
pericarp Learn more about pericarp

  • How to ferment the pericarp to make fertilizer

    How to ferment the pericarp to make fertilizer

    The preparation method of pericarp water prepares all kinds of fruit peels, such as dragon peel, lemon peel, banana peel, watermelon peel, orange peel, orange peel, etc., break the peel with a kitchen knife or blender, and then prepare to wash rice water and brown sugar.

    2020-11-10 The latest peel how fermentation cooking fertilizer one pericarp water
  • What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    What are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature?

    Grape is a woody vine, is one of the oldest fruit tree species in the world, the fruit is generally spherical or oval, the ripening time varies with varieties and planting boundaries. So, what are the common grape varieties in China? When will it mature? I. China

    2020-11-09 China common grape variety which when
  • Causes and Control techniques of Citrus Fruit cracking

    Causes and Control techniques of Citrus Fruit cracking

    Causes and Control techniques of Citrus Fruit cracking

  • The latest citrus fruit cracking causes and control techniques tutorial

    The latest citrus fruit cracking causes and control techniques tutorial

    China is a big citrus planting country, but when citrus is ripe, it is easy to crack fruit, and the fruit cracking rate is more than 40%, which seriously affects the economic benefits of fruit growers. So what causes citrus cracking? How to prevent it? come

    2020-11-10 latest citrus fruit cracking causes and control techniques methods tutorials
  • There are several kinds of coconuts

    There are several kinds of coconuts

    The varieties of coconuts are perfume coconut, red dwarf coconut, yellow dwarf coconut, green dwarf coconut, coconut, high species coconut, small coconut and so on. Coconut varieties Daquan: 1. Perfume coconut has high yield, green pericarp, thin pericarp and seed shell, and better quality of coconut water and coconut meat.

    2020-11-09 Coconut there are several kinds of coconut there are varieties of coconut perfume red dwarf
  • Problems needing attention in pericarp fermentation for fertilization of Cymbidium

    Problems needing attention in pericarp fermentation for fertilization of Cymbidium

    Problems needing attention in pericarp fermentation for fertilization of Cymbidium

  • Fruit cracking of navel orange and its control

    Fruit cracking of navel orange and its control

    Climate: summer high temperature and drought damage pericarp tissue and cells; excessive rainfall after long drought, water absorption causes excessive swelling and pressure, damage pericarp; 2. Pericarp factors: pericarp tends to mature, peel thinning, pulp softening; sugar in fruit juice accumulates continuously, accelerates water absorption and increases swelling pressure; 3. Planting.

  • Pericarp of fruits and vegetables: one of the most nutritious parts of plants

    Pericarp of fruits and vegetables: one of the most nutritious parts of plants

    No one argues that eating more fruits and vegetables can be good for your health. However, whether or not these fruits and vegetables are best consumed by the skin, it is often debated.

  • What is the reason for walnut pericarp rot?

    What is the reason for walnut pericarp rot?

    What is the reason for walnut pericarp rot? Please introduce the causes and control methods of walnut peel rot the main factor is that when the air humidity is high, it can cause walnut anthracnose, there are pink protuberances on the disease spot. The disease spot can be connected into a piece for a long time, which is characterized by blackening, decay or early fall of the fruit. The prevention and cure of walnut peel rot.

  • Why do grapes crack?

    Why do grapes crack?

    Why do grapes crack? What is the reason? The main reasons for grape fruit cracking are: 1. In the late stage of fruit growth, the soil moisture changes too much, and the roots absorb a large amount of water from the soil and transport it to the fruit. The physiological activities and division of the cells near the fruit brush accelerate, and near the pericarp.

  • The pericarp can be made into fat and water. It can be used for 15 days to give longevity flowers a bud that blooms continuously.

    The pericarp can be made into fat and water. It can be used for 15 days to give longevity flowers a bud that blooms continuously.

    Longevity flowers have a long meaning, flowers delicate and small, bright and beautiful, but also indicates that the flowers bloom rich, the effect of decoration is very strong, very popular with people. To take good care of longevity flowers, people always try their best to rack their brains.

