
hardwood Learn more about hardwood

  • Hardwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    Hardwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides?

    The hardwood cuttage techniques of Metasequoia glyptostroboides are as follows: 1-3-year-old mother trees are selected to take cuttings or collect seed strips from round ears in spring, and 1-year-old seedlings and their lateral branches can also be used as cuttings. The survival rate of cutting cuttings in the tip and middle section of seed strips is higher, generally cutting cuttings 10 to 12 centimeters long, slightly cut into 15 to 18 centimeters long. Before cutting, soak cuttings with 50mg NAA per kg for 20 to 24 hours, or soak cuttings with 500mg NAA for 3 to 5 seconds, or soak them with 100mg ABT rooting powder per kg.

  • Seedling raising technique of hardwood cutting of Ginkgo biloba

    Seedling raising technique of hardwood cutting of Ginkgo biloba

    The common seedling raising methods of Ginkgo biloba are sowing, cutting, root tillering and grafting, etc. Cutting seedlings of Ginkgo biloba can not only save seeds and reduce seedling costs, but also speed up seedling breeding and maintain the excellent characteristics of varieties. Hardwood cuttage is a kind of cuttage with more than 1-year-old branches with a high degree of Lignification.

  • Hardwood cuttings and root tillers for cuttage propagation

    Hardwood cuttings and root tillers for cuttage propagation

    BlackBerry, can refer to either BlackBerry tree or BlackBerry fruit. BlackBerry tree is a widely distributed and well-known shrub belonging to the raspberry (Rubus genus Rosaceae). It can grow up to 3 meters tall and produce soft fruit, that is, BlackBerry fruit. often used as dessert, jam, none

    2020-11-08 Cutting propagation hardwood and root tiller seedling BlackBerry either
  • What season is the fruit of grapes? What are the key points of hardwood cuttage techniques?

    What season is the fruit of grapes? What are the key points of hardwood cuttage techniques?

    There are many varieties of grapes, the sweetness is also different, and the color of the pericarp can be distinguished. Generally, everyone likes a big, sweet seedless grape. What season is the fruit of that grape? What are the key points of hardwood cuttage techniques in the process of planting? The next one

    2020-11-09 Grape what is it season fruit hardwood cuttage seedling
  • Hardwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    Hardwood cuttings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    Shading method is often used to raise seedlings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This requires the use of a sunshade net and the cover of the shade every day. The experimental study on full-light seedling cultivation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides hardwood cuttings shows that the general survival rate can reach more than 90% by using appropriate methods. First, the land for fine soil preparation and seedling cultivation needs flat terrain, deep soil and convenient drainage and irrigation. In general, the land is turned deep before winter and flattened after thawing, with phosphate fertilizer 10 to 15 kilograms per mu, border width 1.5 to 1.7 meters, border length depending on the number of cuttings, row spacing 12 to 15 centimeters, plant spacing 3 centimeters, planting 1 per mu.

  • The method of fig cuttage propagation-hardwood cuttage

    The method of fig cuttage propagation-hardwood cuttage

    Figs grow luxuriantly, have large leaves and beautiful trees, and are highly ornamental, so they are often used for garden planting and family pot planting. Figs can be propagated in a variety of ways, including cutting, ramet, striping and so on. In contrast, cutting is the most convenient way to propagate.

  • Full light seedling raising method of Metasequoia glyptostroboides hardwood cutting

    Full light seedling raising method of Metasequoia glyptostroboides hardwood cutting

    Shading method is often used to raise seedlings of Metasequoia glyptostroboides. This requires the use of a sunshade net and the cover of the shade every day. The experimental study on full-light seedling cultivation of Metasequoia glyptostroboides hardwood cuttings shows that the general survival rate can reach more than 90% by using appropriate methods. The method is introduced as follows: the land for fine soil preparation and seedling cultivation needs flat topography, deep soil and convenient drainage and irrigation. In general, the land is turned deep before winter, and after thawing, the land is flattened with phosphate fertilizer of 10 to 15 kg per mu and the width of the border is 1.5 to 1.7 meters. the length of the border depends on the number of cuttings, and the row spacing is 12 to 15.

  • Hardwood cutting Seedling technique of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    Hardwood cutting Seedling technique of Metasequoia glyptostroboides

    The hardwood cutting time of Metasequoia glyptostroboides ends from mid-late March to early April. After finishing the border, the edge of the water edge cutting, mainly pulp cutting. The 2thumb 3 of the cuttings is inserted into the soil, and the other is exposed to the ground. Put one in and then pour enough water. A week later, soil hardening or cracking will occur between the rows of the seedbed because it will be inserted.

  • Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

    Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

    Factors affecting the rooting and survival rate of hardwood cuttings and cutting techniques 1 morphological characteristics of Fufang vine alias creeping spear, which belongs to the genus Euonymaceae. Evergreen or deciduous rattan, stems and branches often have many small roots, small.

