
intestines Learn more about intestines

  • Surgical treatment of intestinal Necrosis caused by Porcine umbilical hernia

    Surgical treatment of intestinal Necrosis caused by Porcine umbilical hernia

    If porcine umbilical hernia is treated in time, it is generally easy to cure and there will be no intestinal necrosis; if it is not treated in time, the intestines that fall into the hernia sac will die. Most of the cases with necrosis were small hernia ring, and the falling intestine was necrosed due to insufficient blood supply caused by the clamp of the hernia ring; although the hernia ring was large in a few cases, but the falling intestine was stimulated by the contents (even corrupt contents) for a long time and necrosis occurred. According to the situation, we use surgery to treat many cases of intestinal necrosis caused by porcine umbilical hernia, and the effect is good.

  • Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Small intestinal obstruction is a kind of acute abdomen in dogs, which is often caused by mechanical obstruction of the intestinal cavity or irreversible changes in the normal position of the small intestine, such as intussusception, incarceration, torsion and so on. Small intestinal obstruction not only causes intestinal obstruction, but also accompanied by local blood circulation disturbance. The cause of the disease is to eat bones, nuts and elastic toys. Intestinal parasites such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia solium and intestinal obstruction caused by Ascaris lumbricoides are the main causes. Intestinal adhesion and intestinal tumor after operation. Strenuous activity after eating causes mesenteric rupture, septal rupture, umbilical hernia and intestinal entry.

  • What are parasitic intestinal diseases in fish? How to prevent and cure it?

    What are parasitic intestinal diseases in fish? How to prevent and cure it?

    The intestinal tract is the main digestive organ of aquatic animals, especially for stomachless fish. On the other hand, the intestinal tract is often the first barrier for the anti-nutritional factors and toxic and harmful substances in the bait to enter the fish body, and it is the anti-nutritional factor in the diet to the related tissues and organs of fish.

    2020-11-11 Fish parasites sex intestines diseases have what how prevention and treatment
  • Prevention and treatment of intestinal constipation of farmed fruit beaver

    Prevention and treatment of intestinal constipation of farmed fruit beaver

    Intestinal constipation is due to the intake of indigestible food, lack of drinking water, and thermal diseases caused by dehydration and intestinal relaxation, resulting in fecal stagnation and induration in the intestinal tract, causing complete or incomplete obstruction of the intestinal tract. Acute, abdominal pain disease. Intestinal constipation

    2020-11-08 Breeding fruit beaver intestines constipation prevention and treatment intestines yes
  • Is there something wrong with the intestines and stomach when the fish is white?

    Is there something wrong with the intestines and stomach when the fish is white?

    Enteritis, also known as bacterial enteritis or rotten intestinal distemper, is a digestive tract infectious disease of many kinds of fish caused by Aeromonas aerogenes. Mainly eat unclean feed or overeat, intestinal distension, obstruction of excretion, water pollution, lead to.

  • How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms

    How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms

    How to prevent and control common intestinal diseases in pig farms

  • There are 13 kilos of garbage in the intestines? Do this well every day to remove bowel poisoning and relieve constipation byebye~.

    There are 13 kilos of garbage in the intestines? Do this well every day to remove bowel poisoning and relieve constipation byebye~.

    Losing weight is an eternal topic for every woman. But the matter of losing weight is easy to say, and the thought of "keep your mouth shut and spread your legs" begins to be lazy again. But there's one thing you need to know: some extra weight, maybe body fat.

  • Pathological changes of chronic intestinal coccidiosis in chickens

    Pathological changes of chronic intestinal coccidiosis in chickens

    Pathological changes of chronic intestinal coccidiosis in chickens

  • Intestinal mycosis of fish

    Intestinal mycosis of fish

    The pathogens are zygomycetes, insect molds, frog faeces and frog feces. The anterior abdomen and anus of the diseased fish obviously swelled, forming two white protruding places. The diseased fish could not defecate because of anal blockage and died soon. The abdominal wall soon wore out after death, revealing sticky internal organs. Anatomical examination of the diseased fish showed that there was a white sticky fatty substance outside the stomach and intestine, the intestine became thicker and white, the intestinal wall became thinner, the interior was full of hyphae and its conidia, the end of the intestine was particularly dense, and mycelia were also distributed in the stomach of a few diseased fish, but no infection was found.

  • Control of Ascaris lumbricoides in cultured hedgehog

    Control of Ascaris lumbricoides in cultured hedgehog

    It is a disease caused by Ascaris lumbricoides parasitic in hedgehogs. In addition to parasitic in the intestinal tract caused by intestinal symptoms, sometimes also into the biliary tract to produce biliary ascariasis. 1) the pathogeny Ascaris lumbricoides is a parasite in the intestinal tract of human and livestock. Each female worm can give birth in the intestinal tract day and night.

