
mid-June Learn more about mid-June

  • Jiyuanpu officially exited in mid-June, the Council of Agriculture promoted the production and marketing resume mark, participated in the verification of subsidies, and gave priority to auction in the fruit and vegetable wholesale market area.

    Jiyuanpu officially exited in mid-June, the Council of Agriculture promoted the production and marketing resume mark, participated in the verification of subsidies, and gave priority to auction in the fruit and vegetable wholesale market area.

    Jiyuanpu officially exited in mid-June, the Council of Agriculture promoted the production and marketing resume mark, participated in the verification of subsidies, and gave priority to auction in the fruit and vegetable wholesale market area.

  • In which month does Hainan litchi mature

    In which month does Hainan litchi mature

    Hainan litchi generally matured from May to June, and a small number of litchi matured from July to August. However, due to different varieties, the time of maturity is also slightly different. For example, goose egg lychees generally mature in mid-June, Feizixiao generally mature from late May to mid-June, and seedless litchi generally mature in June.

    2020-11-09 Hainan litchi what month mature general May-June
  • Spodoptera litura

    Spodoptera litura

    Spruce cone roll moth [Cydiastrobilella (Linnaeus)], alias spruce cone roll moth, belongs to Lepidoptera. It is distributed in Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, * * and other places in China, mainly harming spruce and larch. The larvae damage cones and seeds, the injured cones bend and produce fat, and the scales of fruit drop often do not open. The morphological characteristics of adults are about 6mm in length and 10-13mm in wingspan. Head, chest and abdomen are grayish black. The lower lip extends forward and bends slightly

  • How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis?

    How to control diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis? Please introduce in detail the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests of Angelica sinensis with reference to the following methods: (1) the peak period of the disease is in mid-April, mid-June, early September and early November after transplanting. Underground pests are mostly conducive to the disease. Prevention and cure method: ① uses 391 per mu.

  • Planting time and method of upland rice, spring sowing from April to May and summer sowing in mid-June

    Planting time and method of upland rice, spring sowing from April to May and summer sowing in mid-June

    Planting time: spring sowing is generally from mid-April to mid-May, and summer sowing is usually around June 15. Planting method: select high-quality upland rice varieties, choose the appropriate time to plant according to the local environment, apply basal fertilizer and seed fertilizer, timely topdressing during the growing period, complete seedling water and booting.

    2020-11-08 Upland rice planting time and methods spring sowing May summer sowing June
  • How to manage jujube trees in summer?

    How to manage jujube trees in summer?

    How to manage jujube trees in summer? Please give me an introduction because jujube sprouts late, flowering and fruit setting are concentrated in summer. Therefore, if we want to obtain high and stable yield, we must manage jujube scientifically in summer according to its biological characteristics. Management methods can refer to the following: 1, pruning: jujube head growth in mid-June.

  • How to control rice diseases and insect pests after heavy rain?

    How to control rice diseases and insect pests after heavy rain?

    Since mid-June, Hunan, Guangxi and other places have ushered in continuous heavy rainfall and torrential rains in some areas, and floods have affected rice and other crops to varying degrees. On July 1, Hunan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Provincial Agricultural Association jointly held a special program for crop disaster relief and damage reduction.

    2020-11-09 Rainstorm after rice diseases and insect pests how to control June mid-June
  • A New Culture Model of Rice and Shrimp Co-cultivation in Rice and Shrimp manure Fertilizer Field

    A New Culture Model of Rice and Shrimp Co-cultivation in Rice and Shrimp manure Fertilizer Field

    A New Culture Model of Rice and Shrimp Co-cultivation in Rice and Shrimp manure Fertilizer Field

  • Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

    Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

    Climate and the North Line of National Orchid Distribution

  • Rape blossoms in Qinghai Lake for several months

    Rape blossoms in Qinghai Lake for several months

    Rape blossoms in Qinghai Lake from June to October. It opened as early as mid-June and slowly entered the blooming period from the beginning of July. The blooming period was from July to August, and the best flowering period was from July 5 to 25. There were few rape flowers in September. After the flowers fade, the local residents in order to earn some more

    2020-11-09 Qinghai Lake rape cauliflower several months blooming rape flowers in
  • Four measures to promote blossom of sweet cherry

    Four measures to promote blossom of sweet cherry

    First, spray paclobutrazol. In order to ensure sufficient flower buds every year, 500-1000 mg / kg paclobutrazol should be sprayed on the canopy from mid-June to early July, once every 10-15 days, 1-3 times continuously, to inhibit vegetative growth (moderate trees 1-2 times, vigorous trees 2-3 times, crown branches.

  • Prevention of garlic Spring Rot in Spring

    Prevention of garlic Spring Rot in Spring

    Garlic spring rot can last until mid-June, especially in low-temperature and humid years. It mainly harms the base of the lower leaf body. There is a water immersion softening spot, which expands in the up and down direction and shows light brown rot. In the middle and later stage of growth, the heart leaves became ill, and the softening and rot spread to the lower part of the flower stem. Sometimes it can lead to new.

