
How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers? Is there any way to increase the number of female cucumber flowers? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the method because cucumber is a monoecious crop, which can increase the number of female flowers by changing environmental conditions, so as to effectively increase the yield of cucumber. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out several kinds of increase in yellow.

How to increase the number of female flowers in cucumbers? Is there any way to increase the number of female cucumber flowers? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the method because cucumber is a monoecious crop, which can increase the number of female flowers by changing environmental conditions, so as to effectively increase the yield of cucumber. Therefore, the farming network has sorted out several methods to increase the female flowers of cucumbers, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. Method 1. Chemical treatment: spraying ethephon with 2.0 × 10 ~ 4 concentration (250 grams of 40% ethephon and 50 kg water) at seedling stage, or spraying 0.01% sodium naphthalene acetate solution at 3 true leaves stage of cucumber, can significantly increase the number of female flowers. At the same time, combined with artificial pollination, the yield of cucumber can be increased by 17% and 34%. Method 2, through sunshade treatment: cucumber is a short-day crop, shortening the light can increase the number of female flowers. The specific approach is: before the formation of cucumber flowers, the use of black paper, straw curtains and other things built on the scaffolding to shade, the daily sunshine within 9 hours. Method 3. By increasing water and nitrogen fertilizer: practice shows that the yield of cucumber planted in 80% soil is more than twice as high as that in 40% soil. Providing sufficient nitrogen fertilizer in the early development of cucumber can also increase the effective number of female flowers. The harm of cucumber anthracnose management methods of grafted cucumber seedlings