
is raw and grew up in Ya'an. Learn more about is raw and grew up in Ya'an.

  • What kind of fish is Yayu?

    What kind of fish is Yayu?

    Elegant fish is a valuable cold-water fish growing in Ya'an. Its body is like carp, the scales are as thin as trout, the taste is smooth, the meat is delicate, nutritious, and it is not greasy to eat for a long time. Elegant fish simple home practice steamed elegant fish 1, elegant fish cut clean, both sides of the knife, with

    2020-11-11 Yayu what is it is raw and grew up in Ya'an.
  • Processing Technology of Sichuan Border Tea

    Processing Technology of Sichuan Border Tea

    The production of border tea in Sichuan has a long history. The "Tea-Horse Law" was carried out by the officials of all dynasties since the Song Dynasty, and the "Tea-Horse Division" was set up in Ya'an, Tianquan and other places in Sichuan Province in the Ming Dynasty (AD 1371-1541). South roadside tea is made by cutting the branches and leaves of tea trees. The raw materials of fresh leaves of South roadside tea are thicker and old, which can be picked by hand or cut by knife, and the old leaves or current year branches and leaves can be picked by hand; the knife cuts the mature new branches and leaves of the current season or year. South roadside tea can be divided into Maozhuang tea and Zhuangzhuang tea due to different processing methods. Pick the fresh branches cut off

  • South roadside tea manufacturing

    South roadside tea manufacturing

    South roadside tea is a kind of pressed tea produced in Sichuan and sold exclusively in Tibetan areas. In the past, it was divided into six colors: hairy tip, fine bud, Kang brick, gold jade and gold warehouse, but now it is simplified to Kang brick and Jinjian. In the past, it was mainly produced in Ya'an and Leshan, but now it has been expanded to the tea areas of the whole province. in Ya'an, Yibin, Chongqing, Wanxian and other state-owned tea farms (factories) centralized processing. The raw material of south roadside tea is crude and contains some tea stalks. Because of the different processing methods of fresh leaves, Maocha is divided into two kinds: unsteamed and kneaded after killing green leaves.

  • Eight famous plum petals of Hongyipin Jianlan

    Eight famous plum petals of Hongyipin Jianlan

    Red Yipin, old species, Jian Lan (Sijilan) one of the eight famous products, standard plum petals, flowers dignified, well-guarded, has now been forgotten by most people, in 1993 by Lanyou Wu Yongquan, Mingshan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province, Wu Hongwei father and son.

  • Li Yundong earns more than 2000 a month by raising yellow powder insects.

    Li Yundong earns more than 2000 a month by raising yellow powder insects.

    Li Yundong earns more than 2000 a month by raising yellow powder insects.

  • Dream Elf Spring Sword

    Dream Elf Spring Sword

    Dream elf-spring sword new species Piaomen narcissus boutique, in 2003 down the mountain rich in spring sword flowers in Sichuan Dabashan mountain area, at that time was our purchase of raw grass (downhill grass) Lannong together with a large number of other spring sword mountain grass bought back from Tongjiang, planted in its raw grass. It blossomed for the first time in the spring of 2005 two years later and has been repeated for three consecutive years.

  • Ya'an cicada wing Chunlan

    Ya'an cicada wing Chunlan

    Sichuan downhill cicada wing flower.

  • Cymbidium yazhouense

    Cymbidium yazhouense

    Yazhou white plum blossom is not easy to open Sichuan Ya 'an mountain grass, fragrant shape, four seasons orchid, good petal shape, good opening, good color, stable opening.

  • Live mobile phone sold fruit for 4 hours and sold two tons of kiwifruit.

    Live mobile phone sold fruit for 4 hours and sold two tons of kiwifruit.

    Live mobile phone sold fruit for 4 hours and sold two tons of kiwifruit.

  • Red Yi Pin Jian Lan

    Red Yi Pin Jian Lan

    The leaves are 15~35cm in length, 0.8~1.5cm in width, 4 in width, obtusely pointed at the end of the heart, semi-drooping, silkworm holding, wishful tongue, 2-6 flowers per arrow, stable petal shape, high germination rate and easy to cultivate. The flower color is gorgeous, the opening product is dignified, stretched, the petal is thick, the sepals are tight, round and take root, the middle palace standard,.

