
petiole Learn more about petiole

  • Excellent varieties of water celery

    Excellent varieties of water celery

    According to the leaf shape, water celery can be divided into two types: sharp-leaf celery and round-leaf celery. The sharp leaf type variety has sharp leaves and tall plants, so it is suitable for deep water cultivation. The round leaf type variety has nearly round leaves and short plants, so it is suitable for cultivation in shallow water or dry land. The excellent varieties of water celery commonly used in production are: Yuqi rhubarb Yetou Qin local variety Yuqi Town, Xishan District, Wuxi City. More plants are planted in Wuxi, Changzhou and Yixing. The plant height is 60cm to 70cm. Petiole about 50 cm long, light green. Leaflets ovate, leaf blade green. The upper part of the stem is turquoise and the lower part is white-green. Stout stem

  • What are the varieties of high-quality water celery in China? Where is the most famous water celery?

    What are the varieties of high-quality water celery in China? Where is the most famous water celery?

    According to the leaf shape, water celery can be divided into two types: sharp-leaf celery and round-leaf celery. The sharp leaf type variety has sharp leaves and tall plants, so it is suitable for deep water cultivation. The round leaf type variety has nearly round leaves and short plants, so it is suitable for cultivation in shallow water or dry land. Then the water commonly used in production

    2020-11-27 China high quality water celery varieties which where the most famous
  • Prevention and control measures for hollow cracking of celery petiole

    Prevention and control measures for hollow cracking of celery petiole

    During the growth period of celery, especially in the middle and later stage, white spots, hollow, or lateral and longitudinal cracking of petiole often appear on the cross section of petiole. The reasons and solutions are as follows. The soil is boron deficient. This is the main cause of petiole cracking. 0.5 Mu of 1 kg borax is applied as base fertilizer, and once a slight crack is found, 0.2% Mel 0.5% borax aqueous solution can be used for foliar spray, or 0.25% borax aqueous solution can be used to irrigate the root. Improper sowing time or less nitrogen fertilizer. The autumn planting in the open field is too late, coupled with the lack of nitrogen fertilizer, the plant

  • Can you see whether Chunlan is a small feature of fragrant leaves? In fact, it is not reliable.

    Can you see whether Chunlan is a small feature of fragrant leaves? In fact, it is not reliable.

    Whether Chunlan is fragrant or not, a small feature on the leaves can be seen. How much have you been cheated by the Internet? When the farmer was communicating with Lanyou, Lanyou said to me: according to the knowledge on the Internet, if Chunlan does not have a petiole ring, it is an unfragrant bean orchid.

  • Reasons for the increase of crude fiber in celery petiole and its preventive measures

    Reasons for the increase of crude fiber in celery petiole and its preventive measures

    Reasons for the increase of crude fiber in celery petiole and its preventive measures

  • Reasons for the increase of crude fiber in the petiole of celery and its preventive measures

    Reasons for the increase of crude fiber in the petiole of celery and its preventive measures

    In the process of celery planting, farmers are more afraid that one of the problems is the increase of petiole crude fiber, which will seriously affect the variety and sales of celery and reduce income. So what is the reason for the increase in celery crude fiber? How can measures be taken to avoid it? Follow the editor.

    2020-11-10 Latest celery petiole thick fiber increase cause and prevention
  • Prevention and control of bean anthracnose caused by long brown leaf spot, stem petiole and petiole

    Prevention and control of bean anthracnose caused by long brown leaf spot, stem petiole and petiole

    Prevention and control of bean anthracnose caused by long brown leaf spot, stem petiole and petiole

  • The ring of an orchid.

    The ring of an orchid.

    The rings of orchids, Chunlan and Jianlan have petiole rings, which are located within the range of 1-4cm from the orchid bulbs, showing annular protuberances, the dividing line between petioles and leaves, and leaves wilting and breaking from the ring. The appearance of petiole ring also indicates that the seedling is about to grow. Orchid leaves often fall off in a certain part of the base, this part is often horizontal.

