
ponds Learn more about ponds

  • How to release fish species in winter

    How to release fish species in winter

    1. "five changes" fish ponds. "small ponds" to "big ponds", "dead ponds" to "living ponds", "shallow ponds" to "deep ponds", "leaky ponds" to "reservoir protection ponds", "emergency ponds" to "flood control ponds". When renovating the pond, first release the dry pond water, after exposure to the sun to remove too much silt from the bottom of the pond, leaving only 15~20cm thick. Root out weeds, dredge channels, and raise the ridge of the pond. two。 Clear the pond and disinfect it. The water depth of the pond is 10cm, first of all, quicklime 90kg or 30% chlorine bleach 4kg is used for every 667m2 of water.

  • Cleaning of parent fish culture pond

    Cleaning of parent fish culture pond

    1. Repair the pond to drain the water, remove too much silt, flatten the pond bottom, repair the pond bottom wall and inlet and outlet, and remove tall plants from the bottom and edge of the pond. After exposing the pond for a few days, inject fresh water. 2. The commonly used pond cleaning methods are as follows: (1) one method of quicklime dry pond cleaning is to drain the pond water first, leaving only 6cm water at the bottom of the pond, digging several small pits around the pond bottom, adding water to melt the quicklime respectively, sprinkling it evenly into the pond before cooling, and using iron on the second day.

  • Five methods of clearing ponds before the release of fish species

    Five methods of clearing ponds before the release of fish species

    Before stocking, the culture pond must be cleared to kill all kinds of ferocious small wild miscellaneous fish, harmful aquatic animals and plants, parasitic eggs and pathogenic bacteria in the pond, so as to create a good environment for the growth of adult fish. The following five methods of clearing ponds are introduced: first, clear ponds with quicklime. When the pond is cleaned by drainage (that is, the pond is cleaned after the water is drained to 5 cm deep), 60,70kg of quicklime is used per mu of pond; when the pond is not drained, 125kg / m of deep water is used (200p).

  • Design requirements and drawings of fish ponds

    Design requirements and drawings of fish ponds

    Design requirements and drawings of fish ponds

  • What kind of medicine is used in general fish pond disinfection? How to disinfect it?

    What kind of medicine is used in general fish pond disinfection? How to disinfect it?

    Aquaculture in fish ponds is a good direction for people in our country to get rich and earn income, and it is generally necessary to carry out disinfection before using fish ponds for culture. What kind of medicine is used to disinfect the fish pond? How to disinfect it? What kind of medicine is used to disinfect fish ponds? Usually trimmed and modified.

    2020-11-11 General fish pond disinfection use what medicine yes how
  • Skillfully manage fish at the beginning of winter

    Skillfully manage fish at the beginning of winter

    1. The transformation of the pond. Transform ponds from small ponds to big ponds and shallow ponds to deep ponds during the winter leisure season. After transformation, it can not only increase the water capacity of the pond, but also improve the environment of the pond. The ponds with better conditions should also be drained and the thick silt should be removed so that the thickness of the pond mud can be kept at about 20cm. Root out weeds around the pond and raise and strengthen the ridges. two。 Disinfect the pond. The repaired pond should be sterilized with quicklime. Pond disinfection should be carried out on sunny days. Dry disinfection, per 667 square meters

  • New fish pond the most local anti-leakage method, new fish pond with what disinfection? What should I pay attention to?

    New fish pond the most local anti-leakage method, new fish pond with what disinfection? What should I pay attention to?

    The best way to prevent water leakage in the new fish pond is to tamp the bottom of the pond completely by mechanical compaction, and the yellow mud can be evenly applied to the bottom of the pond and then irrigated after natural air drying. What to disinfect the new fish ponds: bleach and Qingtang Ling can be used in the new fish ponds.

    2020-11-08 New fish ponds new fish ponds most earnest prevention leakage method use what
  • A complete collection of pond cleaning methods for aquaculture

    A complete collection of pond cleaning methods for aquaculture

    The source and main composition of quicklime-1-quicklime are natural rocks mainly composed of calcium carbonate, such as limestone, chalk, dolomitic limestone, etc.

  • Types and usage of commonly used pond cleaning drugs

    Types and usage of commonly used pond cleaning drugs

    Medicine cleaning pond is the use of drugs to kill pathogens, parasites and all kinds of ferocious fish, wild miscellaneous fish and other enemy organisms that harm fish, shrimp and crab seedlings in the pond, so as to avoid affecting the normal growth and development of farmed species due to diseases, so as to improve the efficiency of culture. At present, there are many kinds of clearing pond drugs, but different kinds of drugs have different effects. The commonly used pond cleaning drugs are quicklime, bleach, tea cake, ammonia, Croton, Tangkening and so on. First, quicklime clears the pond with quicklime, that is, calcium oxide, and its clearing function is that quicklime reacts with water to produce calcium hydroxide.

  • What are the matters needing attention for crayfish culture in rural fish ponds? Can I dig trenches?

    What are the matters needing attention for crayfish culture in rural fish ponds? Can I dig trenches?

