
intermediate Learn more about intermediate

  • What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

  • Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Echinostomiasis in geese is a parasitic disease caused by Echinostoma convoluta parasitic in the rectum and cecum of geese. Infected geese show dysentery, anemia, emaciation, hemorrhagic enteritis and other changes, serious can cause death. Many kinds of poultry such as geese and ducks can be infected, which is very popular in our country and does great harm to the chicks. (1) the characteristics of pathogen. Pathogen. The pathogen of echinostomiasis is Echinostoma, which belongs to Echinostomaceae. There are many species of Echinostoma, and nearly 120 species of undergraduate trematodes have been found in China.

  • Paragonimiasis in pigs

    Paragonimiasis in pigs

    1. The pathogen paragonimiasis is caused by the parasitism of paragonimiasis in the lungs of pigs. The trematodes are dark brown, oval, fleshy trematodes, 8-16 mm long, 4-8 mm wide and 2.5 mm thick. The adults are parasitic in the lung tissue of pigs. after the eggs are produced, they cough up with sputum, swallow in the mouth and excreted out of the body with feces. Under appropriate conditions, the cercariae escape from the egg and enter the first intermediate host (freshwater snail), where they develop into cercariae, which leave the snail body and enter the second intermediate host.

  • Ministry of Agriculture wins the case of genetically modified Information Disclosure

    Ministry of Agriculture wins the case of genetically modified Information Disclosure

    According to Xinhua News Agency, on April 7, lawyer Huang Leping v. the Ministry of Agriculture government information disclosure case was pronounced in the Beijing No. 3 Intermediate people's Court of first instance. The third Intermediate people's Court of Beijing rejected Huang Leping's claim in the first instance, and Huang Leping appealed in court. The court held that according to the government

    2016-03-20 Transgenic Information Disclosure case Ministry of Agriculture won the case according to Xinhua News Agency
  • What are the producing areas of peanuts

    What are the producing areas of peanuts

    Peanut has a large planting area in China, its seeds can not only be edible, but also can extract oil, and can be processed into a variety of non-staple foods. What are the main producing areas of peanuts? 1. Peanut producing area China's peanut industry can be roughly divided into small peanut areas in the south and big flowers in the north, which can be divided into the Yangtze River Basin.

    2020-11-08 Flowers place of production have which flowers born in China planting area
  • Prevention and treatment of Clonorchis sinensis in pigs

    Prevention and treatment of Clonorchis sinensis in pigs

    1. The pathogen is caused by Clonorchis sinensis parasitic in the bile duct of the liver. In addition to pigs, dogs, cats and people can also be infected. Clonorchis sinensis is a small and transparent trematodes, 10-20 cm long and 2-5 mm wide. With the fecal ratio, the eggs were swallowed by the freshwater snail of the first intermediate host in the water, developed in the snail body and escaped as cercariae. Cercariae enter the body of the second intermediate main freshwater fish to form metacercariae, and the final host (pigs, etc.) is infected by eating undercooked fish containing metacercariae. In the pig small intestine, the metacercaria wall membrane is eliminated.

  • If you know how valuable the Taiwan cypress is, can you put down the chainsaw? Plants to the World deciphered for Alpine plants

    If you know how valuable the Taiwan cypress is, can you put down the chainsaw? Plants to the World deciphered for Alpine plants

    If you know how valuable the Taiwan cypress is, can you put down the chainsaw? Plants to the World deciphered for Alpine plants

  • At the height of summer, succulent plants face a severe challenge. Look ahead of succulent maintenance in June.

    At the height of summer, succulent plants face a severe challenge. Look ahead of succulent maintenance in June.

    Follow the encyclopedia meet beautiful (WeChat account: duoroubaike) text beginning: original author [Yushan] Editor: encyclopedia June, is the beginning of summer, is the longest month of the year, plenty of sunshine,.

  • What should we do with meat in October?

    What should we do with meat in October?

    In October, the weather gets cooler, and many meat friends don't know what to do with their meat. Today, succulent plants have sorted out some key points of meat raising for everyone in October. Let's learn it together. An overview of the cool climate in October.

  • Cultivation methods of dwarfing cherry seedlings

    Cultivation methods of dwarfing cherry seedlings

    The cherry trees are too tall to grow in the greenhouse; it takes 5 to 6 years for natural production to bear fruit and 10 years later to enter the high yield period. The investment return period is long and the management cost is high. After years of exploration, fruit tree experts in China have studied the grafting of big cherry varieties with hairy cherry as rootstock and FL-80 plum as interstock.

