
monoecious Learn more about monoecious

  • Do monoecious pine trees blossom and bear fruit in spring?

    Do monoecious pine trees blossom and bear fruit in spring?

    Pine is a monoecious plant, the most obvious feature is that the leaves are needle-like, often 2-needle, 3-needle or 5-needle bunch, and in people's common impression, the pine tree has no flowers. So will pine trees blossom and bear fruit in spring? According to Master Xiao, a pine grower in Loudi, pine trees are not only

    2020-11-09 Androgynous monoecious plant pine spring will blossom and bear fruit
  • Toy pumpkin with different flower and fruit shape is diverse, small and strange, with all kinds of markings are very beautiful.

    Toy pumpkin with different flower and fruit shape is diverse, small and strange, with all kinds of markings are very beautiful.

    Toy pumpkin belongs to annual trailing herbs. The flowers are monoecious, solitary, yellow, pear-shaped, dish-shaped, ladyshaped, crown-shaped or round, and the fruit is white, yellow, green and so on. Basic information [name] toy pumpkin; P.

  • What are the main characteristics of bryophytes

    What are the main characteristics of bryophytes

    Artemisia mandshurica is a kind of bryophyte, which is mainly concentrated in submerged water. Unlike land money, wall moss and so on, they grow on the ground rocks. What other characteristics does it have besides the growing environment? Let's take a look. Fork money moss is a monoecious moss.

    2019-03-27 Moss plant common variety fork money moss main characteristic
  • Common bryophytes what are the main characteristics of bryophytes

    Common bryophytes what are the main characteristics of bryophytes

    Fairy crane moss is a bryophyte, its shape is very good-looking, a little like the shape of a crane, so it is called fairy crane moss. What are the characteristics of this kind of bryophyte? Let's take a look. A monoecious species of fairy crane moss. There are stems and leaves, simple stems, leaves.

    2019-03-29 Common moss plant crane higher plant main characteristic
  • What medicine can be used to eradicate the Reed?

    What medicine can be used to eradicate the Reed?

    Reed is a common plant in the fields, roadsides and grasslands. Its stems can be used as mats and brooms, and Reed flowers can be used as quilts and pillows to keep warm, so many people like to pick some back when they bloom, but reeds are tough.

    2020-11-08 Reed with what medicine can be eradicated yes in the field
  • Morphological characteristics and suitable environment of Pinellia ternata

    Morphological characteristics and suitable environment of Pinellia ternata

    [morphological characteristics] perennial herbs with a height of 15cm and 30cm. Tubers are spherical or oblate. The leaves are basal, long stalked; the seedlings are simple, ovate-cordate, apex pointed, entire; after the second and third year, the leaves are 3-foliolate, elliptic to lanceolate. There are bulbs on the inner side of the lower part of the petiole, which can be used as propagation material. Monoecious; flowers small, light green. [suitable environment] like moist, afraid of drought, afraid of strong light; shade-resistant, cold-resistant, tuber can survive the winter naturally. It is appropriate to choose sandy loam with moist, fertile, deep and neutral soil.

  • Rhododendron senii

    Rhododendron senii

    Rhododendron mori is a perennial woody plant, up to 10m high, leaves elliptic lanceolate type, slightly backward edge roll. White fuzz on the back. Florescence is April to June, flower is big, pink white to pink, have glandular hair, corolla funnel shape, 3 -4 centimeters, monoecious plant, stamen 10, ovary base has coarse hair. Fruit a cylindrical capsule. Rhododendron samsonii is found at high altitudes in Taiwan, most commonly at 2,000 -3,000 m. Its twin, Rhododendron yushanense, is found at higher altitudes. flower

  • Qinghai spruce

    Qinghai spruce

    The producing area is distributed in Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. Morphological characteristics of trees, up to 23m high, DBH 60cm. Annual branches are light green, biennial branches are light pink or brownish yellow, often covered with white or no powder, old branches are light brown to brown; winter buds are conical, and the tip of the persistent bud scale at the base of the branchlet is often spreading or inverted. Leaves quadrangular-striate, slightly curved or straight, long 1.0~2.5cm, ca. 2mm wide, apex obtuse or with obtuse tip, cross section quadrangular. Globules unisexual, monoecious

  • What kind of plant is gourd?

    What kind of plant is gourd?

    Gourd is a climbing vine plant, which belongs to the annual climbing herb of the genus Cucurbita of Cucurbitaceae. White flowers bloom in summer and autumn, monoecious. The vine of the gourd can be up to 15 meters long, and the heaviest fruit can be up to a kilogram. The gourd likes the warm and sheltered environment, and the fresh gourd skin is tender green.

    2020-11-09 Gourd what is it plant gourd yes climbing vine belongs to
  • How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers?

    How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers?

    How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers? Is there any way to increase the number of female cucumber flowers? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the method because cucumber is a monoecious crop, which can increase the number of female flowers by changing environmental conditions, so as to effectively increase the yield of cucumber. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out several kinds of increase in yellow.

  • Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

    Cultivation techniques of Pinellia ternata

    Dry Pinellia ternata alias three-leaf Pinellia ternata, three-step jump, Ma Yuguo, swallow tail and so on. It belongs to Pinellia ternata of Araceae. Pinellia ternata is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, with tubers for medicinal purposes, with dryness, dampness and phlegm, anti-vomiting and other functions, raw Pinellia ternata is poisonous. It is mainly produced in the provinces of the Yangtze River Basin and is now cultivated all over the country. 1. Habitual perennial herbs, 15-30 cm tall. Tubers globose or oblate, fleshy inflorescences. Superior male flowers, inferior female flowers, monoecious, flowering from May to July and fruiting from June to September. Dry Pinellia ternata likes dampness

  • Artificial pollination of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    Artificial pollination of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    The artificial auxiliary pollination method of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is as follows: when the flower of Metasequoia glyptostroboides is unisexual and monoecious, and the male bulb changes from green to yellow, the single plant with strong tree body and more inflorescences is selected, the inflorescences with branches are picked for indoor culture, and pollen is collected. cutting the flowering branch into about 20 cm, cutting the base into transverse flat sections, tying a bundle every 20 to 30 branches, aligning the base of the branches, attaching a ball of absorbent cotton soaked in nutrient solution to the cross section of the branch, wrapping the cotton ball with plastic paper (preventing evaporation of nutrient solution), hanging the bundled inflorescences indoors, laying white light under the cotton ball

  • How to plant gourd seeds?

    How to plant gourd seeds?

    Gourd is an annual climbing herb of the family Cucurbitaceae and Cucurbita. It is monoecious and the rattan can be up to 15 meters long. it is very popular in the antique market. So how to plant gourd seeds? How to plant cucurbit seeds

    2020-11-08 Gourd seed should how species gourd yes Cucurbitaceae genus
  • Why do cucumbers spray ethephon in summer and autumn?

    Why do cucumbers spray ethephon in summer and autumn?

    Why do cucumbers spray ethephon in summer and autumn? How to spray ethephon on cucumbers? Experienced netizens also help to introduce that because cucumber is a monoecious pollination crop, the number of female and male flowers sooner or later has a significant impact on the yield and economic benefits of cucumber. The growth and development stage of cucumber in summer and autumn.

  • Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

    Will the pine tree shed its leaves?

  • How to plant small potted gourd seeds

    How to plant small potted gourd seeds

    Gourd belongs to the family Cucurbitaceae, is a climbing vine plant, white flowers in summer and autumn, monoecious, can be harvested in the immature as a vegetable to eat. Today, I will show you how to grow small potted plants with gourd seeds. First, how to plant small potted cucurbit seeds. Recommended selection of seed and soil

    2020-11-08 Gourd seed how species small potted gourd genus Cucurbitaceae is
  • Causes and countermeasures of loofah rot

    Causes and countermeasures of loofah rot

    Luffa is an annual climbing cucurbitaceae herbaceous plant. Stems and branches rough, furcated, puberulent, branches ribbed, smooth or hirsute on ribs, tendrils. Stems stout, pubescent, usually 2-4 branched. Leaves simple, alternate, long stalked, leaves palmate cordate, long

    2020-11-08 loofah rotten flower cause and coping method for annual
  • Will the leaves of the latest pine tree fall?

    Will the leaves of the latest pine tree fall?

    Pine trees are not only of many species, but also widely distributed, such as Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus koraiensis, Pinus massoniana, Pinus taiwanensis, Pinus elliottii, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus tabulaeformis and Pinus elliottii in Central China, most of which are Pinus tabulaeformis.

    2020-11-10 The latest pine will not deciduous not only there are many kinds
  • Artificial Cultivation Techniques of Schizandra chinensis

    Artificial Cultivation Techniques of Schizandra chinensis

    North schisandra, also known as rattan, mountain prickly ash, is a magnolia plant, twining vines. Stems up to 8 - 10 meters long, reddish brown. Leaves simple, alternate, broadly ovoid, petioles often reddish. Flowers are unisexual, dioecious or monoecious. Aggregate berry bead-shaped, red, strung on elongated rachis. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from August to September. Born in sunny slope mixed wood forest, entwined in other plants. Generally, schisandra begins to flower in the third year, but the number of flowers is small and few fruits are produced. After 4 to 5 years of growth, it can be harvested.

  • Seed collection, storage and seedling raising techniques of Pinus koraiensis

    Seed collection, storage and seedling raising techniques of Pinus koraiensis

    1. Seed collection and preparation of Korean pine is a monoecious tree species, flowering in mid-late June, from flowering to cone maturity takes 15 months, Korean pine seed collection period can be as long as 4 months, cones can be picked or knocked down from trees in the early stage, cones can be picked from snow in the later stage. After the cones are collected, they are spread out to dry or dry in the shade for several days. when the scales are slightly opened, they can be prepared with artificial sticks. The seed emergence rate of natural forest cones is 13%-14%, and that of artificial forest cones is 30%, and the 1000-grain weight is 520 grams. Working in seed collection
