
The basic raw materials rose by 30-50%, many agrochemical manufacturers stopped production, and many kinds of pesticide intermediates were seriously out of stock!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Recently, agrochemical products can be said to be soaring, soaring all the way to the point that they have no friends. It has become the opposite of an old friend! It's so high that I can't do business! It has risen to doubt.

Recently, agrochemical products can be said to be soaring, soaring all the way to the point that they have no friends. It has become the opposite of an old friend! It's so high that I can't do business! It's so high that I doubt life!

Have you noticed that more and more retail stores and dealers around you have collapsed; have you noticed that more and more people around you are saying that business is not good? have you noticed that more and more people around you are seemingly calm / pretending to be forced, but they are actually starting to get anxious. Old money is difficult to collect, new products are difficult to sell; cash on the top and credit on the next; labor increases, rents rise, costs rise, expenses are high, and profits are thin! Up and down, there is nothing to say about the pain!

It doesn't matter whether you scold or complain, no matter whether most agricultural products are priceless or even unsalable, or whether you say it's hard to do or can't do it. Most agrochemical products have risen round after round, and there is a trend to continue to rise, why? What shall I do? Please look down!

The price of basic raw materials for agrochemical industry has generally increased by 30-50%.

Recently, it can be said that there has been a continuous rise in the international market: starting from March 15, 2018, or in accordance with the terms of the contract, Dow Chemical will increase the price of the following products in all US market segments by 15 cents per pound. About 2089 yuan per ton. Since February 28, 2018, the prices of TPU products of various brands of Meirui New Materials have been raised by 2000-3000 yuan / ton. Since March 2018, the company has adjusted the MDI price in China, and the pure MDI listing price is 31700 yuan / ton (1700 yuan / ton higher than the February price).

Let's take a look at the basic chemical raw materials:

Liquid epoxy resin: ex-factory price increased by 300 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 23000-25000 yuan / ton; the current market price is 21300-22200 yuan / ton.

Butadiene: the ex-factory price is increased by 300 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 10700-11400 yuan / ton; the current market price is 11600-11875 yuan / ton.

Phenol: the ex-factory price is increased by 200,210 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 8650-9800 yuan / ton; the market price is increased by 100,300 yuan / ton, and the current market price is 9100-9600 yuan / ton.

Acrylic acid: the ex-factory price is increased by 350,700 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 7600-9100 yuan / ton, and the current market price is 7700-9000 yuan / ton.

Isobutanol: the ex-factory price is increased by 50 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 5800-6000 yuan / ton; the market price is increased by 50-6000 yuan / ton, and the current market price is 5800-6700 yuan / ton.

Acetic acid: the ex-factory price is increased by 50,150yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 4100-4900 yuan / ton; the market price is increased by 50,100yuan / ton, the current market price is 4300-4950 yuan / ton.

Butyl acetate: the ex-factory price is increased by 50-100 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 7200-7600 yuan / ton; the current market price is 7100-7800 yuan / ton.

Dichloromethane: the ex-factory price is increased by 30-150 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 2920-3700 yuan / ton; the market price is increased by 30 yuan / ton, and the current market price is 2930-3950 yuan / ton.

Propylene: the ex-factory price is increased by 50-100 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 7150-8500 yuan / ton; the current market price is 7150-8300 yuan / ton.

Butyl acrylate: the ex-factory price is increased by 200,500 yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 9600-10000 yuan / ton, and the current market price is 9300-10000 yuan / ton.

Isooctyl acrylate: the ex-factory price is increased by 500yuan / ton, the current ex-factory price is 10800-11500 yuan / ton; the current market price is 10800-11200 yuan / ton.

Warm reminder: the price of basic chemical raw materials has gone up, can raw drugs and preparations not rise?

The relocation task list of Sichuan dangerous chemical enterprises is released.

The Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Technology Commission and the Provincial Safety Supervision Bureau recently drafted the "Circular on the relocation of dangerous Chemicals production Enterprises in densely populated Urban areas in Sichuan Province" drafted by the General Office of the Sichuan Provincial people's Government, which is currently soliciting opinions from the public.

