
eyes Learn more about eyes

  • What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    What if pigeons shed tears in their eyes? Treatment of tears in pigeon eyes

    Pigeon eye cold is an easily recurrent disease, which will affect the pigeon's eyes and breathing, so it is necessary to control the disease in time. Let's take a look at the causes and treatment of pigeon tears: the symptoms of pigeon tears show scratching.

    2020-11-08 Pigeons eyes tears how to do treatment pigeons
  • What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

    What are the varieties of goldfish?

  • What is the difference between grass Phoenix eye and Phoenix eye?

    What is the difference between grass Phoenix eye and Phoenix eye?

    Grass Phoenix eye is in fact the nucleus of wild jujube, in fact, it is closely related to Phoenix eye, and both belong to jujube family. Phoenix Eye generally refers to Phoenix Eye Bodhi, which is a perennial woody plant and the fruit of Tibetan bo-di-ci. Introduction of Phoenix Eye 1. Origin of Nepalese Phoenix eyes and domestic Phoenix eyes, both in

    2020-11-08 Grass Phoenix eyes and the difference there are which grass in fact
  • Causes and treatment of yellowing of leaves of Amorphophallus maoyanensis

    Causes and treatment of yellowing of leaves of Amorphophallus maoyanensis

    Improper lighting of cat's eye taro likes shade, excessive light may cause plant leaves to burn, yellow spots appear on the leaf surface, and cause cat's eye taro leaves to wither and turn yellow. in this case, cat's eye taro should be moved to the indoor shade. If the light is too little, the leaves can not get enough light, and chlorophyll cannot be formed.

  • Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    Nursing Care of healthy Dog eyes

    For the protection of the eye part, always pay attention to whether there is eye stool, let the dog close his eyes when there is eye droppings, and remove them with wet wipes or cotton swabs. If you have tearful eyes and may have problems such as inverted eyelashes, you have to see a doctor. If the eye bowels are different from the usual transparent or dry brown, and the conjunctiva (white part of the eye) turns red, or the cornea (black part of the eye) has white spots or damaged, you should see a doctor immediately. Short-nosed dogs are prone to protruding eyes and form nasolacrimal duct compression, resulting in the nose part of the eyes of such as Zhong, Xishi, starlings and Beijing dogs.

  • The culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro, how often is better to water the cat's eye taro?

    The culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro, how often is better to water the cat's eye taro?

    Cat's eye bamboo taro is a perennial herb of the family Amorphophallus. Because its leaves stand upright at night, spread and limp during the day, it is similar to cat's eye, so it is named cat's eye bamboo taro. Cat's eye bamboo taro is also an expert in purifying indoor air, which is deeply loved by people. Many flower lovers do not know the culture methods and matters needing attention of cat's eye taro.

  • Matters needing attention for maintenance of cat's-eye bamboo taro in winter

    Matters needing attention for maintenance of cat's-eye bamboo taro in winter

    The temperature is in winter, if the temperature is lower than 13 degrees Celsius for a long time, the leaves of cat's eye taro will suffer frost damage. Therefore, the overwintering temperature of cat's eye taro should not be lower than 13 degrees Celsius. It is recommended to keep the temperature above 15 degrees Celsius, otherwise it will curb the growth of the plant. The light is in winter, because the light is scarce.

  • How to give the dog eye drops!

    How to give the dog eye drops!

    Common eye diseases can cause tears or excessive secretions. If left alone, these secretions will stain the hair on the dog's face. Before dropping eye drops, carefully wipe off the dirt from the corners of the dog's eyes with wet cotton. Wash the dog's eyes with warm water or veterinarian eye drops. Human eye drops should not be used. Be careful not to get cotton fibers into your eyes. Gently grasp the dog and open its eyes. In order not to frighten the dog, drop eye drops from behind its head. Let the lotion stay in the eye for a little more time after dripping.

  • How to water the cat's eye taro how often do you water the cat's-eye taro

    How to water the cat's eye taro how often do you water the cat's-eye taro

    Cat's eye taro is a kind of plant native to warm and humid areas, so the requirement of water content of cat's eye taro is relatively high. Planting any plant and watering is a very important element, and for wet plants such as cat's eye taro, watering

    2020-11-08 Cat's eye taro how watering how long once water cat's eye
  • Is the Cat's Eye Taro poisonous? breeding methods

    Is the Cat's Eye Taro poisonous? breeding methods

    Cat's eye taro leaves are broad, and the round black spots on the leaves are like the eyes of pandas, which are interesting and suitable for indoor decoration and beautification. But many people are worried about whether its color is toxic, so let's explore it together.

