
Planting methods and cultivation techniques of flower and tree plant white sandalwood (picture)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, White sandalwood, also known as ash wood, broken seed tree, black wood, seed tree, gate wood, etc., are deciduous shrubs or small trees of the genus Alba of the family Sorbiaceae, widely distributed in northeast China and the south of the Yellow River, especially in the provinces south of the Yangtze River basin. it has the advantages of tolerance to dry, early and barren, developed root system, strong germination, easy reproduction and so on.

In a word, since the Tang Dynasty, peony has been respected as "national color and heavenly fragrance". Due to the consistent cherishment and love of the whole country in previous dynasties, peony has set off an upsurge of peony. In fact, peony has been given the status of national flower. Despite the change of dynasties, the flower king peony, leading Qunfang, the lofty status of national beauty and Tianxiang has never been shaken! In the eyes of the Chinese people, peony has a far-reaching influence, prestige and status beyond the reach of other flowers. Succulent plant management calendar (first quarter) appreciates green plants and exchanges breeding experience. To create the best spreading platform for plants and flowers! (I love my wife and hug me) the librarian asks QQ:732275000 about flowers and plants to find Nuo, your choice is not wrong! Because the official account cannot reply after more than 24 hours! Thank you for understanding! Every day, we strive to do better, but we are also convinced that a single tree cannot make a forest. Therefore, the wonderful future of Nono Forest Flower and Tree Pavilion needs your participation! We are waiting for you, where you Wechat promotion, cooperation or contribution (related to flowers) or you have any suggestions to us, please leave us a message or add personal editor Wechat 732275000, look forward to becoming friends with you! January, commonly known as January, is the coldest season of the year and the month of the year with less sunshine. Therefore, the management of succulent plants this month should be based on preventing cold and heat preservation and increasing light. We know that although there are many kinds of succulent plants, they can be divided into winter growth, summer dormancy "winter type" and summer dormancy "summer type" according to their habits. In addition, there are some growth in spring and autumn, and the "intermediate type" of dormancy when high temperature in summer and low temperature in winter. Therefore, its warmth should also be carried out according to different types, the dormancy allows it to spend the cold winter through sleep in a low-temperature environment, and the growth makes it grow at a certain temperature. Most species of the genera Caryophyllum, Carpinus, and Prunus of the family Amygdaceae The "winter type" succulent plants of the Aloe family, such as Vientiane, Jade Fan, Shou, etc., such as Phoenix, Fuji, Chihuahua, Xindongni, Qingzhu and Xiaolanyi of the crassulaceae, had better maintain a temperature of about 10 ℃ in winter, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. If the temperature is not less than 10 ℃, and there is a certain temperature difference between day and night, it can be properly watered to make the plant grow. The watering time can be at 10: 00 am on a sunny morning. The water temperature should be close to the room temperature. You can put your hand into the water so as not to feel cold. If the temperature cannot be maintained at such a high temperature, watering should be strictly controlled, but the water can not be completely cut off. Taki white silk, nail crab, Raytheon, Ji Luoxue of the tequila family; Euphorbiaceae "summer type" succulent plants, such as Kylin, Euphorbiaceae, and most of the cactus plants, should maintain a temperature of about 5 ℃, although some varieties will not die below 0 ℃, but the plant surface will produce ugly macula, affecting ornamental. But the temperature should not be too high, otherwise breaking its dormancy period will be disadvantageous to growth. And strictly control watering, some varieties can even completely cut off water. For example, if the overwintering temperature is too high and the soil is moist, the plant can not be fully dormant, but will affect the flowering of the following year. It is relatively easy to manage "intermediate" succulent plants such as lying cattle in the aloe family. If the temperature is higher, it can be managed according to the "winter type", and if the temperature is lower, it can be managed according to the "summer type". No matter what kind of succulent plants like plenty of sunlight, if the light is not enough, it will cause the plant to grow too long, the plant type becomes loose, the leaves become thinner, the succulent stem is thin, and the plant is deformed, and once this phenomenon occurs, it is difficult to return to the original state, seriously affecting