  • Sichuan tea e-commerce sales soar e-commerce road can be more and more broad?

    Sichuan tea e-commerce sales soar e-commerce road can be more and more broad?

    Song Juan, 28, is an office worker at a university in Sichuan. Like many young people, she likes online shopping after work. Recently, she is addicted to buying tea online and often patronizes the Chuanhong tea store on Tmall. "there is all kinds of tea here, except biographies."

    2016-03-20 Sichuan tea e-commerce sales soaring the road whether the more 28 years old
  • Lilac lotus petal

    Lilac lotus petal

    This grass is the downhill grass in Yingjing County. If the flowers bloom well, the lotus flowers. If it doesn't bloom well, it's usually a plain flower. The color of the flower is very good, and everyone in Ya'an knows the characteristics of the flower.

  • Jian Lan Junhe picture, Jianlan Junhe price Jianlan Junhe's shortcomings Jian Lan Junhe Xiang

    Jian Lan Junhe picture, Jianlan Junhe price Jianlan Junhe's shortcomings Jian Lan Junhe Xiang

    Before Jian Lan Junhe was not called Junhe, it was named after a gentleman in Mr. Chen's name, which gave rise to today's Junhe. This kind of opening was stable and neat. Later, Mr. Chen Zejun of Qionglai Orchid Family in Sichuan thought the flower was very good, so he went back and forth to Ya'an several times with Wu Xilan.

    2019-03-20 Jianlan Junhe pictures price shortcomings incense
  • Eight famous plum petals of Hongyipin Jianlan

    Eight famous plum petals of Hongyipin Jianlan

    Carry forward the national orchid culture, spread orchid knowledge Hong Yipin, old species, Jian Lan (Sijilan) one of the eight famous products, flowers dignified, flower guard, the original price of 80 yuan, the current price of 64 yuan per seedling, 3 seedlings for sale, authentic, free delivery, now has been most people.

  • Junhe Jianlan

    Junhe Jianlan

    The color is dark and thick, the leaf tip is round and blunt, the flowering period is from June to October, the flower blooms 3 times, the flower height is 20mur40 cm, the flower color is 7; the flower color is slightly red. This flower is in the shape of a lotus petal, with red thread embedded in bright green, bright tongue color and strong ornamental. Junhe, Jianlan (Sijilan), lotus valve, famous products.

  • The Destiny and Watch of villages in the process of urbanization

    The Destiny and Watch of villages in the process of urbanization

    Mencius said, "death does not leave the countryside, and the countryside is in the same well." If you go in and out of each other's friends, watch and help each other, and support each other with illness, the people will be close to each other. " This is an accurate portrayal of the production and life style of rural China for thousands of years. On the other hand, the village can be said to carry, record and reproduce this kind of biography.

    2016-03-20 Urbanization process village destiny and watch Mencius
  • What are the main varieties of black tea in China? Where are the places of origin?

    What are the main varieties of black tea in China? Where are the places of origin?

    The tea culture of our country has always been broad and profound, and there are many kinds of tea, such as white tea, black tea, green tea and so on. Today we will talk about black tea. Do you know where black tea is more famous in our country? The more famous varieties of black tea in China 1.

    2020-11-27 In our country black tea owner what do you want variety origin difference where is it?
  • The outstanding mother flower of lotus petal orchid seed: the icing on the cake

    The outstanding mother flower of lotus petal orchid seed: the icing on the cake

    The outstanding mother flower of lotus petal orchid seed: the icing on the cake

  • Zhou Chengwei and his sweet career

    Zhou Chengwei and his sweet career

    Zhou Chengwei and his sweet career

  • How long is the life span of giant pandas? Where do you live mainly?

    How long is the life span of giant pandas? Where do you live mainly?

    Giant panda carnivora, bear family, giant panda subfamily and the only mammal of the genus Giant Panda, it has round cheeks, big dark circles, chubby body, iconic inner eight-shaped walking style, some unusual ways like outside eight, is the world's

    2020-11-11 Giant panda life span have how long main health live in which