  • Eye protection of dogs

    Eye protection of dogs

    An animal's eyes reflect its health to a large extent. So always check your dog's eyes. When dogs are infected by certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, they often cause inflammation, redness and swelling of the eyes, and the orbit is filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open, so it is necessary to strengthen eye treatment and care. The best way is to use cotton balls dipped in medical chloramphenicol eye drops, gently wipe from the inner corner of the eye, until the eyes are scrubbed clean. Then inject an appropriate amount of eye drops into the dog's eyes to eliminate inflammation. Some dog breeds such as

  • Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

    Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

    Itching and dryness of bovine eyes can lead to blindness. It is the right time to prevent and cure bovine ophthalmosis in spring.

  • Eye protection for dogs

    Eye protection for dogs

    An animal's eyes largely reflect its physical health. Check your dog's eyes frequently. When dogs are infected with certain infectious diseases such as canine distemper, it often causes inflammation and redness of the eyes, and the eyes are filled with purulent mucus secretions, even causing the dog's eyes to be unable to open. At this time, treatment and care of the eyes should be strengthened. The best way is to dip in medical chloramphenicol eye drops with cotton balls and gently wipe them outward from the inner corners of the eyes until they are cleaned around the eyes. Then drop an appropriate amount of

  • How to catch red-eyed fish

    How to catch red-eyed fish

    Red-eye fish, also known as red-eyed trout, looks like grass carp. It is deeply loved by anglers because of its fast growth, strong adaptability and easy to catch. How to catch red-eye fish? First, how to catch red-eyed fish? 1. Red-eye fish bottom fishing for red-eye trout and other omnivorous bottom fishing

    2020-11-11 Red eye fish how fishing red eye aka trout outside
  • A woman with bags under her eyes looks ten years old. you might as well try it to get rid of the bags under your eyes.

    A woman with bags under her eyes looks ten years old. you might as well try it to get rid of the bags under your eyes.

    My real experience of going to bags under the eyes is great! I really did not expect that the dark circles and fat grains under my eyes were so serious that they could be smoothed out so easily, and the small fine lines around my eyes were gone! Take a look at the photos before and after sending them first. This year 35.

  • Matters needing attention in Culture of Cat's Eye Taro

    Matters needing attention in Culture of Cat's Eye Taro

    The main results are as follows: 1. When changing the basin every other year, it is appropriate to choose a slightly acidic soil with rich humus, which is fertile, loose, good in permeability and drainage. 2. The common pests in pest control are shell insects, red spiders and so on. For scale insects, according to the disease,

  • Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

    Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

    Introduction and culture skills of blue-eyed chrysanthemum how to raise beautiful blue-eyed chrysanthemum

  • When will the Phoenix eye fruit ripen

    When will the Phoenix eye fruit ripen

    The Phoenix eye fruit is the seed of the evergreen tree of the sycamore family, which is edible and tastes like Chinese chestnut after simmering. It tastes slightly sweet and fragrant, and can also be used for steaming, boiling, roasting, molasses and braised. So, do you know when the Phoenix eye fruit will ripen? First, when is the Phoenix eye fruit?

    2020-11-08 Phoenix eye fruit when mature fruit is sycamore family
  • Why should black-eyed Susan take care in winter?

    Why should black-eyed Susan take care in winter?

    The reason why we should be careful to take care of black-eyed Susan in winter is that black-eyed Susan is not very hardy, so we need to pay attention to maintenance in winter to avoid her death. Judging from the information and the maintenance experience of some flower friends,

  • This article explains in detail the solution to the yellowing and curling of cat's eye bamboo taro leaves.

    This article explains in detail the solution to the yellowing and curling of cat's eye bamboo taro leaves.

    Cat's eye taro is an indoor foliage plant, native to the tropical rain forest from South America to Central America. Its leaves are light green, grayish green and other colors, with gorgeous feather markings or irregular markings. The back of the leaf is often purplish red or grayish green, very beautiful. But in the process of farming,

    2020-11-09 One article detailed explanation cat's eye bamboo taro leaf yellowing curling solution