
mirabilite Learn more about mirabilite

  • What are the effects and effects of traditional Chinese medicine mirabilite? How to treat mastitis and hemorrhoids with external application?

    What are the effects and effects of traditional Chinese medicine mirabilite? How to treat mastitis and hemorrhoids with external application?

    Mirabilite may come into contact with more in the chemical formula, the chemistry teacher told us that mirabilite also has medicinal value. Mirabilite can be harvested and produced all the year round, and it is widely distributed in various regions of our country. So the efficacy and effect of mirabilite

    2020-11-09 Traditional Chinese medicine mirabilite of efficacy and effect have what external application
  • The efficacy and function of mirabilite

    The efficacy and function of mirabilite

    The efficacy and function of mirabilite

  • Special effect of mirabilite in the treatment of porcine eczema

    Special effect of mirabilite in the treatment of porcine eczema

    Eczema is a skin disease with high incidence in pigs in autumn. the main symptoms of acute and chronic eczema are erythema, papules and itching, and a few are accompanied by pustular exudation, erosion and scab, especially to suckling piglets. Through the practice in production, the treatment with mirabilite has a special effect. Methods: according to the size and area of the pig, take mirabilite 50ml 200g, add cold boiled water 200ml, rub the affected part 5 times a day, or dip the affected area with a clean towel for half an hour a day.

  • Pig obstetrical disease-stillbirth

    Pig obstetrical disease-stillbirth

    [etiology] there are many causes of fetal death, mainly inbreeding, premature mating, falling, running, catching and injuring the fetus, accidentally eating poison, suffering from acute infectious diseases, etc., resulting in fetal death and stranded in the abdomen. [symptoms] the diseased pig is lethargic, the vulva is red and swollen, there is a yellowish-brown malodorous fluid outflow, the breast is slightly larger, a small amount of colostrum can be excreted, fetal activity can not be observed for a long time, pulse is accelerated, shortness of breath, sometimes showing abdominal pain, and then the uterine mouth is closed. If stillbirths fail to produce,

  • Treatment of high incidence of eczema in pigs in summer

    Treatment of high incidence of eczema in pigs in summer

    Eczema is a skin disease with high incidence in pigs in summer. the main symptoms of acute and chronic eczema are erythema, papules and itching, and a few are accompanied by pustular exudation, erosion and scab, especially to suckling piglets. According to the practice in production, the treatment with mirabilite has a special effect. Methods: according to the size and area of the pig, take 50 grams of mirabilite, add 200 grams of cold boiled water, rub the affected part 4 times a day after dissolving, or wet the affected area with a clean towel.

  • How did sow get anorexia to do? Causes and treatment of anorexia in sows

    How did sow get anorexia to do? Causes and treatment of anorexia in sows

    How did sow get anorexia to do? Causes and treatment of anorexia in sows

  • Four ways to treat stiff pigs

    Four ways to treat stiff pigs

    Method 1. Atractylodes, pine needles and Platycladus orientalis leaves each 15 grams, fed in mixed feed. Method 2, carrots 100g 200g, Atractylodes 30g 60g, feed. Method 3, mirabilite 25g 35g, rhubarb 10g, Senna leaf 6g, feed at the end of research. It mainly treats stiff pigs caused by chronic gastrointestinal diseases. Method 4, dry yeast 50g 100g, Guanzhong 9g 15g, research the end, feed.

  • Treatment of stomach stagnation in pigs

    Treatment of stomach stagnation in pigs

    Cause: the stomach stagnation of pigs is due to overfeeding after starvation, overeating and overeating, resulting in the accumulation of food in the stomach. Symptoms: loss of appetite or cessation of appetite, sometimes vomiting, vomiting smelly, abdominal bulge, pressure diagnosis abdominal wall solid pain, shortness of breath, body temperature is generally normal. Treatment: prescription 1: take orally with 100ml vinegar and 15g salt. Square 2: green vegetables 250ml 500g juice, sesame oil 60ml 90ml, mixed internal service (

  • Treatment of stomach stagnation in pigs

    Treatment of stomach stagnation in pigs

    Cause: the stomach stagnation of pigs is due to overfeeding after starvation, overeating and overeating, resulting in the accumulation of food in the stomach. Symptoms: loss of appetite or cessation of appetite, sometimes vomiting, vomiting smelly, abdominal bulge, pressure diagnosis abdominal wall solid pain, shortness of breath, body temperature is generally normal. Treatment: prescription 1: take orally with 100ml vinegar and 15g salt. Square 2: green vegetables 250 Mel 500 grams tamping juice, sesame oil 60 Mel 90 ml, mixed internal service (this side is 10 Mel 20 kg pig dosage).