  • Monthly calendar for planting and management of succulent plants: June

    Monthly calendar for planting and management of succulent plants: June

    June, with a warm and sunny climate, is the peak season for the growth of "summer-type" succulent plants, and most species, especially cacti, bloom this month. And...

  • Chicks are easy to die from tapeworm infection how to control taeniasis in summer chicken farms

    Chicks are easy to die from tapeworm infection how to control taeniasis in summer chicken farms

    Chicks are easy to die from tapeworm infection how to control taeniasis in summer chicken farms

  • Technical measures of Rice Intermediate Tillage Management in Eryuan County

    Technical measures of Rice Intermediate Tillage Management in Eryuan County

    From last autumn to June this year, the high temperature weather of continuous drought occurred in Eryuan County, which brought varying degrees of losses to small spring crops and some large spring crops could not be sown normally. The county agriculture bureau has taken various scientific and technological measures to actively deal with natural disasters such as extreme drought, and strive to achieve the "spring loss and spring replenishment" and the annual production target. In rice production, we should pay attention to various backbone measures, such as improved varieties, dry cultivation, sparse planting and shallow planting, soil testing and formula fertilization, accurate quantitative cultivation, high yield establishment and so on. Scientific and technological personnel go deep into the front line of agricultural production and grasp science and technology.

  • The long-awaited September has finally come. September maintenance strategy is enough.

    The long-awaited September has finally come. September maintenance strategy is enough.

    The climate in September is characterized by high sky, large temperature difference between day and night, and cool and pleasant temperature, which is the peak season for the growth of most species of succulent plants. In the tequila family, the wine bottle orchid, benevolence crown, Huishan, auspicious sky, Thor, nail crab; cactus.

  • The basic raw materials rose by 30-50%, many agrochemical manufacturers stopped production, and many kinds of pesticide intermediates were seriously out of stock!

    The basic raw materials rose by 30-50%, many agrochemical manufacturers stopped production, and many kinds of pesticide intermediates were seriously out of stock!

    Recently, agrochemical products can be said to be soaring, soaring all the way to the point that they have no friends. It has become the opposite of an old friend! It's so high that I can't do business! It has risen to doubt.

  • What should we pay attention to in order to grow sesame seeds with high yield?

    What should we pay attention to in order to grow sesame seeds with high yield?

    What should we pay attention to in order to grow sesame seeds with high yield? Please introduce the following key points for high yield of sesame seeds: after intermediate ploughing, weeding and weeding, shallow hoeing and loosening soil and weeding should be done, when the seedling height is 5 cm, the second intermediate tillage should be carried out, and then two times of intermediate ploughing should be carried out according to the soil condition and seedling condition. in order to achieve loose soil and good ventilation.

  • Maintenance of succulent plants in October the most important month for succulent plants to become beautiful

    Maintenance of succulent plants in October the most important month for succulent plants to become beautiful

    The first? Before the community background reply "delicious meat", "summer, watering, leaf insertion, soil, disinfestation, black rot" to check the relevant maintenance knowledge. Reply to succulent names such as "White Peony, Ruby, Raul" to view the latest succulent brochure. Du...

  • Planting methods and cultivation techniques of flower and tree plant white sandalwood (picture)

    Planting methods and cultivation techniques of flower and tree plant white sandalwood (picture)

    White sandalwood, also known as ash wood, broken seed tree, black wood, seed tree, gate wood, etc., are deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Alba of the family Sorbiaceae, widely distributed in northeast China and the south of the Yellow River, especially in the provinces south of the Yangtze River basin. it has the advantages of tolerance to dry, early and barren, developed root system, strong germination, easy reproduction and so on.

  • What are the causes of parasitic diseases that cause vomiting in pigs? How to prevent and control?

    What are the causes of parasitic diseases that cause vomiting in pigs? How to prevent and control?

    What are the causes of parasitic diseases that cause vomiting in pigs? How to prevent and control?

  • Maintenance Guide Autumn Yilong these tricks make the meat bloom with a beautiful posture (practical information collection)

    Maintenance Guide Autumn Yilong these tricks make the meat bloom with a beautiful posture (practical information collection)

    & nbsp; the color of autumn was once dyed red with vegetable frost & nbsp; colorful spots proud of the autumn wind enjoy the pot with a warm heart like a warm sun & nbsp; is afraid that autumn is cold ▼ the air is dry in late autumn and the night minimum temperature is around 0 ℃.
