
hatchability Learn more about hatchability

  • How to deal with low hatchability of female turtles

    How to deal with low hatchability of female turtles

    Artificial turtle breeding has emerged in many places in recent years, especially with the turtle market leveling and turtle market strengthening, many turtle farmers have turned to turtle breeding. However, breeders found that although some female turtles lay a lot of eggs, the fertilization rate is not high and the hatching rate is low, especially the fertilization rate of turtle eggs at the first birth age is even lower. Many people think that there is a problem with the female turtle, but they do not know that the reason is not in the female turtle, but mainly related to the male turtle itself. Through practice, people found that many animals in nature sexual development time

  • Six key points to improve the hatching rate of turtle eggs

    Six key points to improve the hatching rate of turtle eggs

    As we all know, turtles have strong vitality, few epidemic diseases, and are easy to raise and manage, but this is for adult turtles. In the whole process of raising turtles, it is not possible to be careless in some links and details. The hatching of turtle eggs is a highly technical link, and if not, it will fail. Now six methods to improve the hatching rate of turtle eggs are introduced as follows. 1. Scientific cultivation of parent turtles and selection of improved varieties is the first condition to improve the hatching rate of turtle eggs. Parent turtles should be enlarged, strong, without disability and suitable for age. Female turtles are required to be over 6 years old.

  • How to improve the hatching rate of ostrich culture

    How to improve the hatching rate of ostrich culture

    (1) Scientific feeding management 1. Complete and balanced nutrition. The nutritional level of ostrich is the basic factor affecting hatching rate. The metabolic energy requirement of ostrich feed during breeding period is 11 ~ 3 kJ/kg, crude fat should be limited to 6%~8%, protein should be 18%~24%, and the metabolic energy requirement of ostrich feed during breeding period should be 11 ~ 3 kJ/kg.

    2020-11-08 how to improve the hatching rate of ostrich breeding
  • The growth process of flies

    The growth process of flies

    The growth process of flies

  • The role of viral insecticides in the control of Helicoverpa armigera

    The role of viral insecticides in the control of Helicoverpa armigera

    The main results are as follows: 1. the important feature of insect viruses in pest control is that their specificity to hosts is an ideal means of control in the integrated control system. the potential of beneficial insects in the whole ecosystem is utilized. The participation of viral pesticides in biological control is a means of ecological control.

  • Ways to increase the benefit of turkey laying

    Ways to increase the benefit of turkey laying

    Ways to increase the benefit of turkey laying

  • Breeding methods of turtles

    Breeding methods of turtles

    Breeding methods of turtles

  • Incubation Environment and Hatching Management Technology of cultivated Monopterus Albus

    Incubation Environment and Hatching Management Technology of cultivated Monopterus Albus

    The hatching rate of fertilized eggs of Monopterus Albus is affected by many environmental factors, including water temperature, dissolved oxygen and enemy organisms. The main results are as follows: (1) the embryonic development of Monopterus Albus is closely related to the water temperature. It is mainly manifested in three aspects: first, embryonic development must be in suitable water.

    2020-11-08 Culture Monopterus Albus incubation Environment and Management Technology
  • Symptoms and prevention of vitamin d deficiency in chickens

    Symptoms and prevention of vitamin d deficiency in chickens

    Vitamin D3 affects chicken growth. Vitamin D3 can regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body, promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus by the intestinal tract, and have a direct effect on the calcium precipitation and osteogenesis of bone tissue. When chicks lack vitamin D3, symptoms will appear 10-11 days after hatching, usually about 1 month. The occurrence time was mainly related to the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in feed and the content of vitamin D and calcium in eggs. The initial symptoms of chicks are leg weakness, beak and

  • Effective measures to improve hatching rate of scallop culture

    Effective measures to improve hatching rate of scallop culture

    Scallop is the name of bivalve mollusks belonging to scallop genus, and there are about 400 species. More than 60 species of this family are one of the most important marine fishery resources in the world. Shell, flesh and nacre have extremely high utilization value. Many scallops are eaten as a delicacy. Bright colors, radiating.

    2020-11-08 raise scallop improve hatchability effective measures scallop yes
  • How to raise turkey to make turkey lay more eggs

    How to raise turkey to make turkey lay more eggs

    1. Set up more egg boxes in advance. The turkey reaches sexual maturity at the age of 6 to 7 months and begins to lay eggs. Generally speaking, when the turkey is 5 months old, it is necessary to set up an egg box for 3 or 4 hens, so as to prevent the turkey from being unable to find a suitable laying place and postpone the laying period. two。 The light is exciting. The turkey is

    2020-11-08 Breeding turkey how let prolific egg early more set
  • Silkworm rearing techniques

    Silkworm rearing techniques

    At present, the silkworm eggs producing silk reeling raw material cocoons are binary hybrids or multiple hybrids, and the technical treatment is roughly the same. Reasonable protection of silkworm eggs and appropriate methods of collecting ants play an important role in the growth and development of silkworms. 1 seed: in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, it is appropriate to prevent the sun or rain, pay attention to ventilation, do not pile up. 2 rejuvenation of silkworm eggs: after the silkworm eggs are brought back from the silkworm farm station, they should continue to be protected in a proper environment

  • Production of breeding box for budgerigar

    Production of breeding box for budgerigar

    Production of breeding box for budgerigar

  • The hatching rate is related to the benefit of quail breeding and how to improve the hatching rate of quails.

    The hatching rate is related to the benefit of quail breeding and how to improve the hatching rate of quails.

    The hatching rate is related to the benefit of quail breeding and how to improve the hatching rate of quails.

  • Hatching technology of geese

    Hatching technology of geese

    Hatching technology of geese

  • Measures to improve the hatching rate of quails

    Measures to improve the hatching rate of quails

    Quail (scientific name: Coturnix coturnix) is 18 cm long, small and round, brown with obvious straw yellow spear-shaped stripes and irregular stripes, and reddish brown and black stripes on the upper bodies of both sexes. The chin of the male bird is dark brown, and the midline of the throat is bent up to the ear feathers on both sides.

    2020-11-08 Quail hatchability lift high measure quail scientific name Coturnix
  • Frog culture technology

    Frog culture technology

    Frog culture technology

  • Effects of five trace elements on the quality of eggs

    Effects of five trace elements on the quality of eggs

    Egg quality includes external quality and internal quality such as egg weight, eggshell quality, eggshell color, egg shape index, egg protein height, yolk color, yolk membrane strength, chemical composition, functional properties, blood spot and meat spot, flavor and so on. The egg quality that producers and consumers pay most attention to is egg weight, eggshell quality, yolk color and functional properties. 1. Effects of zinc and manganese on egg quality there are few reports on the use of zinc alone in laying hens. Wedekind (1990, 1992) showed that amino acids

  • The reason and solution of low hatching rate of raising ostrich eggs

    The reason and solution of low hatching rate of raising ostrich eggs

    The following nine aspects may cause embryonic development, resulting in embryonic death or weak nestling, hindered development, etc., with a high mortality rate. In view of the following incentives, research and improvement will improve the hatching effect. (1) the inbreeding coefficient is high, which affects the hatching rate.

    2020-11-08 Raise ostrich breed eggs hatchability low causes and solutions