  • What are the common pig feed additives?

    What are the common pig feed additives?

    What are the common pig feed additives?

  • The efficacy and function of peach kernel

    The efficacy and function of peach kernel

    The efficacy and function of peach kernel

  • Several common treatments for fever in pigs

    Several common treatments for fever in pigs

    Chinese veterinary medicine has a wide range of understanding of fever, sometimes the body temperature is higher than normal belongs to fever, sometimes the body temperature does not rise as long as there is a thermal image, it is also a fever. As there are many causes of fever and the type of disease is more complex, fever must be treated based on syndrome differentiation and grasp its essence in clinic. In many years of teaching and clinical work of traditional Chinese veterinary medicine, the author has used Chinese veterinary medicine for treatment and achieved satisfactory results. The brief introduction is as follows, for reference of the same trade. 1 three groups of white pigs in Yihe Village, Jingzhou District, Jingzhou District

  • The efficacy and function of the seed

    The efficacy and function of the seed

    The efficacy and function of the seed

  • Treatment of various Pig Diseases

    Treatment of various Pig Diseases

    Farmers in the process of raising pigs, pigs will inevitably have a variety of diseases, so do you know the treatment of all kinds of pig diseases? The arrangement for you is as follows: 1. Treatment of piglet white dysentery: garlic peeled and mashed into paste, mixed with proper amount of water, fed twice a day, 1 each time

    2020-11-11 Each breeding pigs sick treatment farmers in raising pigs
  • Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

    Pigs are poisoned. I don't know what to do. Look at here!

  • An effective prescription for the treatment of Porcine Respiratory Diseases

    An effective prescription for the treatment of Porcine Respiratory Diseases

    First, the prescription for treating pig colds: 1. Intramuscular injection of 30% analgin or 10% aminopyrine 5-10ml, while taking aspirin 2-5 g, and more warm clean water intramuscular injection of antibiotics to prevent infection. two。 The right amount of pepper, stir-fry and study the powder. Make a small cut at the tip of the pigtail, fill the entrance with pepper and wrap it with an external cloth. 3. Shred radish 1kg, 10 spring onions, 15 g ginger, or fry dregs with 15 g gypsum, add 100 g mung bean powder and 2 egg whites after cold, mixed with water.

  • Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

    Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

    Rescue methods of pig feed poisoning or drug poisoning

  • Backup sow, starving to death.

    Backup sow, starving to death.

    Backup sow, starving to death.

  • How to rescue pig poisoning

    How to rescue pig poisoning

    The causes of pig poisoning are feed poisoning and drug poisoning. There are five common rescue methods: vomiting is generally used for organophosphorus and other drug poisoning. Can be subcutaneously injected with veratrine 0.01g to 0.03g, or oral emetic agent 1g to 3g (or potassium antimony tartrate 1g to 2g); if there is no emetic, you can also use sticks and hoses to gently wipe the throat mucosa to cause vomiting. Gastric lavage should be carried out 4 or 6 hours after the poison enters the pig. Hydrocyanic acid poisoning can be selected 1

  • Raising cattle in spring needs to prevent three kinds of diseases

    Raising cattle in spring needs to prevent three kinds of diseases

    1. There are three clinical types of symptoms of bovine lung disease. (1) Acute septicemia: sudden rise in body temperature above 40 ℃, rapid pulse, loss of appetite, rough coat, dry nose, dyspnea, cessation of rumination, sometimes nasal discharge and tears, diarrhea, feces.

    2020-11-08 In spring raising cattle need prevention three kinds disease one cow lung epidemic