
quaternary Learn more about quaternary

  • How do the latest seeds grow?

    How do the latest seeds grow?

    Ginkgo biloba is the oldest surviving plant among gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary Glacier Movement. Seed reproduction is mostly used for large-scale greening seedlings or making cluster bonsai. Seeds are usually harvested in autumn and then the exocarp is removed and the seeds with pericarp are dried.

    2020-11-10 latest ginkgo seed how species yes quaternary glacier
  • Prevention and treatment of acne disease of crucian carp in cultured crucian carp

    Prevention and treatment of acne disease of crucian carp in cultured crucian carp

    In recent years, crucian carp culture is the main species in our region, and the incidence of crucian carp is getting higher and higher. Crucian carp pox disease, which rarely occurred in the past, now occurs from time to time. The disease usually occurs after the end of autumn and rarely kills fish.

    2020-11-08 Breeding crucian carp it acne disease prevention and treatment in recent years I
  • Has the beautiful red fruit national treasure plant, the anti-cancer star it is: the yew

    Has the beautiful red fruit national treasure plant, the anti-cancer star it is: the yew

    Taxus, also known as Yew, is a plant of the genus Taxus. Belongs to the shallow root plant, its main root is not obvious, the lateral root is developed, is recognized in the world is on the verge of extinction natural rare anticancer plant, is left over from the Quaternary glacier.

  • When will the latest yew blossom and bear fruit?

    When will the latest yew blossom and bear fruit?

    Taxus is a shallow root plant. Its main root is not obvious and its lateral root is well developed. It is recognized as a natural rare anticancer plant on the verge of extinction in the world. It is an ancient relict tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers. It has a history of 2.5 million years on the earth.

    2020-11-10 The latest yew when blossom and bear fruit belong to
  • The latest cutting propagation of Taxus, the steps of cutting propagation of Taxus mairei

    The latest cutting propagation of Taxus, the steps of cutting propagation of Taxus mairei

    Wild yew is a very precious rare and endangered plant, an ancient tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers, and it has very high medicinal value and good curative effect on cancer. it is a first-class protected wild plant in China, and wild yew is not allowed.

    2020-11-10 The latest yew how cutting breeding steps wild
  • The method of making bonsai of Ginkgo biloba seedlings

    The method of making bonsai of Ginkgo biloba seedlings

    Ginkgo biloba is a deciduous tree of Ginkgo biloba family. Ginkgo biloba, which appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, is the oldest relict of gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary glacial movement. Ginkgo biloba is rare and scattered in the world, and hundreds of years old trees are rare. All other plants of the same class have become extinct.

  • How many years does the yew bear fruit?

    How many years does the yew bear fruit?

    Taxus is recognized as a natural rare anticancer plant on the verge of extinction in the world. It is an ancient relict tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers and has a history of 2.5 million years on earth. It will also bear fruit, and the fruit is crimson. So, how many years does the yew bear?

    2020-11-08 Yew several years as a result yew yes in the world it is recognized
  • Cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Cultivation techniques of Taxus mairei

    Taxus, also known as yew and red cypress pine, is an ancient tree species relic in the Quaternary ice age. There are 11 species of yew in the world, and there are 5 species in China, namely, Taxus mairei, Taxus yunnanensis and Taxus mairei Xizang. The biological characteristics of Taxus have high requirements on the ecological environment. Generally, adult trees need to grow for 100 ∽ for 250 years. Taxus is a precious plant on the verge of extinction. China has listed it as a first-class rare and endangered plant, and logging is also prohibited by the United Nations. Statistics in 1996 showed that wild yew in Yunnan accounted for 55% of the country's total.

  • Bromogeramine (bromobenzylammonium), a commonly used clinical drug in geese

    Bromogeramine (bromobenzylammonium), a commonly used clinical drug in geese

    Properties: this product is a colorless or yellowish clear liquid, soluble in water, stable in aqueous solution, heat-resistant, can be preserved for a long time and has no corrosive effect on metal, rubber and plastic products. Function and use: this product is a quaternary amine cationic surfactant, which has the function of cleaning and decontamination, and can be adsorbed on the surface of bacteria, changing the permeability of bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, affecting bacterial metabolism, denaturing bacterial protein and showing bactericidal effect. This product has a wide antibacterial spectrum and can kill a variety of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. But the germicidal efficacy of positive bacteria

  • Control of Taura virus Disease of cultured Penaeus vannamei

    Control of Taura virus Disease of cultured Penaeus vannamei

    Taura virus disease is caused by Taura virus infection, also known as red body disease (usually the virus infection is red, the appendages are not red; bacterial infection is red appendages, the body is not red; the body is red, the appendages are also red may be mixed infection). The sick shrimp does not feed and swims slowly on the surface of the water.