beauty, and this phenomenon is more likely to occur in an environment with high temperature and insufficient sunlight. in addition, lack of light will also lead to plant growth weakness. In severe cases, it can also cause plant decay and death. Therefore, supplementary light is a top priority in the January management of succulent plants. To borrow the words of one player, "it is not too much sunshine to give succulent plants in winter." The method of replenishing light can be carried out according to the cultivation environment, and professional growers have large greenhouses, which have good heat preservation and light transmittance; family cultivation can put the plants in front of the sunny south window or in the closed Nanyang platform, and lovers with conditions can also build small greenhouses or small incubators in the courtyard or on the roof. Under the premise of making full use of natural sunlight, if the light is not enough, we should consider using plant lamps to make up the light. This month generally does not fertilize, also does not carry on the change basin and the reproduction. In addition, regular inspections should be made to find frozen, rotten and dead plants and remove them in time. February and February, with the arrival of spring, the temperature will gradually rise, but the temperature between the north and the south will be very different. The south is already in full bloom in spring, while the north is still a land of ice and snow. Even in the same area, the temperature varies greatly at different times. The management of succulent plants should be carried out according to different climatic conditions and individual cultivation environment, and the management methods of succulent plants in January should still be used in the north. This paper focuses on the management of succulent plants in the south. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the temperature can reach 10 to 15 ℃ during the day, more than 20 ℃ in the greenhouse if the weather is clear, and 3 to 5 ℃ at night, but the temperature is still unstable and there is often a cold snap, which can be described as "returning warm to cold". At this time, do not move the flowers outside, nor rush to open the shed, because the cold wind will make the plants catch cold, and pay attention to the stability of the temperature. Avoid sudden rise and fall of temperature. Also prevent condensed water droplets from dripping onto the plant, causing rot. In watering, winter-type and intermediate-type species can be properly watered in the morning when the weather is fine, while summer-type succulent plants should still be watered. Pay attention to control the temperature of the water when watering, it is best to be consistent with the temperature of the environment, there is generally no fertilization this month. In a warm environment, stone flowers this month begin to molt, should be bathed in the sun, and strictly control watering, or even completely cut off water, so as to dry and wither the old leaves and promote the growth of new leaves. Materials such as flowerpots and culture soil can also be prepared this month to prepare for the change of pots and plants in March. The flowerpots used for planting succulent plants are mainly tile pots, plastic pots, purple sand pots and porcelain pots. Among them, the earthen basin has good air permeability and low price, but it is fragile and not beautiful, so not many people use it now. Plastic pots are rich in variety, light, and the price is not high, so they are widely used by enthusiasts, of which square and round plastic pots are the most widely used. However, because of its poor permeability, it must be planted with granular soil with a certain particle size and good permeability in order to get a good effect. Purple sand basin is simple and elegant, beautiful shape, air permeability is also better, but the price is higher, suitable for planting some ornamental, more precious succulent plants. The porcelain basin is exquisite and beautiful, with good decoration, moderate price, but poor air permeability. Enthusiasts can choose flowerpots with different materials and shapes according to their specific conditions, and plastic nutrition bowls can be used if they are cultivated in large quantities, which is cheap and effective. The basic requirements of succulent plants for soil are certain particle size, loose air permeability, good drainage, and contain a certain amount of humus, a small amount of lime, neutral or slightly acidic (some varieties can be weakly alkaline). The commonly used materials are garden soil, rotten leaf soil, peat soil, peat, slag, sand, vermiculite and perlite, as well as red jade soil, blue stone, phytolite, imperial stone and other materials. At present, individual enthusiasts commonly use granular materials such as red jade soil and orchid stone plus peat or peat to grow some high-grade varieties of succulent plants such as Vientiane, jade fan, longevity and so on. As the temperature continues to rise