According to the draft for soliciting opinions, a total of 48 enterprises are involved in the relocation of hazardous chemicals production enterprises in densely populated urban areas in Sichuan Province, of which 37 are relocated in different places, 2 are rebuilt locally, and 9 are closed and withdrawn.

The relocation enterprises include Chengdu Xinju Chemical Co., Ltd., Sichuan Guoguang Agricultural Chemical Co., Ltd., Sichuan Fine Chemical Research and Design Institute, Haohua Honghe Chemical Co., Ltd., Luzhou Fubon Chemical Co., Ltd., Sichuan Jinlu Resin Co., Ltd., and other enterprises or production lines. The local transformation category includes Shuangliu Jiujiang Endurance Resin products Factory and Zigong Honghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. The closure and withdrawal category involves Zigong Jinxin Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Sichuan Minjiang Chemical Co., Ltd., Sichuan Feilong Chemical Co., Ltd., Mianyang Sanjiang Chemical Co., Ltd., and other enterprises.

Guangdong dealer "Zhuhai Qiangnong" made preparations in advance and stepped up stock preparation.

Suzhou will close 152 chemical enterprises this year

According to the Suzhou production safety supervision work conference, the main expected goal of the city's production safety work in 2018 is to reduce the number of full-caliber production safety accidents and deaths by more than 10% compared with the same period last year.

In order to further strengthen safety supervision and law enforcement and standardize supervision and law enforcement behavior, Suzhou Safety Supervision Bureau decided to take 2018 as the year for the promotion of production safety law enforcement. in the whole year, we will strive to achieve "five increases" in the number of cases filed in advance, the amount of penalties, the number of cases over 50,000 yuan, the average number of cases, and the proportion of cases filed (the proportion of the number of cases filed in advance to the actual number of enterprises for law enforcement inspection). The number of law enforcement in advance (the number of cases filed and the amount of punishment) remains the first in the province; the closing rate of illegal cases within the legal time limit is 100%; the verification rate of real-name reports is 100%; the transfer rate of illegal and criminal cases suspected of production safety is 100%; we will strive to achieve zero revocation of administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation (zero loss), and the training coverage rate of law enforcement personnel will reach 100%.

In 2018, the city will vigorously promote the standardization construction of first-and second-level industrial and trade enterprises, with more than 20 first-level standardization declaration enterprises planned and more than 10 successfully established, and more than 260 second-level standardization declaration enterprises with more than 200 successful establishment. Efforts should be made to improve the operation quality of the enterprise standardization system, check the operation of about 5000 third-level standardization enterprises in the city, delisting all enterprises that do not meet the standards, and the delisting rate is not less than 5 per cent of the total number of enterprises at the third level in various localities. In addition, we will continue to promote the standardization of small and micro enterprises this year, and strive to achieve a creation rate of more than 75% by the end of 2018, with no less than 4000 new small and micro enterprises up to the standard.

It is understood that this year, the city will continue to promote the comprehensive management of the safety of dangerous chemicals, combined with special actions such as "263" and "four in a batch", to ensure that various tasks are implemented on time and effectively in various localities and industries; to complete the advance notice of the key items of safety supervision of dangerous chemical enterprises, clearly define the plan and time limit for the closure of enterprises, and strive to promote the closure of 152 chemical enterprises during the year.

This shows that: eliminate backwardness, promote the upgrading of enterprises, and speed up the pace of industry reshuffle!

Actual shooting of packaging material warehouse in a pesticide factory

Packaging materials such as bottles and cartons also rose sharply after the Spring Festival.

Shandong changes momentum between new and old, chemical enterprises are reduced by 20%

Recently, Shandong Chemical Industry Special Action Office held a special meeting to conscientiously study the spirit of the mobilization meeting of major projects for the conversion of new and old kinetic energy in an all-round way in the province, and further clarify the focus of work and refine the work objectives:

The first is to speed up the identification of the park. Actively carry out the identification of chemical parks, professional chemical parks and key monitoring points, further optimize the layout structure of the chemical industry in the province, improve the essential safety level of parks and enterprises, and complete all the work identified in chemical parks, professional chemical parks and key monitoring sites by the end of September 2018. Strict total control, the number of chemical parks and professional chemical parks in the province is limited to less than 100, and the key monitoring points are controlled at about 300.

