
gout Learn more about gout

  • There are four kinds of vegetables that gout is most afraid of, whether there is gout or not.

    There are four kinds of vegetables that gout is most afraid of, whether there is gout or not.

    Gout is a disease we have talked a lot about in "Master Health of Chinese Medicine". Although there is no specific cure for gout, it is not painful all the year round.

  • Gout in chickens and poultry

    Gout in chickens and poultry

    The main results are as follows: (1) etiology: poultry gout is mainly a metabolic disease caused by protein metabolism disorder. High dietary protein concentration is the main cause of the disease. In addition, sodium bicarbonate poisoning, vitamin A deficiency, sulfonamides poisoning, aspergillus toxin poisoning, damp henhouse, lack of exercise can induce the disease. (2) symptoms and changes of autopsy: due to the different sites of urate deposition in the body, gout can be divided into two types: visceral gout and joint gout. In the flock of chickens

  • Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

    Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

    Over-selection to layer gout how to prevent and cure high calcium gout in laying hens

  • Is pangolin scale useful for gout?

    Is pangolin scale useful for gout?

    Gout often occurs in the middle-aged and elderly, is a common metabolic disease, there is no radical cure for gout, can only alleviate the attack of gout. Now it is rumored that pangolin scales are valuable traditional Chinese medicine. Are pangolin scales useful in treating gout?

    2020-11-11 Pangolin scale cure gout useful Mo often hair
  • The weeds that can be found everywhere in the countryside are a panacea. Go out and collect some on weekends.

    The weeds that can be found everywhere in the countryside are a panacea. Go out and collect some on weekends.

    Once upon a time, in the middle of the night, when the good dream was raging, I was awakened by gout, which was really painful. Gout is an ancient disease, often associated with hyperglycemia, hypertension, obesity, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and so on.

  • How to eat saffron best? What are the benefits of drinking saffron tea? Can saffron soak wine cure gout?

    How to eat saffron best? What are the benefits of drinking saffron tea? Can saffron soak wine cure gout?

    Saffron, also known as saffron, is a valuable traditional tonic. There are many uses of saffron and its efficacy is very comprehensive. So how to eat saffron best? What are the benefits of drinking saffron tea? Can saffron soak wine cure gout? First, does saffron soak in wine?

    2020-11-09 Hide safflower how eat effect the best red scented tea drink have
  • Etiological analysis of gout in chickens

    Etiological analysis of gout in chickens

    Gout is due to the disturbance of uric acid metabolism in chicken body, the increase of uric acid concentration in blood and the excretion of a large amount of uric acid through the kidney; renal damage and renal function decline caused by various reasons further lead to the obstruction of uric acid excretion and the formation of a metabolic disease of uric acidosis, which mostly occurs in broilers and caged chickens. The main causes of chicken gout are as follows: 1. Lack of VA in VA can protect mucous membrane. When lacking, it can make keratosis and squamous metaplasia of renal tubule, collecting duct and ureter. Due to the epithelium

  • Diagnosis and prevention of chicken gout

    Diagnosis and prevention of chicken gout

    Chicken gout is uricemia caused by disturbance of protein metabolism. First, etiological analysis. 1. Nutritional imbalance: when the content of protein and nuclear protein in the feed is too high, the sharp increase of uric acid in the body exceeds the excretion limit, thus depositing in the form of urate (mainly sodium urate) in the joint, visceral surface and subcutaneous connective tissue, causing a series of pathological changes. Especially in chickens with imbalance of calcium and phosphorus in feed and vitamin An and D deficiency, the disease is more likely to occur.

  • With gout, eating vegetables is crucial. These three principles must be kept in mind.

    With gout, eating vegetables is crucial. These three principles must be kept in mind.

    For patients with gout, although staple food accounts for most of the energy, but in terms of consumption, the most should be vegetables. Patients with gout, like normal people, every.

  • Diagnosis and treatment of black swan gout

    Diagnosis and treatment of black swan gout

    Avian gout is a nutritional disease caused by the disturbance of core protein metabolism in poultry, which is characterized by the accumulation of uric acid in various organs (visceral type) and joint tissue (joint type). Clinical manifestations are slow movement, swelling of legs and wing joints, anorexia, diarrhea and so on. Gout has occurred in many birds, such as white swans, blue peacocks, white peacocks, black birds, white birds and so on. The incidence of gout of a black swan in our garden is reported as follows. 1. The incidence of the disease. White swans are raised in the bird lake in our garden.

  • How much is the price of Poria cocos seeds? When will it be planted? Can it cure gout?

    How much is the price of Poria cocos seeds? When will it be planted? Can it cure gout?

