
The efficacy and function of mirabilite

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The efficacy and function of mirabilite

Mirabilite, also known as Park nitrate, dermite, hairy nitrate, etc., is a crystal refined from sulfate minerals. It has the effects of purging and relieving defecation, moistening dryness and softening, clearing fire and reducing swelling. It is often used for the treatment of excess heat accumulation, abdominal pain, stool dryness, intestinal abscess and other diseases, external treatment of breast abscess, hemorrhoids, swelling and pain. Let's take a look at the efficacy and effect of mirabilite.

Medicinal effect of mirabilite

The taste is salty, bitter and cold.

Stomach and large intestine meridians.

[efficacy] purging and relieving bowels, moistening dryness and soft firmness, clearing fire and detumescence, mainly treating excess heat accumulation, abdominal pain, stool dryness, intestinal carbuncle swelling and pain, external treatment of breast abscess, hemorrhoids swelling and pain.

Attention to the use of mirabilite

1. People without real heat should not use mirabilite, and constipation caused by old age and deficiency should not use mirabilite and Xuanming powder. In the case of constipation caused by weakness in general chronic diseases, it is only appropriate to be used in tonics when needed.

2. Mirabilite and Xuanming powder are generally not used in the treatment of habitual constipation, but Xuanming powder can be added on the basis of the use of hemp kernel, Trichosanthes kernel and almond.

Pharmacological effects of mirabilite

1. Purgative effect: after oral administration of Mangxiao, its sulfate ion is not easy to be absorbed by intestinal mucosa, leaving intestinal hypertonic solution, increasing intestinal moisture, causing mechanical stimulation and promoting intestinal peristalsis.

2. Reducing appendicitis: rabbits with experimental appendicitis and perforated appendix, external application of rhubarb, Mangxiao, garlic and appropriate amount of vinegar paste have obvious stimulating effect on the reticuloendothelial system of appendix and spleen.

3. Cause intestinal nerve reflex: garlic awn antipaste was applied to the right lower abdomen of normal rabbits, local skin had irritation symptoms such as fever, redness and blisters, and the movement of small intestine, appendix and pouch colon was enhanced.

4. Reducing swelling and relieving pain: external application of 10-25% sodium sulfate solution for infectious trauma can accelerate lymphoid formation, reduce swelling and relieve pain.

5. Diuretic effect: 4.3% sodium sulfate aseptic solution can be used as a diuretic to treat anuria and uremia.

Medicinal selection of mirabilite

1. Cure the barrier between stool and urine, bloating and dying: three or three taels of mirabilite, three or four pieces of paper wrapped in paper, and charcoal fire, so that one liter of soup will be taken. When one liter of soup has been spit out, it will be taken.

2, treat food is too full, then become ruffian diaphragm: Ma Ya nitrate one or two (broken), Evodia half a liter (Chen). Fry the thick juice of Evodia rutaecarpa into nitrate, take the hot service, haven't changed for a long time, and then take one more.

3. Treat the children in the red parade above and below the body, and die at the heart: in the mangana soup, take the thick juice to wipe the Dan.

4. Fire erysipelas: water-adjusted mirabilite coating.

5. Treat the eye with nebula: mirabilite is one or two big, put it in a copper vessel and refine it with a quick fire. After cooling, use raw silk filament, point in the corner of the eye, and one point when you want to lie down every night.

6. treat children with heavy tongue: horse teeth eliminate the rest of the tongue.

7. Treat the goose mouth of children: carefully study the horse teeth and mix them on the tongue, three or five degrees a day.

8. Cure lacquer sore: mirabilite five taels, soak in soup to wash it.

9, treatment refers to: single boiled Sichuan mirabilite soup stain.