
lax Learn more about lax

  • The difference between Magnolia and Yucca

    The difference between Magnolia and Yucca

    The difference between Magnolia and Yucca

  • Dongmu 70 rye

    Dongmu 70 rye

    The more annual grasses are cold-resistant, drought-resistant, and moisture-resistant, with lax soil requirements, producing 4500-6500 kg of fresh grass per 667 square meters (1 mu) and 12-15% crude protein content in dry matter. It is an excellent winter forage. Its nutrition is rich, palatability is good, direct feeding livestock and poultry, the utilization rate is high. It is determined that milk yield can be increased by 13-19% when Dongmu 70 rye is fed to dairy cows. Linfen Forest Reclamation Agricultural Development Company mainly uses silage corn in cold mountainous areas at an altitude of 1000-1200 meters.

  • Jinghong honeysuckle

    Jinghong honeysuckle

    Jinghong honeysuckle Loniceraxheckrottii, honeysuckle. Habits: evergreen vines, stems more than 10 m long, twining to the right; leaves opposite, ovate-elliptic, dorsally pink-green, base of 1-2 pairs of leaves below inflorescence connected with synthetic round or subcircular disk; inflorescences terminal, orange-red flowers; florescence from March to October. Adaptability: Xiguang is slightly tolerant to shade, cold and drought, lax soil, developed root system, strong sprouting and tillering. Application: Jinghong Jiujin

  • Ligustrum lucidum, a native tree species in Shanghai

    Ligustrum lucidum, a native tree species in Shanghai

    Morphological features: evergreen trees, up to 15 meters high, often shrubby. Leaves leathery and brittle, ovate, broadly ovate to ovate-lanceolate. The fruit is blue-purple, flowering in June and ripening in November-December. Ecological habits: neutral tree, slightly shade-tolerant, strong adaptability, like warm and humid climate, lax requirements on soil, suitable for deep and fertile slightly acidic soil or slightly alkaline soil, strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, dust and so on. Cultivation management: sowing and reproduction. It can be transplanted in both spring and autumn, and spring is the best. Both small and medium seedlings can be used.

  • Pregnant women and children in the family should stop using poisonous mosquito incense and plant this kind of potted plant for health preservation and mosquito repellent.

    Pregnant women and children in the family should stop using poisonous mosquito incense and plant this kind of potted plant for health preservation and mosquito repellent.

    Lobular red sandalwood is evergreen or deciduous trees, like strong light, high temperature, humid climate, fast-growing and drought-resistant, lax soil requirements, handsome shape has a high ornamental value, not only for the room to bring fresh air, but also can decorate our room.

  • In autumn, add some to the tiger peelan pot. The explosion pot keeps growing.

    In autumn, add some to the tiger peelan pot. The explosion pot keeps growing.

    Tiger Pilan has strong adaptability and lax requirements for the living environment, so it is very suitable for home decoration. Then how to make Tiger Pilan explode in autumn? here are some ways to introduce you! Pine needles in autumn, pine needles that fall naturally can be found in the wild, which can be collected.

  • How to plant honeysuckle well

    How to plant honeysuckle well

    Honeysuckle, also known as honeysuckle, double flower, for honeysuckle family, honeysuckle genus. Use buds and vines as medicine. In addition to medicinal use, honeysuckle tea has also been developed in the producing areas. At present, honeysuckle is the most planted in Shandong and Henan provinces, and the quality of honeysuckle is the best in Yimeng Mountain area of Shandong Province. Honeysuckle is a perennial plant with hollow stems, opposite leaves and oval shape, which can benefit from one planting for decades. It has strong adaptability, cold and heat resistance, waterlogging and drought resistance, salt and alkali resistance, adequate sunshine, lax requirements for moisture and soil, and loose and fertile sand.

  • How to grow oats

    How to grow oats

    Oat is a kind of food with low sugar and high nutrition, which can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, benefit the spleen and nourish the heart. It is very popular. At present, most areas are growing oats. How to grow oats? The main results are as follows: 1. Soil selection and soil preparation oats have strong adaptability and lax requirements on the soil, generally in the soil.

    2020-11-08 Oats how to grow oats yes low sugar high nutrition
  • Experience of high-yield cultivation of cassia seed

    Experience of high-yield cultivation of cassia seed

    1. Growth habits: cassia seed likes warm and humid climate, not cold, and is afraid of frost, but it has lax requirements on soil, sand and clay can be planted, slightly alkaline soil grows best, and it is planted in well-drained, loose and fertile soil with well-developed roots and nitrogen-fixing nodules.

    2020-11-08 High yield cultivation determination Akiko experience growth habits
  • Gemini birthday flower-French rose

    Gemini birthday flower-French rose

    Also known as French rose or pink rose. French rose habits: cold resistance, drought resistance, strong disease resistance, anti-pollution, lax soil requirements, can grow in slightly alkaline soil, in humus-rich, well-drained neutral or slightly acidic light loam.

  • The high quality dryland wheat variety Mengmai 35 has been approved.

    The high quality dryland wheat variety Mengmai 35 has been approved.

    Mengmai 35 dryland wheat variety, which was bred by Zhi Guangjun at his own expense in Hadatu Township, Zhuozi County, was examined and approved by the crop Variety approval Committee of Inner Mongolia. Mengmai 35 is a new wheat variety with high yield, high quality, drought resistance, disease resistance, strong stress resistance, lax cultivation requirements and wide range of cultivation. The average unit yield of participating in the three-year examination and approval test at the autonomous region level is 150.2 kg, which is more than 18.5% higher than that of Mengxuan No. 1 and Mengmai 34. In two years, the production demonstration at the autonomous region level increased by 72% compared with the control of Neimai 21.

