure the normal delivery of pregnant mother raccoon raccoons. The phenomenon of false death of young raccoon dogs can be dealt with in time. The author introduces the delivery and midwifery technology of raccoon dogs for reference. 1 Prenatal preparation of mother raccoon dogs 5 days before the due date, choose dry, warm and wind-free, sufficient light, quiet environment, do a good job of cage disinfection, cleaning and hygiene for delivery;

  • Are raccoons protected animals?

    Are raccoons protected animals?

    Raccoon has a dark coat around its eyes. It is small and naive. It is loved by many people. So are raccoons protected animals? Are raccoons protected animals? Raccoons are protected animals and are listed in the World Conservation Union in 2012.

    2020-11-08 Raccoon yes protection animal Mo raccoon eyes around there are
  • What animal is raccoon? How to breed in artificial breeding?

    What animal is raccoon? How to breed in artificial breeding?

    Raccoon dog is an endemic animal in East Asia, mainly produced in China, the former Soviet Union, Korea, Japan, Mongolia and other countries, divided into many subspecies. Raccoon's appearance and fox are very similar, now some places in our country have no their figure. The economic value of the raccoon is very high, so people

    2020-11-11 raccoon dog seed what animal artificial breeding time how
  • How to raise raccoons

    How to raise raccoons

    Raccoon originated in North America, naive, like to wash food in the water, many people are fascinated by its lovely appearance, now more and more people want to keep it as a pet. How do you raise raccoons? How to raise raccoons 1. It is easy to raise raccoons from an early age

    2020-11-11 Raccoon how raise raccoon original native to North America naive
  • Breeding characteristics of raccoon dog in Ursuli

    Breeding characteristics of raccoon dog in Ursuli

    1. Sexual maturity: the young raccoon dog is sexually mature at the age of 8-10 months after birth, and the male raccoon dog is slightly earlier than the female. 2. Sexual cycle: raccoon dog is an animal in estrus once a year. The testis of male raccoon dog begins to develop from the Autumn Equinox, and the texture of testis is soft at the end of January and the beginning of February. There are mature sperm in the epididymis, which begin to show sexual desire and can mate. The whole mating period can last 60-90 days. The testis atrophied quickly after the end of the mating period, and returned to the quiescent state in May, until the Autumn Equinox developed again, showing annual periodic changes. The sexual organ development of female raccoon dog is similar to that of male raccoon dog.

  • Raccoon dog variety: Jilin white raccoon dog

    Raccoon dog variety: Jilin white raccoon dog

    The Special products Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using the mutant white gene in wild coat color (common color type), has successfully bred our existing new color raccoon dog, Jilin white raccoon dog, after 16 years of research. From the phenotypic point of view, there are two kinds of new-color white raccoon dogs: one is that the needles and villi of other parts of the body are pure white except the rims of the eyes, the margin of the ear, the tip of the nose, claws and the tip of the tail; the other is that the hairs and villi of all parts of the body are pure white. Two kinds of white raccoon dogs are of body shape, appearance, habit and multiplicity.

  • Species of raccoon dog: Jilin white raccoon dog

    Species of raccoon dog: Jilin white raccoon dog

    The Special products Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, using the mutant white gene in wild coat color (common color type), has successfully bred our existing new color raccoon dog, Jilin white raccoon dog, after 16 years of research. From the phenotypic point of view, there are two kinds of new-color white raccoon dogs: one is that the needles and villi of other parts of the body are pure white except the rims of the eyes, the margin of the ear, the tip of the nose, claws and the tip of the tail; the other is that the hairs and villi of all parts of the body are pure white. The figure, appearance and habit of two kinds of white raccoon dogs

  • Basic knowledge of feeding and management of cultured mackerel

    Basic knowledge of feeding and management of cultured mackerel

    I don't think many people know anything about it, but the name should be heard frequently. We can often hear people say that the hair on my clothes is razor hair, so it can be seen that its hair is widely used in industry. Breeding raccoon dogs

    2020-11-08 Breeding raccoon dog son breeding management basic knowledge
  • How do racoon dogs come into being and how to prevent them?