    More and more people are involved in crayfish culture, which is affected and restricted by some factors, which leads to the transformation of some fish ponds into crayfish culture ponds. Due to different farmed species, biological habits are different, the corresponding technical requirements are also different. So, rural fish.

    2020-11-11 Rural areas fish ponds aquaculture small lobster matters needing attention what are they?
  • Leakage increases the cost of fish culture Seven ways to prevent leakage in fish ponds

    Leakage increases the cost of fish culture Seven ways to prevent leakage in fish ponds

    Leakage increases the cost of fish culture Seven ways to prevent leakage in fish ponds

  • Problems of water sources and fish ponds in rainbow trout farms

    Problems of water sources and fish ponds in rainbow trout farms

    (1) the source rainbow trout must be raised in clear running water, and groundwater, river water, mountain stream water and sea water can all be used, but it requires abundant water quantity in the four seasons, suitable water temperature, sufficient dissolved oxygen, clean water quality and no pollution. 1. Water quality. When choosing a trout culture site, you should try your best.

    2020-11-08 Culture rainbow trout farms water sources and fish ponds problems one
  • Why should aquaculture ponds be cleared? What are the specific methods?

    Why should aquaculture ponds be cleared? What are the specific methods?

    Pond culture refers to the use of ponds for the production of aquatic economic animals and plants. A pond is a body of water smaller than a lake. Then why do aquaculture ponds need to be cleared? What are the specific methods? Why should aquaculture ponds be cleared? Aquaculture pond clearing pond

    2020-11-11 Aquaculture ponds why want clear ponds specific methods there are
  • 12 cases of waterscape design of rockery fish ponds in gardens to build such a fish pond.

    12 cases of waterscape design of rockery fish ponds in gardens to build such a fish pond.

    There are 12 cases of waterscape design of "Garden Fish Pond". With the rapid development of society, people pay more and more attention to spiritual civilization. Of course, the requirements for the environment are getting higher and higher. At this time, our new favorite came out-rockery fish pond. Build one like this.

  • How to raise high survival rate of water spray (small fry)?

    How to raise high survival rate of water spray (small fry)?

    Water spray refers to the small seedlings hatched from fish eggs. Generally, the seedlings that can be released from fish ponds and delivered are 3-4 days after shelling. The body length is between 0.5-1cm. The whole body is translucent or light gray black. If the water is stored too long after shelling,

    2020-11-11 splash small fry how raise survival rate high popular
  • Ecological fish culture technology

    Ecological fish culture technology

    Ecological fish culture is a good way of aquaculture. Ecological fish culture makes use of the material cycle and energy conversion relationship between biological and environmental factors, as well as between biological and biological factors in the aquaculture ecosystem, and makes purposeful artificial control to establish a new ecology.

    2020-11-08 Ecology fish culture technology ecology yes a very good
  • Pond conditions for culturing adult rainbow trout in ponds

    Pond conditions for culturing adult rainbow trout in ponds

    Adult fish culture is the cultivation of commercial fish from fish species. In general, adult fish are raised with fish that have been raised for more than one year, and some have been raised from the beginning of the year until commercial fish come out of the pond. However, no matter what kind of culture method, in order to achieve high yield and high efficiency, it must be fully developed.

    2020-11-08 Ponds farmed adult rainbow trout conditions requirements adult fish
  • There are many benefits to sunning ponds in winter

    There are many benefits to sunning ponds in winter

    The author recently visited Xingyang rural areas in our province and found that many fishermen friends quickly disinfected the fish pond after selling out the commercial fish, and then put the fish species in proportion. They think that this will enable fish species to adapt to the pond environment early so that they can open their mouths and grow early in spring. In fact, it is better to expose fish ponds, especially aged fish ponds, to butterflies in winter. The aging of fish ponds is aggravated by the accumulation of fertilizer feed residues, fish feces and sediment impurities, which directly affects the aging of fish ponds in the next year.

  • Technique of main culture of freshwater Pomfret in shallow ponds

    Technique of main culture of freshwater Pomfret in shallow ponds

    Among the existing ponds, shallow ponds still account for a large proportion. The water of this kind of pond is shallow, the drainage and irrigation is not matched, some are seasonally flooded into ponds, breed traditional fish, produce little fish, the benefit is very low. In order to explore the ways to increase production, increase income and increase efficiency of this kind of ponds, for two consecutive years from 1993 to 1994, we have a total area of 9.7 mu and a maximum water depth of 1. 5%. The experiment of main culture of freshwater Pomfret in shallow ponds was carried out in rice ponds, and satisfactory results were obtained in the absence of oxygen enrichment facilities: an average yield of 227 kg per mu in 1994.

  • Breeding of Yellow Catfish Fry

    Breeding of Yellow Catfish Fry

    It takes about half a month to culture the fry of Pelteobagrus fulvidraco (commonly known as water spray) with a body length of 1.5~1.2 cm to the fry of 5~6 cm (fire flake fish). At this stage, the cultivation methods include pond cultivation, running water pond cultivation and net cage cultivation. relative breeding

    2020-11-08 culture pelteobagrus fulvidraco fry of will body length 1.5 1.2