  • Jujube harvest and postharvest management

    Jujube harvest and postharvest management

    The harvest time of jujube varies greatly according to the use and variety of fruit. The main results are as follows: 1. The fruit used as honey jujube: the white ripening period is the suitable postharvest period. During this period, the fruit volume stopped growing; the pericarp green decreased, showing milky white or green white; the texture of the pericarp was thin and soft, and it was not easy to separate from the pulp after cooking; the pulp was relatively soft, less fruit juice, low sugar content, but rich in protopectin, strong cooking resistance. The processed product is bright yellow and orange, showing amber translucency, eating tough and slippery without skin dregs, and has a unique flavor.

  • Causes and control of fruit cracking of litchi without commercial value

    Causes and control of fruit cracking of litchi without commercial value

    Causes and control of fruit cracking of litchi without commercial value

  • Can you grow cantaloupes in the south?

    Can you grow cantaloupes in the south?

    some muskmelon varieties can be planted in the south, but they cannot be planted in the open field, but because muskmelon is sown in spring, and the rain in spring is more and the temperature is not very high in southern China, the growth of muskmelon will be affected by insufficient sunshine.

    2020-11-08 south can grow cantaloupe do abstract have some
  • Processing technology of peach pericarp

    Processing technology of peach pericarp

    Technological process: raw material selection → cleaning → cut in half, enucleated → softening → beating → concentrated → slice → drying → slice → packaging. Raw material treatment: raw materials can be selected high-quality fruit, can also be used wind fall, residual fruit, but to sort, remove insect eyes, disease and serious discoloration parts, spots, black spots and so on. Wash, cut the fruit in half and dig out the core. Soften: wash the peach fruit and boil it in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Beating: a beater with a screen hole of 0.6 mm

  • A New Zanthoxylum bungeanum Variety Chaocang Mountain Pepper

    A New Zanthoxylum bungeanum Variety Chaocang Mountain Pepper

    The fruit of this variety is round and small, the 1000-grain weight of fresh fruit is 66.78 g, the 1000-grain weight of pericarp is 14mur15 g, the thickness of pericarp is 0.9ml 1.2 mm, and the peeling rate is 21.89%. The content of essential oil in pericarp is medium, about 6.0mura 10.7%. The sprouting ability is weak, the branching ability is strong, and the fruit setting rate is medium. Pepper sprouts and fruits are edible and are important raw materials for seasoning, pickles and pharmaceuticals. Anti-glue disease. The cold resistance is moderate, and the cold resistance of young trees is poor.

  • A New Variety of Zanthoxylum bungeanum-- Chaocang Mountain Pepper

    A New Variety of Zanthoxylum bungeanum-- Chaocang Mountain Pepper

    The fruit of this variety is round and small, the 1000-grain weight of fresh fruit is 66.78 g, the 1000-grain weight of pericarp is 14mur15 g, the thickness of pericarp is 0.9ml 1.2 mm, and the peeling rate is 21.89%. The content of essential oil in pericarp is medium, about 6.0mura 10.7%. The sprouting ability is weak, the branching ability is strong, and the fruit setting rate is medium. Pepper sprouts and fruits are edible and are important raw materials for seasoning, pickles and pharmaceuticals. Anti-glue disease. The cold resistance is moderate, and the cold resistance of young trees is poor.

  • How to ferment pericarp to make fertilizer

    How to ferment pericarp to make fertilizer

    How to ferment pericarp to make fertilizer

  • How to solve the black spot disease of pear

    How to solve the black spot disease of pear

    How to solve the black spot disease of pear

  • This kind of watering flowers is often seen in daily life. No matter how difficult it is to water flowers, you can feed them.

    This kind of watering flowers is often seen in daily life. No matter how difficult it is to water flowers, you can feed them.

    After growing flowers for a long time, you can naturally master some tips for growing flowers, such as watering flowers with Amoy rice water, watering flowers with beer and so on. In fact, the skills of growing flowers are ever-changing, most of which come from life. And it is only nurtured by heart.