  • Technical diagram of softwood and hardwood cutting of Pinus elliottii

    Technical diagram of softwood and hardwood cutting of Pinus elliottii

    Good evening, everyone, and I have some free time today, so I will come up and discuss with you the knowledge of cuttage breeding of Pinus elliottii. Perhaps, when it comes to the breeding of Luo Hansong, some basin friends may dig down the mountain pile with a hoe, but the editor still stays at home today to practice boy skills.

  • The method of asexual propagation of Schisandra chinensis-hardwood cuttings with tender shoots

    The method of asexual propagation of Schisandra chinensis-hardwood cuttings with tender shoots

    In the early and middle of May, the one-year-old branches of the mother tree were cut into cuttings of 8cm in length, leaving a new shoot 3cm in length in the upper part. The base of the cuttings undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined was soaked in 200mg / kg a-naphthylacetic acid for 24 hours or dipped in 2000 mg / kg a-naphthylacetic acid for 3 minutes. The formula and treatment method of the upper substrate is the same as that of semi-lignified greenwood cuttings, with a thickness of 5 cm to 7 cm and a thickness of about 10 cm in the lower layer.

  • Seedling raising method of snow bonsai in June

    Seedling raising method of snow bonsai in June

    The production of snow bonsai in June can be propagated by cutting method or split method. The split method, in which new individuals are obtained by separating the sprouting plants of June snow, is usually carried out in March in spring. Propagation is mainly based on cuttings, and natural old piles can also be used. Softwood or hardwood can be used in cuttings. Softwood cuttings are carried out in early summer every year.

  • Hardwood cuttings of Taxus cuspidata

    Hardwood cuttings of Taxus cuspidata

    The cuttage of Taxus should be carried out at the turn of spring and summer from May to June. Cuttings were selected from 4-year-old mother plants and cut into 15cm cuttings. The survival rate of 2-year-old young branches as cuttings was high. In order to promote early rooting, the base of the cuttings can be immersed in 0.01% naphthalene acetic acid or 0.01% indole acetic acid solution for 3 hours, and then removed and inserted into the seedling bed. The seedbed substrate was made of vermiculite plus weathered sand (1 ∶ 1) or river sand or humic soil. Cut off the branchlets and needles at the lower part of the cuttings before cutting, with a depth of 3 cm to 5 cm and a plant spacing of 8 cm to 10 cm. Pour water after insertion

  • Softwood Cuttage technique of Purple Branch Rose in Summer

    Softwood Cuttage technique of Purple Branch Rose in Summer

    Purple rose cuttings can be divided into summer cuttings and winter cuttings according to the time, and softwood cuttings and hardwood cuttings are divided into softwood cuttings and hardwood cuttings according to the maturity of branches. Of course, hardwood cuttings can also be carried out in spring and autumn, but they are not used. Because the spring branch is responsible for the task of flowering, after cutting.

  • Hardwood cutting technique of Robinia pseudoacacia

    Hardwood cutting technique of Robinia pseudoacacia

    1. Collection and storage of seed strips at the end of November, excellent clone seed strips of the same year were collected from the ear-picking nursery, or the stems of current-year seedlings used for cutting and afforestation were collected, the short spikes of 18-20cm were cut, and at least 2 buds were left per cuttage. The distance between the upper cut and the upper bud is 1. 0-1.5cm, and the lower cut is cut into a single Mallet shape. After 50 cuttings are cut, put them in a cool outdoor place and bury them with clean fine river sand (water content 60%). A layer of cuttings, covered with a layer of sand, try to make each stick see sand. The thickness of sand cover on each layer of cuttings is 3-5cm, but

  • Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

    Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

    Cutting Propagation methods of Blueberry

  • Cutting of Hippophae rhamnoides

    Cutting of Hippophae rhamnoides

    Cutting is classified. For Hippophae rhamnoides, cutting can be divided into green wood cutting and hardwood cutting, both of which have their own advantages. The best time for Greenwood cutting is around June, temperature and humidity are very suitable, Greenwood cuttings are mainly aimed at roots, so the requirements for temperature and humidity are very high.

  • How to propagate and cultivate azaleas by hardwood cuttings?

    How to propagate and cultivate azaleas by hardwood cuttings?

    How to propagate and cultivate azaleas by hardwood cuttings? Rhododendron generally refers to the genus Rhododendron of the rhododendron family, which is one of the three alpine flowers in the world and one of the top ten famous flowers in Chinese tradition. China is the origin and geographical distribution center of rhododendron in the world.

  • Tips for cutting crape myrtle flower make it take root quickly and easily

    Tips for cutting crape myrtle flower make it take root quickly and easily

    Crape myrtle flower is very beautiful with high ornamental value, so many people will raise a pot at home, it blossoms super beautiful, if you want to breed crape myrtle flower there are many ways, such as grafting, cutting, layering,...

  • Seedling cultivation of BlackBerry

    Seedling cultivation of BlackBerry

    BlackBerry can be propagated by cutting, striping, root tillering, tissue culture and other methods. At present, hardwood cuttings and root tillers are mainly used to raise seedlings, and tender wood cuttings can also be used where conditions permit. First, hardwood cutting. When pruning in winter (after defoliation in December), it will be strong and disease-free.

    2020-11-08 Species of black raspberry seedling cultivation black can be used cutting