    2020-11-08 Breeding hedgehog Ascaris lumbricoides disease control yes send born in
  • Matters needing attention in poultry breeding: strengthening the healthy feeding of poultry and the development trend of antibiotic substitutes

    Matters needing attention in poultry breeding: strengthening the healthy feeding of poultry and the development trend of antibiotic substitutes

    In the past decade, scientists have found that poor intestinal bacteria are related to many diseases, so how to increase intestinal probiotics has become a topic for scientists to study. In fact, intestinal health is also very important for livestock, in order to reduce the use of antibiotics. Recently, Ilan University

  • Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Diagnosis and treatment of chicken enterotoxic syndrome

    Due to abnormal climate change, the temperature difference between day and night varies greatly. Enterotoxic syndrome characterized by diarrhea, undigested feed in feces, significantly decreased feed intake, slow growth, weight loss, dehydration and decreased feed returns often occur in broilers and laying hens. 1. Clinical symptoms: the mental state of the chicken flock is still good, but the growth is slow, the crown is pale, some diseased chickens show white strip or mucous feces, there is undigested feed in the feces, and the feces are yellowish. Individual chickens have mental depression, shrinking head, head tremor, running back and forth, and easy to scream.

  • Bacterial intestinal hemorrhagic disease of money tortoise

    Bacterial intestinal hemorrhagic disease of money tortoise

    Bacterial intestinal hemorrhagic disease of money tortoise is a kind of intestinal disease caused by conditional pathogenic bacteria. The disease is usually caused by unclean water quality, pollution or eating spoiled residual bait. In March 1997, the money tortoise in an aquaculture farm in Mule Town was characterized by diet, refusing to eat, not moving, mouth and nose bleeding, and even catching it by hand without running away. The case was diagnosed as bacterial intestinal hemorrhage by clinical and anatomical examination. The details are as follows: 1, the incidence of the aquaculture farm raised 57 money turtles, each body

  • Diagnosis and treatment of sudden death of Clostridium welchii in pigs

    Diagnosis and treatment of sudden death of Clostridium welchii in pigs

    Sudden death syndrome of Clostridium welchii in pigs, also known as porcine red intestine disease, is a kind of porcine enterotoxemia caused by Clostridium welchii types A, C and D. 1. Symptoms of the disease generally have no premonitory symptoms and show sudden death. It can also be seen that some sick pigs died of mania, ataxia, hoarseness, abdominal swelling, dyspnea, sudden fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth, muscle trembling, limb movement, pale skin, reverse expansion of the horn bow, and died within 1-3 hours. 2. Pathological changes: dead pigs have good fat condition and complete rigor.

  • Does Newcastle disease still have intestinal type?

    Does Newcastle disease still have intestinal type?

    Does Newcastle disease still have intestinal type?

  • Prevention and treatment of "intestinal dropsy" of horses, donkeys and mules

    Prevention and treatment of

    The "intestinal disease" of horse donkey mule mostly occurs in summer and autumn, which is mainly due to overfeeding or grazing fresh and succulent forage grass (especially leguminous forage such as alfalfa). After these excessive forage grass stays in the gastrointestinal obstruction, they produce gas rapidly and ferment, and a large amount of gas can not be discharged in time because of too much gastrointestinal forage grass, resulting in intestinal dropsy. The symptoms of the sick animals appear intermittent abdominal pain at the initial stage, and quickly turn to severe and persistent abdominal pain, lie down or roll on the ground, the abdominal circumference increases quickly, and percussion appears drum or gold.

  • Must prevent the syndrome of chicken enterotoxicity in late autumn

    Must prevent the syndrome of chicken enterotoxicity in late autumn

    With abnormal climate change in late autumn and large temperature difference between day and night, enterotoxic syndrome characterized by diarrhea, undigested feed in feces, decreased feed intake, slow growth, weight loss and dehydration often occurred in broilers and laying hens. After the autopsy of the sick and dead chicken, it was found that there was brain fluid in the head, red thymus, swelling of the duodenum, thickening of the intestinal wall, very hard intestinal wall when touched by hand, no feed in the intestinal tube, and a large amount of intestinal mucous membrane shedding. Some intestinal segments have foam-like substances and tomato-like feces, and the gallbladder becomes small and yellowish.

  • Enema therapy in the treatment of digestive system diseases in dogs

    Enema therapy in the treatment of digestive system diseases in dogs

    In the diagnosis and treatment of pets, the digestive system diseases of dogs are most encountered, and a simple enema method can be used to achieve good results. The scope of application of enema therapy in ① dogs with gastroenteritis symptoms such as upper vomiting and diarrhea, faeces with blood odor and so on, can be treated by enema therapy, excluding sparse feces, emptying intestines and rectal administration directly. When dry stool and difficult defecation occur in ② dogs, enema therapy can be used to soften feces and lubricate the intestines.

  • Harm and Prevention of Digestive tract Diseases in Pigs in Autumn and Winter

    Harm and Prevention of Digestive tract Diseases in Pigs in Autumn and Winter

    Harm and Prevention of Digestive tract Diseases in Pigs in Autumn and Winter

  • How to prevent and cure common intestinal diseases in fish

    How to prevent and cure common intestinal diseases in fish

    Viral intestinal diseases, enteritis. Harm object: grass carp, herring. Symptoms: the diseased fish have black body color, red and swollen anus, hyperemia at the base of the fin adjustment, erythema in the abdomen, intestinal inflammation, red or purplish red. Control method: before stocking ① fish, soak it with 10ppm bleach. During the ② epidemic season, the whole pool was sprinkled with 1ppm bleach every half a month, or sulfonamide interdrug bait was given. ③ garlic treatment. Garlic is 250 grams per 250 kg of fish seed and mixed with bait for 3-6 days.
