
lotus root head Learn more about lotus root head

  • Common sense of lotus root

    Common sense of lotus root

    The lotus root is divided into three parts: lotus root head, lotus root body and back handle. The lotus root head is the terminal bud of the hypertrophic rhizome, with leaf buds and mixed buds, overwintering in the bud sheath; the lotus root body is the hypertrophic rhizome of the 2nd to 3rd nodes near the lotus root head, which is the main part of the product organ; the back handle is the slender rhizome of the last section. According to the utilization value of product organs, it can be divided into three types: Lotus lotus, Zilian and Hualien. According to the adaptability to the depth of water layer, shallow water lotus root can be divided into shallow water lotus root and deep water lotus root. Shallow water lotus root is suitable for cultivation in shallow ponds or paddy fields in 30-50cm water layer, and most of them are precocious varieties.

  • How to manage after planting lotus root?

    How to manage after planting lotus root?

    How to manage after planting lotus root? Do you have an introduction to the main management points of lotus root in the middle and later period: first, weeding, picking leaves and picking flowers. Before the lotus leaf is closed, weeding is carried out combined with fertilization, and the weeds are pulled out and stuffed into the mud under the lotus root head as fertilizer. About a month after planting, the floating leaves are withering and should be picked in time.

  • The latest propagation methods of lotus root

    The latest propagation methods of lotus root

    Lotus root is an aquatic plant, also known as pond lotus, hibiscus, etc., which likes a warm and humid climate and requires sufficient sunshine, fertile and deep soil and an environment with adjustable water level. propagation methods: lotus seed propagation, whole lotus root propagation, lotus root propagation, lotus root head propagation, lotus root node propagation, top propagation.

    2020-11-10 Latest lotus root reproduction method genus aquatic plant
  • Seed price and planting method of lotus root

    Seed price and planting method of lotus root

    Seed price and planting method of lotus root

  • What are the planting techniques of precocious lotus root?

    What are the planting techniques of precocious lotus root?

    What are the planting techniques of precocious lotus root? What are the ways to make lotus roots mature precociously? Also ask experienced netizens to help introduce the farming network to sort out several key technologies that make lotus roots precocious, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Method 1, select excellent lotus root seed: choose no injury, no disease, good seed character, single.

  • The latest seed price and planting method of lotus root

    The latest seed price and planting method of lotus root

    Lotus root is the fat lower stem of Nymphaeaceae plant lotus, also known as Rong Yujie, Jade Linglong, Jade arm Dragon, etc., with high cultivation value. It was cultivated in China as early as 3,000 years ago, and now carbonized ancient lotus seeds have been found in Liaoning and Zhejiang, which shows its history.

    2020-11-10 The latest lotus root seed price and planting method is
  • High efficient cultivation techniques of Lotus Root

    High efficient cultivation techniques of Lotus Root

    High efficient cultivation techniques of Lotus Root

  • Planting of shallow lotus root

    Planting of shallow lotus root

    First of all, the field with strong fertilizer and water conservation capacity, convenient drainage and irrigation and soil pH value of 6-7 should be selected for planting shallow lotus root, and the lotus root with strong, hypertrophic, more than two nodes, full and intact terminal bud and undamaged lotus root node should be selected. Then, when the average temperature reaches 15 ℃ or in the pool

    2020-11-09 Shallow water lotus root planting shallow water lotus root head first choose
  • Propagation methods of Lotus Root

    Propagation methods of Lotus Root

    Propagation methods of Lotus Root

  • The latest course of High-efficiency cultivation techniques of Lotus Root

    The latest course of High-efficiency cultivation techniques of Lotus Root

    Lotus root belongs to the family Nymphaeaceae, which is slightly sweet and crisp, can be eaten raw or cooked, and has high medicinal value. Its roots, leaves, flowers and fruits are all treasures and can be nourished and used as medicine. The powder made from lotus root can eliminate food and stop diarrhea, appetizer and clear heat, nourish and prevent

    2020-11-10 The latest lotus root high efficiency cultivation techniques methods tutorials genus
  • Hook head lotus valve

    Hook head lotus valve

    Fuxing butterfly Chunlan new species Fuxing butterfly Guizhou downhill. Formerly known as Shao Butterfly. Later by Zhejiang Shengzhou Lanyou Chen Xudong, Hangzhou Lanyou Wang Qun. Taizhou Lanyou Chen Zhimin and other Lanyou introduced, is a characteristic flower. Hair grass can be done quickly. There is a walking dragon on the leaf.

