
Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Factors affecting the rooting and survival rate of hardwood cuttings and cutting techniques 1 morphological characteristics of Fufang vine alias creeping spear, which belongs to the genus Euonymaceae. Evergreen or deciduous rattan, stems and branches often have many small roots, small.

Factors affecting rooting and Survival rate of hardwood cuttings of Tripterygium wilfordii and cutting techniques

1 morphological characteristics

Fufang rattan, also known as the crawling spear, belongs to a kind of ground cover plant of the genus Euonymaceae. Evergreen or deciduous vines, stems and branches often have many small roots, branchlets are green; leaves are thin leathery, mainly oval, the width of the leaves are variable, with tubercle-like protuberances, simple leaves opposite, length 2 ~ 5.5 cm, width 2 ~ 3.5 cm, apex mucronate or acuminate, base broadly ciliate, margin obtusely serrate. The flower color is green and white, the pedicel is 2 ~ 5mm long, the sepals are semicircular, the petals are approximately round, the flowers are bisexual, and the Cymes are axillary. The capsule is nearly spherical, orange-yellow, and the aril is orange-red. The flowering period is from May to June and the fruiting period is from October to November.

2 ecological habits

Fufang vine has exuberant growth, easy reproduction, strong shade tolerance, cold resistance, pruning resistance, pest resistance, saline-alkali resistance and pollution resistance, so it has the title of garden rookie and evergreen broad-leaf treasures, and is a common ground cover plant in the courtyard.

3 factors affecting the survival of cuttings

3.1 the internal factors affecting the rooting of cuttings. The age of ① cuttings: the rooting ability of the female parent of collecting branches decreased with the increase of the age of the female parent. Different parts of ② branches: the number of root primordia and the amount of nutrients stored in different parts of the same branch were different, and the rooting rate, survival rate and seedling growth of cuttings were significantly different. The location and development of ③ branches: the rooting rate of root and stem base was higher. The thickness and length of ④ cuttings: the hardwood cuttings of Fufang vine are 10 ~ 12 cm. Leaves and buds of ⑤ cuttings: buds on cuttings are the basis for the formation of stems and stems. The number of leaves left by cuttings is generally determined according to the specific situation.

3.2 external factors affecting the rooting and survival of cuttings. ① temperature: the optimum temperature for rooting of cuttings of most tree species is 20 ℃. When the soil temperature is 3 ℃ ~ 5 ℃ higher than the air temperature, it is very beneficial to rooting. ② humidity: in the process of cuttings rooting, the key to the survival of cuttings is the relative humidity of air, the humidity of soil and the water content of cuttings. ③ ventilation condition: cuttings need oxygen when rooting. Therefore, the substrate of cuttings should be loose and ventilated when cutting. ④ light: light can promote the rooting of cuttings. ⑤ matrix: the environmental requirements of the matrix are: good water permeability, certain water retention capacity, easy to heat up, and good thermal insulation performance. Cuttings can not absorb nutrients before rooting, so there is no need for nutrients in the substrate, if there is organic matter, it may cause bacteria to invade the cuttings and have a great impact on rooting.

4 key points of cutting techniques

4.1 cuttings production

4.1.1 selection of cuttings. When collecting cuttings, the period when the branches contain the most nutrients should be selected, which should be carried out in the dormant period of seedlings, when the branches contain more nutrients. First of all, the branches were collected from the fast-growing, pest-free and robust seedlings. The 1-year-old branches with strong growth, full bud, full development, no diseases and insect pests and short internode spacing were selected. It is better to use nutrient-rich branches in vitro.

4.1.2 panicle production. The length of cuttings is 10 ~ 12 cm. When cutting cuttings, flat incisions should be used, and the upper and lower incisions should be sharp and smooth, otherwise it is not conducive to the healing of the cuttings. At the same time, we should also pay attention to take the leaves, remove the leaves below 3 ~ 4 cm at the base of the cuttings, and retain the leaves above 3 ~ 4 cm.

4.2 Cuttage. The plant spacing was 4 ~ 5 cm, the row spacing was 6 ~ 7 cm, and the depth was 3 cm. A total of 10 rows of cuttings were set up in the cutting bed. The soaked cuttings were immediately inserted into the cutting bed matrix, and the cuttings were vertically inserted into the soil. Pay attention to the biological polarity of the cuttings to ensure the direction of the buds upward. After insertion, the river sand should be pressed tightly by hand to make the soil in close contact with the cuttings.

4.3 plug-in management. After cutting, an arch shed was set up on the cutting bed, and then 50 cm × 50 cm polyethylene plastic film was cut off and the cutting bed was sealed to maintain the air relative humidity in the arch shed. After sealing, put it into the light incubator, and observe it in time after cutting, so that the water content of the soil is kept at 50% ~ 60%, the air relative humidity is maintained at more than 80%, and the temperature, humidity and water content of the soil are checked irregularly to prevent root rot caused by lack of water, loss of too much water or too much water.