
host Learn more about host

  • How do fleas breed?

    How do fleas breed?

    Fleas usually live in mammals and feed on the host's blood. It's a very annoying insect. So how do fleas breed? How do fleas breed? 1. Flea adults live on the host all the time. Find the host to suck blood, within two days.

    2020-11-11 Fleas yes how breed fleas live in
  • Planting techniques of Cistanche deserticola

    Planting techniques of Cistanche deserticola

    Cistanche deserticola is a parasitic plant on the root of Haloxylon ammodendron, which absorbs nutrients and water from Haloxylon ammodendron host. Known as desert ginseng, it has high medicinal value and is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Cistanche deserticola has been used in the western regions in history.

    2020-11-08 Meatloaf mashed meat medicinal materials of planting technology meatloaf minced meat yes a kind of
  • What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

    What are the parasites of snails?

  • Artificial planting technique of Cistanche deserticola

    Artificial planting technique of Cistanche deserticola

    Artificial planting technique of Cistanche deserticola

  • Parsley peach aphid

    Parsley peach aphid

    Characteristic description and control methods of peach aphid Myzuspersicae (Sulzer), belonging to Hemiptera (originally Homoptera; but now moved to Hemiptera), Aphididae. Alias greasy insect, tobacco aphid, peach aphid, oil man. Peach aphid is a broad-eating pest with about 74 families and 28 host plants.

  • The latest course of artificial planting techniques of Cistanche deserticola

    The latest course of artificial planting techniques of Cistanche deserticola

    Cistanche deserticola is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, it is a parasitic plant parasitic on the root of desert tree Haloxylon ammodendron, it has high medicinal value, coupled with the large demand at home and abroad, so a large number of mining, resulting in the lack of wild resources. So some people set their sights on people.

    2020-11-10 The latest meat meat minced meat artificial planting technology methods tutorials
  • What are the main host plants for aphids? Symptoms of Aphid Damage to Plants Prevention Issues

    What are the main host plants for aphids? Symptoms of Aphid Damage to Plants Prevention Issues

    Aphids this kind of pest, we all know, this kind of pest harm is also relatively large, then you know how to control this kind of pest? If you want to know, take a look together! Host plants: in the wild: wild plants, shrubs, trees

    2019-04-28 aphids host important plant have which some right
  • What are the types of whitefly, whitefly and whitefly?

    What are the types of whitefly, whitefly and whitefly?

    Whitefly spiralis is a new invasive pest in Hainan Province, which has the characteristics of multiple modes of transmission, multiple host species and rapid reproduction. Then its morphology and life history and harm, you want to know about it, this is a good help to control spiraling whitefly. twist

    2019-01-04 whitefly species of spirals harm have which
  • Go graze in Lulu Bay.

    Go graze in Lulu Bay.

    Go graze in Lulu Bay.

  • Prevention and Control of insect pests of Glycyrrhiza uralensis L. in Ningxia

    Prevention and Control of insect pests of Glycyrrhiza uralensis L. in Ningxia

    It is distributed in the producing areas of Glycyrrhiza uralensis all over the country, and it is generally harmful from seedling stage to adult stage. There are 8 species of host plants in Ningxia, all of which are perennial leguminous root plants. Licorice suffered the most, while other hosts suffered little. ① damage period and symptoms overwintering nymphs can move intermittently when the surface temperature reaches 6 ℃, and frequently when the daily average temperature exceeds 12 ℃ to find hosts. The early ten days of March was the initial active stage, the peak of host searching was in the middle and late ten days of April, and almost all settled in the middle of May. From late May to July

  • Potato dodder damage

    Potato dodder damage

    (host crop) potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, chili, green onions, soybeans and other crops. (disease diagnosis) sporadic or nesting in the field. Dodder wrapped around the stem of the plant with rattan stem, twisted, sucked roots grew in contact with the potato plant and extended into the stem or petiole tissue to absorb the water and nutrients of the plant, resulting in the growth of the injured plant. The plant is short, the stem is curved and thin, the leaves are small and yellow, and the tubers are few and small. The stems and leaves of severe plants are covered with dodder, and the whole plant does not decay for long until it dies. The pathogenic dodder is Chinese dodder. The stem of dodder is slender

  • What kind of food do cuckoos eat?

    What kind of food do cuckoos eat?

    What kind of food do cuckoos eat?

  • A specific medicine for withered branches

    A specific medicine for withered branches

    The disease mainly infects the branches of plants and forms disease spots on the plants. With the severity of the disease, it will lead to the death of the infected parts. What is the specific medicine for withered branches? 1. The specific medicine for dead branch disease is mainly Trichoderma harzianum, which can be used in

    2020-11-08 dead branch diseased specific disease main infection plant of
  • Orchid rust

    Orchid rust

    Orchid rust

  • The role of viral insecticides in the control of Helicoverpa armigera

    The role of viral insecticides in the control of Helicoverpa armigera

    The main results are as follows: 1. the important feature of insect viruses in pest control is that their specificity to hosts is an ideal means of control in the integrated control system. the potential of beneficial insects in the whole ecosystem is utilized. The participation of viral pesticides in biological control is a means of ecological control.

  • Macao's most luxurious chicken Internet cafe mouse 1900 host to tens of thousands of strong local flavor

    Macao's most luxurious chicken Internet cafe mouse 1900 host to tens of thousands of strong local flavor

    Macao's most luxurious chicken Internet cafe, mouse 1900 host to tens of thousands, thick local tyrants atmosphere! With the continuous improvement of our lives, many people now have higher and higher requirements in their lives. After all, our lives and...

  • Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Control measures of echinostomiasis in geese

    Echinostomiasis in geese is a parasitic disease caused by Echinostoma convoluta parasitic in the rectum and cecum of geese. Infected geese show dysentery, anemia, emaciation, hemorrhagic enteritis and other changes, serious can cause death. Many kinds of poultry such as geese and ducks can be infected, which is very popular in our country and does great harm to the chicks. (1) the characteristics of pathogen. Pathogen. The pathogen of echinostomiasis is Echinostoma, which belongs to Echinostomaceae. There are many species of Echinostoma, and nearly 120 species of undergraduate trematodes have been found in China.

  • Application method and effect of Trichoderma harzianum

    Application method and effect of Trichoderma harzianum

    Trichoderma harzianum can be sprayed with water according to the dosage instructions, the best use period is the seedling bed stage, use it again after sowing, use half of it again when transplanting, and then replenish the bacteria every 3 months and a half, and the shorter seedling period can be used once. I. function

    2020-11-08 Hartz wood mildew usage and effect
  • How to water flowers in different seasons and the incidence regularity of flower seedling rust

    How to water flowers in different seasons and the incidence regularity of flower seedling rust

    Incidence regularity of flower seedling rust

  • The latest peach aphid control methods

    The latest peach aphid control methods

    Peach aphids are polyphagous pests. There are about 285 species of host plants belonging to 74 families. The host plants are mainly pear, peach, plum, cherry and other rose fruit trees in winter. The host crops in summer are cabbage, cabbage, radish, mustard, Brassica napus and turnip

    2020-11-10 latest peach tree aphid control method yes