
Planting techniques of Cistanche deserticola

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Cistanche deserticola is a parasitic plant on the root of Haloxylon ammodendron, which absorbs nutrients and water from Haloxylon ammodendron host. Known as desert ginseng, it has high medicinal value and is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Cistanche deserticola has been used in the western regions in history.

Cistanche deserticola is a parasitic plant on the root of Haloxylon ammodendron, which absorbs nutrients and water from Haloxylon ammodendron host. Known as "Desert Ginseng", it has high medicinal value and is a valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Cistanche deserticola has been regarded as a treasure of the tributary court in the western countries in history, and it is also one of the most frequently used tonifying drugs in the prescriptions of tonifying the kidney and strengthening yang.

Growing environment of Cistanche deserticola

It is born on soft sandy land with mild salinization, and generally grows in sandy land or semi-fixed sand dune, dry old river bed, lake basin lowland, etc., and the habitat condition is very poor. The climate of the suitable growing area is dry, the rainfall is less, the evaporation is large, the sunshine hours are long, and the temperature difference between day and night is large. The soil is mainly gray-brown desert soil and brown desert soil. The host Haloxylon ammodendron is a strong xerophyte. Cistanche deserticola is mostly parasitic on its lateral roots 30-100 cm deep. Born in the desert with an altitude of 225-1150m, it is parasitic on the roots of Haloxylon ammodendron, Haloxylon ammodendron and other plants.

Cultivation techniques of Cistanche deserticola

Reproduction method

Seed propagation: dig the seedbed to the east or southeast of the wild spindle, 50-80 cm from the host, the seedbed varies in size, 1-2 m long, 1 m wide and 50-80 cm deep; or where the host is dense, dig a large seedling bed ditch around many hosts, sow seeds on the seedling bed, apply camel dung, cow and sheep dung, etc., and cover the soil 30-40 cm. Leave a ditch or seedbed pit on it for watering. The artificial forest grows neatly and in rows, and can be trenched on both sides of the plant as a nursery bed. Keep the seedling bed moist after sowing and induce the host root to extend to the seedling bed. After sowing in spring or autumn, Cistanche deserticola was parasitized in part of the seedbed in the second year, a few were unearthed and grew, and most of them were unearthed within 2-4 years after sowing, blooming and bearing fruit.

Cultivation and management

Site selection: Cistanche deserticola is a psammophyte, which should be planted in desert hills with sufficient sunshine, little rainfall, good drainage and large temperature difference between day and night.

Cistanche deserticola is a perennial parasitic seed plant, and the suitable hosts are Haloxylon ammodendron, red willow, alkali wood and so on. Hosts can use natural Haloxylon ammodendron and red willow, or they can be artificially planted and inoculated with Cistanche deserticola 2-3 years later.

Inoculation method

1. Inoculate Cistanche deserticola in combination with afforestation

When afforestation, put the seed paper horizontally on one end of the afforestation pit, face up the absorbent paper, then fill in the right amount of soil, plant the host on the other end of the afforestation pit, and step on the backfill.

2. Inoculate on the original host

In the root dense area outside the wild host, dig the pit with long 40cm, wide 30cm and deep 40-80cm, put in the seed paper, absorb water up, and backfill the soil to the edge of the pit around 10cm, which is beneficial to the storage of snow water or Rain Water.

3. Artificial host inoculation

The plant spacing of Haloxylon ammodendron and Salix mandshurica is 1.5m, the row spacing is 3m, and the density is more than 140 plants / 667 trees. Ditches can be made on both sides of the plant as a seedbed to keep the seedbed moist after inoculation and induce the host to extend to the seedbed.

Cistanche deserticola is generally inoculated in spring and autumn and begins to grow after inoculation. a few of them are unearthed in the second year, and most of them are unearthed within 2-4 years and blossom and bear fruit.

Field management of Cistanche deserticola

Artificial forest area management: the host can be irrigated properly at the initial stage of afforestation, not much, to ensure the normal growth of the host, and then irrigate 1-2 times a year according to the amount of rainfall. Stable manure is the main fertilizer, and chemical fertilizer is prohibited to ensure the wild quality of Cistanche deserticola.

Wild host area management: the desert area is windy, the host root is often exposed by the wind, pay attention to cultivate soil or use branches around the host root to prevent the wind, the seedbed should be kept moist, and other plants should be pulled out manually. When Cistanche deserticola blossoms, artificial pollination should be carried out to improve the seed setting rate.

Cistanche deserticola harvest

From April to June every year, when Cistanche deserticola is unearthed, it should be excavated in time, and the integrity of Cistanche deserticola should be ensured as far as possible. In order to reduce the damage of host plants, the outer part of Cistanche deserticola connected with the host should be selected to dig the pit to the bottom of Cistanche deserticola. Under the premise of constantly opening the connection point between Cistanche deserticola and the host, the upper part should be intercepted by 5-8cm upward from the connection point, and then backfill the soil and step on it slightly. In this way, Cistanche deserticola can be inoculated once, and the stable yield period is 5-7 years.

Cistanche deserticola drying

Perm the discolored Cistanche deserticola with boiling water or remove the discoloration head, then dry the Cistanche deserticola on a clean cement floor or other non-metallic utensils and turn it 2-3 times a day to prevent mildew. Sun until completely dry (water content less than 10%) can be collected and packaged.

Control of Diseases and insect pests of Cistanche deserticola

Haloxylon ammodendron powdery mildew disease: mostly occurs from July to August, harming twigs, can be sprayed with biological agents 4000 times or 25% triadimefon solution; Haloxylon ammodendron root rot: mostly occurs in the seedling stage, harms the roots, the occurrence period can be irrigated with 1000 times of carbendazim

Seed fly: occurs in the flowering stage of Cistanche deserticola, the larva harms the tender stem and can decay into the base of the underground stem. It can be sprayed or irrigated with 90% trichlorfon 800 times solution or 40% dimethoate EC.

Gerbils: eat the branches or roots of the host, causing the host to die. Poison bait can be used to trap or kill.

At present, the price of Cistanche deserticola on the market tends to be flat, without much fluctuation, the general price of Cistanche deserticola is about 200 yuan / kg. The price of Cistanche deserticola is different in different producing areas. Xinjiang Cistanche deserticola is cheaper than oil Cistanche deserticola in Inner Mongolia, and the effect of Cistanche deserticola is much better than that of Cistanche deserticola. In addition, oil Cistanche deserticola from Alashan League in Inner Mongolia is seldom in stock, and it costs thousands of yuan per jin in many places.