  • Planting techniques of Cnidium monnieri

    Planting techniques of Cnidium monnieri

    Fructus Cnidii, also known as wild carrot, Umbelliferae, medicinal seeds, the market demand is large. Scope of adaptation: Cnidium monnieri is resistant to cold and drought, lax requirements for soil, and strong adaptability. Planting technology: it can be sown in spring, summer and winter. Seed treatment: soak the seeds in water for 12 hours before planting, mix them with 2 times the volume of wet sand, and then sow them 2-3 days later. Pay attention to stirring during the treatment to keep the temperature and humidity consistent. There is no need to deal with seeds when sowing in winter. No matter which season the seeds are sown, level the ground and water it first, and then flatten it with an iron rake when the dryness of the border is suitable.

  • Seedling raising methods of oleander

    Seedling raising methods of oleander

    Oleander, also known as willow leaf peach, oleander is an evergreen shrub. Like light, warm and humid climate. It is lax in moisture requirements, has strong adaptability to soil, and can resist smoke and dust and some toxic gases. Oleander is like bamboo leaves and peach blossoms, and it blossoms when there are few flowers in summer, and the flowering period is long, especially the tree is strong. It is an important greening tree species in poor soil conditions, such as street, green belt, industry and mining. There are cutting, striping and other methods of propagation, mainly cutting. (1) hardwood cuttings shall be carried out in spring or early spring. The selected diameter is about 1-1.5%.

  • Treatment of nameless hyperthermia in pigs

    Treatment of nameless hyperthermia in pigs

    Postpartum fever in sows is easy to occur during the high temperature period in summer and autumn. three days after delivery, sows have high fever caused by uterine infection, which is called postpartum fever. The clinical symptoms were as follows: elevated body temperature, 40.5 ℃, 41.5 mol / L, lying fond of lying, fasting or not eating, body trembling, faster breathing, decreased lactation, and dense secretions from the vulva. Postpartum fever in sows is often caused by lax delivery and disinfection. When giving birth, the fetus is too large to squeeze the birth canal, or the midwife's arm is not strictly disinfected, reaching into the birth canal to touch, can cause postpartum fever. Especially in the muggy weather.

  • Chen Liang needs to step up supervision to find out the bottom of the family for new grain

    Chen Liang needs to step up supervision to find out the bottom of the family for new grain

    The chaos existing in the grain storage system of our country, such as replacing old grain with new grain, is related to the unsmooth mechanism and imperfect system, and is also related to the lack of management and lax supervision of relevant departments. It takes a process to smooth the mechanism and reform the system, but it takes a process to tighten the granary and strictly investigate the rats.

    2016-03-20 the replacement of old grain and new grain should be thoroughly investigated and supervision should be stepped up.
  • How to manage water-saving and drought-tolerant plant Populus tomentosa in Hokkaido

    How to manage water-saving and drought-tolerant plant Populus tomentosa in Hokkaido

    Hokkaido boxwood is a small evergreen broad-leaved tree of the genus Euonymaceae. Hokkaido boxwood is grafted with silk cotton as rootstock, the tree posture is tall and straight, evergreen all the year round, and the ripe fruit is cracked after winter, showing red aril, green leaves and red fruit, which is of high ornamental value. It is a rare evergreen broad-leaved tree in the cold region of the north. Lax requirements on the soil, in the soil organic matter content of more than 0.8% of sandy soil, sandy loam, loam, soil can grow well. It is suitable for soils with pH 6 to 9 and total salt content less than 2 ‰. High connection height 1 to 1.8 meters, low connection

  • Prevention and treatment of pig abscess

    Prevention and treatment of pig abscess

    Pigs often have abscesses under the chin, scrotum, groin, behind the ear, breast, navel and limbs. 1. The cause is caused by infection after skin and mucosal injury, in addition, it can also be caused by intravenous injection of hypertonic saline, calcium chloride, chloral hydrate, September 14, etc., or lax disinfection of epidemic prevention needles, or some infectious diseases. two。 At the beginning of the symptoms, the local diffuse redness and swelling, then protruding from the epidermis, forming a localized spherical mass a few days later, gradually softened and fluctuated in the center, and a large amount of pus flowed out when it was damaged. 3.

  • The shape of pomegranate bonsai

    The shape of pomegranate bonsai

    Pomegranates like fertilizer, planting when the bottom of the pot to put a few pieces of animal hooves and a small amount of decomposed bean cake as base fertilizer. Pomegranates are adaptable and lax in soil requirements. They can grow in acidic or alkaline soil. The soil is loose and fertile, but they are afraid of waterlogging. Planting pomegranate bonsai

  • How to plant honeysuckle

    How to plant honeysuckle

    Honeysuckle has lax requirements on soil and strong stress resistance. In order to facilitate the management, the land is leveled and the land which is beneficial to irrigation and drainage is better. It can also be planted by sunny barren slopes, sandy lands, terraces and rivers. Turn back after applying fully mature organic fertilizer 3000kg to 5000kg per mu

    2020-11-08 For example what kind of honeysuckle honeysuckle right soil requirements lax
  • The method and matters needing attention of Phellodendron paniculata

    The method and matters needing attention of Phellodendron paniculata

    Tiger skin orchid is a kind of foliage plant with strong vitality, which is lax on the environment and easy to raise, and its biggest characteristic is that it can purify the air and has a strong ability to absorb formaldehyde. Putting several pots of tiger skin orchid in the newly renovated home can absorb indoor harmful gases. Flower friends who have raised tiger skin orchid all know that.