    How do racoon dogs come into being and how to prevent them?

    Rugged raccoon dogs refer to commercial raccoon dogs that cannot be bred in the breeding period after litter weaning, showing that they are not long, small, bony and shaggy, and can only grow to 2.5 kilograms and 3.5 kilograms in the breeding period. Reason: there are many reasons for the formation of raccoon dogs, generally speaking, there are the following: unreasonable nutrition, nutrition is not full price, which is the main reason for the formation of stiff raccoon dogs. Breeders want to save, only feed corn flour or with very little other feed, because the feed is seriously lack of nutrition, can not meet the needs of raccoon dog growth, resulting in raccoon dog is not long, the formation of stiff raccoon dog.

  • Q & An on the establishment and introduction of raccoon dogs

    Q & An on the establishment and introduction of raccoon dogs

    Q: what are the prospects for raising raccoon dogs? Can you make money? Answer: raising raccoon dogs has a bright future and can make money Q: which areas are suitable for the development of raising raccoon dogs? Answer: raccoon dogs are of origin in northern China and can be raised in areas north of latitude 30 °North. The quality of the bark produced at higher latitudes is better than that at lower latitudes (30 °- 40 °). In order to ensure the quality of the bark, it should be introduced from the high latitude (north of 40 °) as far as possible, and it is best to introduce some new species every year to renew the blood relationship.

  • Electrical stimulation semen collection technique of white raccoon dog

    Electrical stimulation semen collection technique of white raccoon dog

    In recent years, colored fur has continued to be popular in the fur market, which has led to the breeding fever of colored fur animals. As one of the few colored raccoon dogs, raccoon dogs are heating up rapidly. in 2005, the price of male animals has exceeded 4000 yuan, far more than other fur animals, and even more than imported Finnish foxes. There is no lack of hype here, but the main reason is the shortage of raccoon dogs. Because the reproduction of white raccoon dog is dominant inheritance, its own reproduction has the objective existence of lethal gene, so white raccoon dog must be used to mate with common raccoon dog.

  • It is not suitable to mix seeds in peeling season.

    It is not suitable to mix seeds in peeling season.

    It is not suitable to mix seeds in peeling season.

  • The Forecast of breeding Forecast of Oyster in 2018 with Animal and Plant Feed

    The Forecast of breeding Forecast of Oyster in 2018 with Animal and Plant Feed

    Razor, also known as badger, is somewhat similar to foxes. Its meat is rich in nutrition. Its fur is one of China's traditional export commodities, and is often used to make coats, collars and other high-end clothing. There are many special aquaculture projects suitable for long-term development in China, and razor mackerel is a rare animal.

  • Selection and selection of white raccoon dog

    Selection and selection of white raccoon dog

    At present, the coat color of the white raccoon dog type in China has been very stable, that is, the part of the white hair is white regardless of the needle hair and the villi are all white, and there is no other miscellaneous color (such as the needle hair is white and the villi is not white or part of the body is not white, etc.). Therefore, the selection of white raccoon dogs should focus on coat color, fur quality and body shape, especially male raccoon dogs. The selection of white raccoon dogs should be mated with wild-type raccoon dogs, but not among white raccoon dogs. White raccoon dogs generally have the disadvantage of thick and long needle hair, and the selected wild raccoon dogs had better have short and dense needle hair in order to correct the shortcomings of white raccoon dogs.

  • The method of selection, retention and matching of breed raccoon dogs

    The method of selection, retention and matching of breed raccoon dogs

    Selection and selection of raccoon dogs through breeding and breeding for one year, the breeding ability of all male raccoons and the estrus, parturition, motherhood and milk secretion of females have been mastered. At the same time, because postpartum raccoon dogs generally have the highest litter size in the second to fourth years, all male and female raccoon dogs are selected according to the records before the skin is removed in the first year, and excellent raccoon dogs are gradually bred. The male raccoon dog reserved for breeding should be tall and long, strong hind legs, wide chest, long waist and straight back, long and fluffy tail, and testicles.