Second, we should do a solid job in the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas. Organize all cities to complete the evaluation and mapping work by the end of June 2018, formulate an implementation plan for the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in the region by the end of September 2018, and promote the relocation and transformation work in a solid and orderly manner, ensure that the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas will be completed by the end of 2025.

The third is to speed up the implementation of a new round of rating evaluation for chemical enterprises. Strengthen the four negative forces of safety, environmental protection, energy saving and quality, and if the enterprises whose safety and environmental protection ratings are "poor" or the total rating is "poor" in the new round of rating and evaluation, if they still fail to meet the requirements after rectification and reform, they shall be ordered to close down in accordance with the law, and strive to reduce the number of chemical production enterprises by more than 20% on the basis of the 7595 announced by various cities.

The fourth is to realize the closed-loop management of the whole chain of chemical industry. By the end of September 2018, we will complete the grading of road transport, warehousing and operating enterprises of dangerous chemicals in the province, and scientifically use the rating results to classify and implement measures to promote the integration and reorganization of enterprises and improve the overall safety management level of the chemical industry.

Fifth, promote the transformation and upgrading of the chemical industry. We will conscientiously implement the work requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government on the transformation, upgrading and green development of the chemical industry, and promote the chemical industry to shift from extensive development to fine development, from decentralized development to agglomeration development, and from middle-and low-end development to middle-and high-end development. to realize the regionalization, high-end, green and safety of the chemical industry.

Sixth, strict market access. We will strictly implement the interim regulations on the management of chemical investment projects, strictly control projects with excess capacity, unreasonable layout and technology that do not conform to the national industrial policy, and resolutely refuse projects that exceed the carrying capacity of the regional environment, those that are difficult to control safety risks, and low-level extension expansion projects that consume a large amount of resources, so as to truly build the chemical industry into a pillar industry of high-end, high efficiency and green environmental protection.

The meeting demanded: in the key work of chemical park identification, enterprise rating evaluation, and chemical relocation, we should conscientiously grasp the words "strict,"reduce,"transfer," and "relocate," as the general tone of the next chemical special action. "strict", that is, strict implementation of identification and rating evaluation standards, strict control of identification and rating evaluation, ensuring that the standards are implemented in place, the results are fair and just, achieve the desired results, and can stand the test of all parties; "reduction", that is, to realize the ineffectiveness of the chemical industry and the reduction of low-end supply, and replace the development space for the chemical industry "Phoenix Nirvana and rebirth". "turn", that is, to change the new and old momentum, change the concept of development, change the development model, promote "four modernizations" with "four new", realize "four mention", extend the industrial chain, accelerate the development of industrial agglomeration, and realize the transformation and upgrading of chemical industry. "relocation", that is, comprehensively promote the relocation and transformation of hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas, and implement relocation in different places if the safety and environmental risks are prominent and cannot meet the requirements of safety and health protection distance through on-the-spot transformation. If the enterprise is unwilling to relocate in different places, it shall be closed and withdrawn within a time limit.

To make a long story short, it is: off! Off! Off!

Actual shooting of the factory capacity of an agrochemical production enterprise

Many famous agrochemical factories in Zhejiang have cancelled the "dangerous Safety Certificate".

Cancellation of Safety production license for dangerous Chemicals in 61 Enterprises

The operating rate of pesticide intermediates is low and the stock is out of stock seriously.

At present, the price of herbicides is high. Fungicide triazole raw drugs rose slightly, directly affected by the explosion in Lianyungang, m-dichlorobenzene was tight, the price of triazole fungicides continued to rise, and the supply of difenoconazole, propiconazole and tebuconazole was tight. Prochloraz, chlorpromazole and other raw drug manufacturers are affected by the supply of intermediates, one goods are difficult to obtain. The supply of intermediates in the pesticide market is blocked and the safety and environmental protection affects the operating rate is low, and the price of each product is high. The intermediate in the raw drug market of acaricide is out of stock seriously, the operating rate has not increased significantly, and the whole line is still tight.

Wisdom Tip: the times make a hero, focus on the business situation, identify the business context, unlimited business opportunities!

(source: agrochemical business information)

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