in March and the temperature difference between day and night increases, the "winter type" and the "intermediate" succulent plants growing in spring and autumn have entered the peak growing season, and the "summer type" succulent plants have also begun to wake up and prepare to grow. At this time, do not rush to move the flowers out, but first open the window of the greenhouse for ventilation, so that the flowers can gradually adapt to the external climate, especially when the weather is sunny and sunny in the south, so as not to spoil or suffocate the plants because of the high temperature of the small environment. However, in case of cold spell, late spring cold or strong wind cooling in the northern region, it is still necessary to close the doors and windows so as not to damage the plants due to freezing injury. Watering this month for the growing crassulaceae "winter type" such as green lock dragon, jade toon, snow lotus, Dongyun, and "intermediate" succulent plants such as lying cattle of the aloe family, the basin soil should be kept moist without stagnant water, neither water nor too dry. Lai Guang Jin, Nu Lei Shen Jin, Red Tooth Dragon Brocade, Huishan in the tequila family, Chimonanthus, white sandalwood, Phoenix jade in the cactus family, and egg flowers in the oleander family can be watered properly, but not too much. If there is a rainy day or a sudden drop in temperature, stop watering. For the molting period, the succulent plants of the genus Caryophyllum and Cone of the Amygdaceae should control watering, or even completely cut off the water, even if it is watering, do not pour water on the plant, especially not on the inside, so as not to cause decay. It should be pointed out that most people think that succulent plants grow in arid desert areas with little rain, are very drought-tolerant, and do not need to be watered too much. Indeed, due to the growth environment, most species of succulent plants are very resistant to drought, but drought tolerance does not mean that they like drought. For most kinds of succulent plants still need water in the growing period, if long-term drought, although the plant will not die, but the growth is slow, or even stagnant, its leaves become thinner, the color is dim, lack of vitality, affecting ornamental, some plants once ossified, it is difficult to recover, serious even cause plant death. Therefore, during the growing period, the plant must be given sufficient water to make the plant grow normally, but it must not accumulate water, otherwise it will easily cause the rotten root of the plant to die. "No drying, no watering, watering thoroughly" is the best choice. it is suitable for most common kinds of succulent plants, because "watering thoroughly" can not only provide sufficient water to the plants, but also wash away the salt or other harmful substances in the soil from the drainage holes at the bottom of the basin. To keep the plant growing healthily. Watering should also be strictly controlled during the dormant period. the reason why many people fail to cultivate succulent plants is "hand itching". They can't control their hands, and improper watering during the dormant period leads to the rot of the plants, so they must control their hands during the dormant period. never water blindly. For most kinds of "winter type" and "intermediate" succulent plants, mature thin liquid fertilizer or compound fertilizer can be applied every 20 days according to different varieties and growth conditions. Fertilizing time can be in the morning when the weather is clear, and be careful not to spill the fertilizer on the plant. Summer-type succulent plants do not need to be fertilized. Change the pot because the root system of succulent plants is limited in the flowerpot under the condition of artificial cultivation, it is difficult to stretch freely. After a period of growth, the root system fills the whole flowerpot, which is not conducive to drainage and ventilation. And the soil in the flowerpot is limited, after the continuous absorption of the root system and watering again and again, the nutrient is lost, and the cultured soil changes from the original granular to powdery. In addition, the roots also continue to excrete acid metabolites in the process of absorbing nutrients to acidify the soil. These are not conducive to the growth of plants, so when plants grow to a certain stage, they must turn over the basin and change the soil. Depending on the variety and the size of the plant, it can be changed every 1 to 2 years or 3 years (the seedlings of some varieties can even be transplanted several times a year, that is, the so-called "move, big one"). For most "summer type" and "intermediate" succulent plants, the pots are generally changed in the middle and last ten days of March, and the plants are propagated in combination with the pots. In addition, cutting propagation can also be carried out for "intermediate" succulent plants this month. If the temperature is right, you can also sow and breed indoors.