  • How to prevent celery petiole cracking

    How to prevent celery petiole cracking

    How to prevent celery petiole cracking

  • Prevention and treatment of brown spot disease caused by brown and withered petiole of lotus root robe

    Prevention and treatment of brown spot disease caused by brown and withered petiole of lotus root robe

    Prevention and treatment of brown spot disease caused by brown and withered petiole of lotus root robe

  • Causes of petiole cracking of celery and its control

    Causes of petiole cracking of celery and its control

    The cracking of celery petiole is mainly characterized by the cracking of stem base and petiole at the same time. The cause of cracking is caused by lack of boron and growth hindrance under low temperature and drought conditions. In addition, sudden high temperature, high humidity, the plant absorbs too much water, resulting in rapid tissue filling, will also cause cracking. Prevention and control methods: one is to apply.

  • What is the cause of celery petiole cracking?

    What is the cause of celery petiole cracking?

    Celery soft rot does great harm, how to effectively control celery soft rot? The prevention and control methods are as follows: 1. Crop rotation. Celery soft rot is mainly transmitted through soil, and a large number of bacteria are easy to accumulate in the soil of continuous cropping land, which is bound to cause and aggravate the disease. Therefore, the round should be carried out for more than two years.

  • hongqin


    Special function: red celery high iron content, iron content per 100 grams of fresh weight 22mg, is 2 to 3 times that of ordinary celery. It grows fast and harvests 20~30 days earlier than ordinary celery sown at the same time. Unique color, rich flavor, mature plant harvest suitable for cold or juice for drinks, small plant harvest suitable for stuffing. 1. Agronomic characters: red to purplish red petioles, green leaves, petioles gradually pale from inside to outside with plant growth, inner petioles red, outer petioles pale red or near

  • The method of water insertion propagation of African violets?

    The method of water insertion propagation of African violets?

    The method of water insertion propagation of African violets? African violets can be propagated by inserting leaves in water. Take a leaf, the petiole can be 4 cm 5 cm, fill the bottle with water, insert the leaf into the bottle, the mouth of the bottle holds the leaf, the petiole is suspended in the water, adjust the water surface, let the petiole soak 2 cm 3 cm in the water

  • Control method of anthracnose of Shanghai green with long white spots on leaves and long brown spots on petioles

    Control method of anthracnose of Shanghai green with long white spots on leaves and long brown spots on petioles

    Control method of anthracnose of Shanghai green with long white spots on leaves and long brown spots on petioles

  • Why is the latest mimosa shy?

    Why is the latest mimosa shy?

    Why is the mimosa shy? Because plants are different from animals in that they have no nervous system and no muscles, they do not perceive external stimuli, while mimosa is different from ordinary plants. When touched by the outside world, the petiole is drooping and the small leaves are closed.

    2020-11-10 The latest mimosa why will shy well
  • The latest course of celery planting techniques and methods

    The latest course of celery planting techniques and methods

    Celery cultivation in China began in the Han Dynasty and has a history of more than 2000 years. At first, it was only planted as an ornamental plant, and then it was eaten. After continuous domestication and cultivation, the cultivated species of celery with slender petiole was formed, that is, Benqin (Chinese celery). The planting environment of celery 1.

    2020-11-10 The latest celery planting techniques methods tutorials China
  • Celery planting technology

    Celery planting technology

    Celery planting technology

  • Why is the mimosa shy?

    Why is the mimosa shy?

    Why is the mimosa shy?

  • Leaf rot of medicinal plant Panax notoginseng

    Leaf rot of medicinal plant Panax notoginseng

    Symptoms can affect all aerial organs except the roots. The most typical symptom is to cause black fusiform lesions on the top of petioles. When the temperature is high, they quickly circle around the petioles and quickly expand to the base of the leaflets, forming pale black water-soaked lesions on the leaves with irregular edges. The diseased part of the petiole softens quickly, causing the upper leaflet to droop (commonly known as "twisted footwall"). In the disease often visible yellow with pink mold, that is, the fruiting body of the pathogen. When it damages the middle part of the leaf, it forms black irregular spots with irregular edges.