  • Control of Buxus inchworm

    Control of Buxus inchworm

    Occurrence regularity: the larva eats leaves and occurs for three generations in Hunan. The overwintering adults Eclosion and oviposition in mid-April, then pupation in late April, Eclosion in mid-June, second generation damage in late June, pupation in early August, Eclosion in mid-August, damage to the third generation in late August. The worst victims are the first and second generations. The damage is the most serious in the mild climate and abundant rainfall season, which can gnaw off the leaves of the whole plant in 2 to 3 days, making the plant bald. In

  • What is the annual yield per mu of three kinds of Pinellia ternata?

    What is the annual yield per mu of three kinds of Pinellia ternata?

    If Pinellia ternata is propagated with tubers, use hotbed or electric hotbed to promote germination. At the beginning of March, that is, between Rain Water and sting, when the ground temperature of 5cm was stable at 8mur10 degrees Celsius, it could be dug between Grain in Beard and the Summer Solstice in the year of sowing or in mid-June of the following year, without affecting summer sowing autumn crops. Pinellia ternata generally yielded 600,800kg / mu of fresh tubers per mu, with a drying rate of 25%, and dry products of 180kg / mu.

  • The occurrence regularity of Robinia pseudoacacia seed wasps?

    The occurrence regularity of Robinia pseudoacacia seed wasps?

    The occurrence rule of Robinia pseudoacacia seed wasps is as follows: two generations a year, the second generation larvae overwinter in the seeds, the overwintering generation larvae begin to pupate in the first and middle of May, adults appear and lay eggs in the middle and late days. The second generation larvae appeared from late May to early June, the first generation larvae began to pupate in mid-June, the first generation adults appeared from late June to early July, and the second generation larvae appeared from late June to mid-July and overwintered in the seeds. The occurrence time of each generation varies due to climatic conditions, but it is similar to Robinia pseudoacacia seeds.

  • Peach Variety-Zaolupan Peach

    Peach Variety-Zaolupan Peach

    Beijing forest fruit was bred by the cross between Sahuahong and Zaoxiang jade. The fruit of this variety is flat and round, the top of the fruit is concave, the fruit is red, the background color is yellow or white, the fruit surface is uneven, the average weight of a single fruit is about 103g, and the maximum fruit is 185.2 grams; the fruit top depression has varying degrees of cracking, easy to peel at maturity, semi-sticky core, extremely sweet flavor, soluble solids content 12.5-18.8%, soft solute milky white, juicy; Weihai fruit matured in mid-June, the development period is about 70 days. Suitable for protected planting

  • Breeding azaleas?

    Breeding azaleas?

    Rhododendron propagation technology: mainly to cuttage propagation. Cutting selection, take the year just lignified branches, with heel break off, cut off the lower leaves, leaving 4 to 5 leaves at the top, cutting time: Western cuckoo in late May to early June, Mao cuckoo in early June to mid-June. Cuttage method: family multi-purpose pot inserted, medium with river sand, pearlite. When operating, insert the cuttings into one-third or one-half, spray them with a fine hole pot and place them under a shade. Management: Within 1 month after insertion, focus on shade and water spray. Keep the cuttings always

  • Liriodendron chinense in Phnom Penh

    Liriodendron chinense in Phnom Penh

    Phnom Penh Liriodendron Liriodendron'Aureomarginatum' Magnoliaceae, Liriodendron. Introduction site: Holland. Large deciduous trees, up to more than 20 meters high, are horticultural varieties of Liriodendron mandshurica. The margin of spring leaves is golden and turns green gradually in mid-June; the flowers are tender yellow. The florescence is June, and the flower is shaped like a tulip. Like light, not resistant to water and moisture, should be planted in the deep soil layer. It is generally cultivated as street trees or isolated planting.

  • When will summer corn be sown?

    When will summer corn be sown?

    The best time to sow summer corn is in mid-June every year. It is necessary to apply basic fertilizer before sowing and to do a good job of checking seedlings and filling gaps after sowing. At the same time, we should also pay attention to the prevention and control of corn borer. When sowing summer corn, we should pay attention to: 1. Selection and soaking of seeds with strong drought tolerance

    2020-11-09 Summer corn summer corn when sowing summer
  • New Liuqing (soybean)?

    New Liuqing (soybean)?

    New Liuqing is a kind of edamame bean for early and middle cooked vegetables. The variety has a plant height of 70 cm, limited podding habits, 14 nodes of the main stem, about 2 effective branches and oval leaves. The average number of pods per plant is 35, with three pods in the majority. The weight of 100 fresh beans is 73-80 grams, and the average yield of fresh pods per mu is 800-1000 kg. The fresh pods are thin-colored green, large and full, easy to cook, sweet and delicious, and are favored by Japanese businessmen and consumers. This variety can be sown in the south of the Yangtze River from March to mid-June and can be put on the market one after another since early July. It is suitable for planting in plots with better soil water and fertilizer conditions.