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture South whitening Shrimp Taura virus Disease Prevention and treatment
  • Rare large Endangered species Natural Taxus Forest discovered in Zhashui, Shaanxi Province

    Rare large Endangered species Natural Taxus Forest discovered in Zhashui, Shaanxi Province

    Zuoshui County, Shaanxi Province, which is located in the Qinling Mountains, recently discovered a rare large area of natural yew forest, with a number of more than 100,000 trees. Some experts say that the yew is an endangered tree species preserved during the Quaternary ice age, and it is rare for the natural yew forest to be distributed in a wide area and a large number. It is understood that Zhushui is located at the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains, between the subtropical and warm temperate zones, with abundant rainfall and forest coverage of 78%. Rich in plant resources, it has been known as "natural medicine storehouse" since ancient times. A plant with a chest circumference of two points was found in Dongyuangou, Fenghuang Town.

  • Plant gold-- Taxus chinensis

    Plant gold-- Taxus chinensis

    Taxus is a species left over from the Quaternary glacier, known as the "living fossil" of the plant kingdom, is a rare and endangered plant in the world, and it is listed as a first-class protected plant in China. When the yew fruit is ripe, the red fruit is full of branches and colorful, which is named because it is very similar to the "Acacia bean" in the south. It is not only an important timber tree species, ornamental tree species, but also a precious medicinal plant. In 1989, the United States took the lead in the detection of paclitaxel from the substances contained in Taxus. Experiments have shown that paclitaxel has a unique anti-tumor mechanism and significant anti-tumor effect, and is considered to be the most effective.

  • How much is a yew, the giant panda in plants? What are the planting prospects?

    How much is a yew, the giant panda in plants? What are the planting prospects?

    Taxus is a precious plant, an ancient tree species left over from Quaternary glaciers, which is listed as a first-class protected plant in China, so it also has the title of giant panda among plants, which is very suitable for planting in the north and south. So how much is a yew? What are the planting prospects? How much is a yew?

  • The making method of Michelia bonsai

    The making method of Michelia bonsai

    Michelia mollissima, also known as Bark bag incense and Mountain Vibrator, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of the Magnoliaceae family. Both Ginkgo biloba and Ginkgo biloba belong to the Mesozoic tree species left after the Quaternary glacier, commonly known as living fossils. Although no real wild area has been found so far, it is found in the broad-leaved or coniferous sparse forests of the plateaus of eastern and central Yunnan.

  • Disinfection with chickens is a measure for the production of green products

    Disinfection with chickens is a measure for the production of green products

    Disinfection with chickens is an effective measure to prevent and control avian influenza and Newcastle disease in large-scale chicken farms, especially when there is more spring breeze, it is particularly necessary to raise henhouses of different ages. Specific methods of operation: choose the appropriate time when the temperature is low in winter, it is best to choose the time when the temperature is high at noon, the fog evaporates quickly, the chickens breathe quickly, absorb quickly, and the effect is fast. The room temperature in spring and summer is higher than 20 ℃. It is best to choose afternoon or evening, when the temperature is constant, the aerosol evaporates slowly and is disinfected by floating in the house.

  • Key points of management of ginkgo trees in autumn

    Key points of management of ginkgo trees in autumn

    Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba L.) is a deciduous tree of Ginkgo biloba family. Ginkgo biloba, which appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, is the oldest relict of gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary glacial movement.

    2020-11-08 Ginkgo Autumn Management Essentials bilob
  • The latest Culture method of Taxus mairei

    The latest Culture method of Taxus mairei

    Taxus, also known as Taxus chinensis, is a plant of the genus Taxus. Taxus is a shallow-rooted plant with inconspicuous main roots and well-developed lateral roots. It is recognized as an endangered natural rare anticancer plant in the world. It is an ancient plant left over from Quaternary glaciers.

    2020-11-10 The latest yew culture method also known as China
  • The distribution of the latest ginkgo trees

    The distribution of the latest ginkgo trees

    Ginkgo biloba, a deciduous tree of the genus Ginkgo biloba in the Ginkgo family, is the oldest relict of gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary glacial movement. It grows slowly and has a very long life. Under natural conditions, it takes more than 20 years from planting to bearing ginkgo fruits. It will take 40 years to bear a large number of fruits.

    2020-11-10 The latest ginkgo origin distribution for family genus
  • Yew breeding methods and precautions known as "plant gold" are introduced!

    Yew breeding methods and precautions known as

    Taxus may not be very familiar to many people. In fact, Taxus is a very precious ornamental plant. It is also an ancient tree species left over from the Quaternary Glacier. Therefore, it has the title of plant gold. As a treasure in flower cultivation, it is liked by many people and wants to be cultivated.

  • Grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba in autumn

    Grafting technique of Ginkgo biloba in autumn

    Ginkgo biloba is a deciduous tree of Ginkgo biloba family. Ginkgo biloba, which appeared hundreds of millions of years ago, is the oldest relict of gymnosperms left over from the Quaternary glacier movement. Ginkgo biloba is rare and scattered in existence, and hundreds of years old trees are rare.

    2020-11-08 Ginkgo biloba autumn grafting technical ginkgo for family genus