  • Four seasons Cuiyu lotus (standing leaf lotus) Jianlan

    Four seasons Cuiyu lotus (standing leaf lotus) Jianlan

    Flower name: four Seasons Cuiyu lotus (standing leaf lotus) content: in 2002, the flower went down the mountain from Fujian, the flower harvested root / put angle / thick / beautiful, the tongue does not hang down, it is a rare positive lattice lotus petal, which is rare in stock at present.

  • The significance of official category and skillful seed

    The significance of official category and skillful seed

    The significance of official category and skillful seed

  • Official types and skillful ones

    Official types and skillful ones

    Mr. Zhang Zhangxi's Huilan "Treasure Lion"

  • The latest cultivation techniques of shallow lotus root

    The latest cultivation techniques of shallow lotus root

    First, lotus root field preparation chooses clay loam with deep soil layer, fertile soil and strong water retention, and more compost can reduce the rust spot of lotus root, applying 3000000 kg of soil manure per hectare, or 60000 kg of green manure. Second, seed selection and planting are the same from Qingming Festival to Grain Rain, under July

    2020-11-08 The latest shallow water lotus root cultivation techniques one lotus root field soil preparation selection
  • Cultivation techniques of lotus root

    Cultivation techniques of lotus root

    1. Apply basic fertilizer to select and prepare land. Lotus root fields should choose clay loam fields with good water retention, good rising and precipitation conditions and high organic matter content. Combined with the application of organic fertilizer 2000-3000 jin per mu and compound fertilizer 30 jin per mu, the tillage depth should not exceed 20cm, and the soil preparation should be flat and fertile. 2. Planting. The best planting period is in the middle and last ten days of April every year, and the cultivation in greenhouse can be advanced to early April. The amount of seed used per mu is 400-500 jin, and the plant-row spacing is 0.7-1.5m. When planting, the bud head of the seed lotus root is inserted obliquely into the soil depth.

  • What are the varieties of lotus root? Lotus root variety Daquan

    What are the varieties of lotus root? Lotus root variety Daquan

    What are the varieties of lotus root? Where is the lotus root variety Daquan? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the lotus root slightly sweet and crisp, raw food can also be cooked, is one of the commonly used dishes. But what are the specific varieties of lotus root, some netizens do not know very well, so the farming network sorted out the common varieties of lotus root, the following details.

  • Planting technique of shallow lotus root

    Planting technique of shallow lotus root

    First of all, select the fields with strong fertilizer and water conservation capacity, convenient drainage and irrigation and soil pH value of 6-7, and select the species with strong, hypertrophic, more than two nodes, full and intact terminal buds and undamaged lotus root nodes. Then, arrange the fields and plant lotus root to disinfect them when the average temperature reaches

    2020-11-09 Shallow water lotus root planting technology first of all selection fertilizer conservation water energy conservation
  • Recommend "Jinxiang Zhuyu"


    Recommend "Jinxiang Zhuyu"

  • Seed cultivation of snow lotus root in Yugoslavia

    Seed cultivation of snow lotus root in Yugoslavia

    The seed cultivation of snow lotus root in Yugoslavia can be divided into sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction: refers to directly using the seeds of lotus root to cultivate seedlings. First, the grooved end of the lotus seed will break the pericarp and soak it in 20-30 ℃ water to accelerate sprouting. More water needs to be changed during this period.

    2020-11-08 Yugoslavia Snow Lotus Root seed planting Abstract