    Soil Poria cocos, also known as cold rice balls, hard rice head, its perennial evergreen climbing shrubs, mostly born on hillsides or forests, dried rhizomes can be used as medicine, then, how much is the price of Poria cocos seeds? When will it be planted? Can it cure gout? First, the species of Lepidopteris

    2020-11-09 Soil Poria cocos seeds price more less money when planting soil
  • Duck nutritional metabolic disease-gout

    Duck nutritional metabolic disease-gout

    Gout is an internal disease caused by protein metabolism disorders in ducks. The main pathological feature is accumulation of urate in joints, internal organs and other interstitial tissues. This disease occurs in the lack of green feed in the winter and early spring season. It can occur in ducks of different breeds and ages, and it is more common in young ducks clinically. Most of them are caused by the subjective and unilateral pursuit of weight gain speed by the breeder, ignoring the scientific allocation of feed and feeding protein feed with excessive content. After the duck is sick, it causes emaciation, loss of appetite and severe disease.

  • "Underground Sydney" plantain can cure gout? How do you eat it? What's the difference between dandelion and dandelion?

    Plantain, also known as Oviductus Ranae, is a kind of vegetation with treasure all over the body. it is widely used as medicinal materials because of its effects of relieving cough and expectoration, treating mumps and chronic bronchitis. It has been widely planted. Can plantain treat gout? How do you eat it? What's the difference between dandelion and dandelion?

    2020-11-09 "Underground Sydney " plantain curable gout what eat
  • Diagnosis of chicken gout caused by high calcium diet

    Diagnosis of chicken gout caused by high calcium diet

    In recent years, the phenomenon of chicken gout caused by high calcium diet occurs from time to time, with a long time of onset and high mortality. The diagnosis of 2 cases of gout are reported as follows. 1. The incidence of the disease was raised by a chicken farmer in Jinhu Town in May 2000. after 30 days of age, it was considered that the content of calcium hydrogen phosphate was insufficient, so it was increased from 1% to 3%. After 20 days of feeding, a total of 1000 chickens died, with a mortality rate of 21%. Improved after the change of feed. It has been tested and confirmed.

  • Why can highly poisonous autumn daffodils relieve gout?

    Why can highly poisonous autumn daffodils relieve gout?

    When the seven-day holiday comes, most people are happy, but there are also many unhappy people, such as gout patients, who suffer from both physical and mental torture in the face of good wine and food. The most commonly used drug for gout is colchicine.

  • The weeds cut by the roadside as brooms are nutritious and gout busters are so beautiful that they are planted in flowerpots.

    The weeds cut by the roadside as brooms are nutritious and gout busters are so beautiful that they are planted in flowerpots.

    There is a kind of roadside weed called broom grass, usually at the end of autumn, its branches and leaves can be cut down and tied up with rope to be used as a broom to sweep the yard or road. Its vitality is tenacious, and it takes root wherever the seed falls.

  • If you can't buy this vegetable for 80 yuan a jin, you can eat it raw and nutritious like an egg is a gout buster.

    If you can't buy this vegetable for 80 yuan a jin, you can eat it raw and nutritious like an egg is a gout buster.

    When I saw this kind of vegetable for the first time, I thought it was a pickle, but it looked yellow and a little strange. A good-looking one would cost about 80 yuan a jin. Later learned that it is called chicory, is the best-selling high-end vegetables in Europe and the United States, there are few on the market.

  • The weeds cut by the roadside as brooms are picked to make dumplings are delicious, but the gout buster is so beautiful to be planted in a flowerpot.

    The weeds cut by the roadside as brooms are picked to make dumplings are delicious, but the gout buster is so beautiful to be planted in a flowerpot.

    There is a kind of roadside weed called broom grass, usually at the end of autumn, its branches and leaves can be cut down and tied up with rope to be used as a broom to sweep the yard or road. Its vitality is tenacious, and it takes root wherever the seed falls.

  • Is vegetable Sturgeon seafood?

    Is vegetable Sturgeon seafood?

    Vegetable Sturgeon scientific name Scylla serrata, because of its blue shell edge has a serrated engraving, Fujian people will be divided into vegetable Sturgeon and red Sturgeon two kinds. So, is vegetable Sturgeon seafood? Is vegetable Sturgeon seafood? vegetable Sturgeon is seafood. Its nutritional value is extremely high, for children at night.

    2020-11-11 Vegetable Sturgeon yes seafood Mo vegetable Sturgeon scientific name Scylla green crab because of its
  • What are the effects and effects of Pueraria lobata? Can you get rid of alcohol? Can I get breast augmentation? How much half a kilo?

    What are the effects and effects of Pueraria lobata? Can you get rid of alcohol? Can I get breast augmentation? How much half a kilo?

    Pueraria lobata is one of the more common traditional Chinese medicine in our life. It is planted in Hunan, Hubei, Zhejiang, Shandong and other areas of our country, and is generally concentrated in autumn and winter. The medicinal site of Pueraria lobata belongs to the dry root, which has a lot of benefits to the human body and can stop cough.

    2020-11-09 Kudzu root its effect which can it relieve alcoholism?